
Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Yooo, what's all this Eric is a wimp stuff? Simply because he's trusting of his girlfriend, gives her room, and doesn't pressure her?
Dude eagerly runs into a fight he knows he can't win and gives up comfort and safety for a harsh and relatively dangerously life in Somalia because he feels it's the right thing to do. I don't see him as a wimp at all.
In the real world, I would agree that what he is doing is much more dangerous and Honorable than anyone else in the story. Unfortunately in the porn game, he's been relegated to the "beta male" role which really isn't that fair. Honestly aside from Dave, most of the males in the game have few redeeming features. Thank god for the hot women :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
The thing is, i prefer to be hedonist in this game. Live life, use all guys how Ash wants, and... enjoy. Much prefer to be Ethan, than to be "friend" of Jack, Wilson, Edgar and other shit. His and mother's opinion is not wrong to me, it's just different than mine. I personally know many people with such hedonistic and "i don't care about others" personality. They're not purely evil. And it's not like there is much of altruists anyway. Yeah, mom don't really care about Ash anymore. She's bad mother, and it's her mistake, to think that "Ashley isn't child anymore, but young woman". But in this situation i can forgive and forget. She's her mother anyway, and she's better than lazy ass father. It's not like she's got million relatives. And i hope there would be multiple chances for Mom to redeem herself.
Maybe it's the people I've met but most "hedonistic" people who "don't care about others" are self-absorbed assholes who bring very little of value to the world. Don't get me wrong, in the game I'm more than happy to be self-absorbed and do what's right for only me but that's OK since I'm the MC :) Then thing that gets me about the mom is the degree by which she's only about herself and her boss. Admittedly in the game you might not have a chance to see any other sides but the ones presented so far are not positive. Honestly, like a few others have stated, I would prefer to see a redemption path for Jessica (so long as it is with Ash)
Apr 24, 2017
In the real world, I would agree that what he is doing is much more dangerous and Honorable than anyone else in the story. Unfortunately in the porn game, he's been relegated to the "beta male" role which really isn't that fair. Honestly aside from Dave, most of the males in the game have few redeeming features. Thank god for the hot women :)
Yeah seems fair, if Ash's perception is changing so drastically of the world around her, her love interests would change too. Now, to be honest Eric would never fall in love with a girl ash is changing into and so there would never be the perception of Eric is a wimp but since we can see the changes in her and all the guys that intrigues her, we tend to conclude that he is out of place,


New Member
Jul 20, 2017
Sorry, I'm looking for the path to jack Tyron off as seen on some screenshots.
Searched the whole game but only get to kiss him (or to fuck Jack)...


Active Member
Oct 1, 2016
It's fine if you don't like muscular strong girls with sweat and stuff. But it's a fetish. Not mine, but occasionally i like such girls. Especially in sports. And dominant girls\shemales is liked by some people too.

We don't know whole story about Jack, but he's pretty terrible person (like someone said "i don't care about others" type), and doing drugs. Pretty forceful in his "affections" too. I don't know... Jasmin didn't rape Ash, and in my eyes it was more of a joke than something serious. Yeah, she's forceful with a girls she likes (because she's obviously confident in her sexual abilities, and that everyone somehow likes and want her), but not a rapist. It's more serious deal. And i see glint of something good deep down. Anyway, it's just opinions. If you like character, even "bad" one, you somehow trying to defend them. I don't like Jack, but Jasmin is my type.
Ayy i feel the same way, Jack, Tyronne ( or just one n ) are some walking cliché , its funny as fuck, im just ignoring them, they are useless and really not interesting, dave on the other hand is kinda what i want for ash for a stable relation,Jasmin i gotta admit im interested in whats gonna happen with her, and im hoping so see more with ash dad, snap i think i ranted again :p


That's still rape. At least that would get you a rape charge where I live.
I believe rape is technically defined as male forcing PIV sex on a woman but the term is generally used interchangeably with "sexual assault" in my experience (online and offline).


Jun 15, 2017
Man, the bar for being a decent person (even in porn) is really damn low in a lot of people's books, apparently.


