Your project is amazing, for sure.Not really. I'm honestly struggling right now. Like I had some stuff written at the time of the start of the month but didn't and still don't feel like there's enough of it or that there's enough associated gameplay to go along with it to make up an update. I announced a delay for the update but that was like a week ago and I still don't feel any better about it and haven't actually gotten much additional stuff done since then and I don't know what I should do or say. Saying nothing is obviously bad, like I probably shouldn't even reply to this right now because I can't think of anything particularly positive to say because my mental health isn't in a place where positivity/optimism is possible. In regards to both the game in specific and life in general, it just feels like I really need help that I'm not getting and also can't realistically expect TO get from anyone.
I hope your still good out there. Recover step by step, at your own pace.
When you will feel better, come back here to let us know, I think all of us want the best for you.