Jun 15, 2017
I believe rape is technically defined as male forcing PIV sex on a woman but the term is generally used interchangeably with "sexual assault" in my experience (online and offline).
The definition of rape is: unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

There are probably jurisdictions in the United States (the area that I'm most familiar with) that use that very outmoded definition, but that has more to do with the simple fact that the crime itself has been generally renamed to variations of sexual assault or battery.


Maybe. For me, it's not so horrible. I'm not expert, but like i said, it seems pretty innocent to me in this situation. Just few lines in dialog, and she enjoyed it 100%
Sexual pleasure =/= consent.
The body naturally responds to stimuli, that doesn't imply consent (or that they wanted it).


Jun 28, 2017
I think there is some more nuance to Jack's character than people give him credit for. At the drinking night, with enough good girl points, you get to ask him if he's ever been in love. And he doesn't answer. But it's obvious: This guy was in love, and he was hurt. Deeply, madly in love, and his heart got crushed brutally. That's why he surrounds himself with this aura of unapproachable invulnerability, and even the rap star Tyrone seems like a big softie compared to him. He's using women to keep himself from being used by a woman again. I can totally see a good girl route where you don't sleep with him and then it turns into some sort of 50 shades where the vulnerable good girl tries to help the "bad guy" overcome his insecurities, "heals" his emotional wounds and allows him to love again.

What kind of breaks that (as in: writer fail) is when you don't sleep with him and he treats you the same way either way. Not having sex with him should challenge his narcissism and he'd chase you even harder, and thus lead the mentioned possible path of redemption. But I guess the writer found an actually settled down Jack not as exciting as confronting Ashley with a series of more predators.

Speaking of which, the massage scene with Jasmin is not rapey in my opinion. Ashley gets the opportunity to chicken out, where Jasmin doesn't forcefully restrain her (except in Good Girl Ashs masochist fantasy) and instead it's more like a "Calm Down" which is perfectly ok. To make the scene rapey, you'd have to have the opportunity to really (physically) try to get off the table, not just express some verbal hesitation, and have Jasmin really (physically) restrain you. But obviously that doesn't work, it's near impossible to keep someone struggling on a massage table like that, much less is it realistic to actually rape someone in a semi-doorless (?) massage cabin with people outside impatiently waiting certainly hearing the sounds of struggle and screams.

The problem of the scene is that you (as the player playing Good Girl Ash) don't get this second opportunity "No really, I'm outta here" after Jasmin calms good girl Ashley down, now forcing you to endure the scene while the Ashley as written is simply indulging in her masochist fantasy again without actually trying to get away. Mind you, a bad girl Ashley just leaves right away without the slightest struggle, again showing that there is no physical force from Jasmin involved in keeping Good Girl Ashley on the table, the only force here being her paralyzing masochism


Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
Maybe. For me, it's not so horrible. I'm not expert, but like i said, it seems pretty innocent to me in this situation. Just few lines in dialog, and she enjoyed it 100%
This is the sort of thing I can see happening with people who watch too much porn/hentai and have little to no knowledge on how the real world works. Some idiot might think its ok to rape people just because their victims tend to react with arousal to their (unwated) stimuli. The body will always react but that doesn't excuse the horrible act itself nor those who practice it in real life - if its not desired from the start then its considered rape/sexual assault, period.

You don't have to penetrate someone in any way for it to be sexual assault. Merely running your fingers over them if they don't want to be touched, in a sexual way, and not backing off when asked to, can be considered an invasion of privacy and the simple act of putting them in such an uncomfortable position actually reminds me of bullying and cornering prey. Its not nice. If Jasmin was a real person, acting as she does, she would have been in trouble.

Luckily this is just a videogame. Couldn't careless about what is said and done in a pixelated world.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
Do you Think there will be an oppurtunity for Ashley to fall in love again (in the context of the game) or just hunt new experiences, even as "good" Ashley?


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
Sexual pleasure =/= consent.
The body naturally responds to stimuli, that doesn't imply consent (or that they wanted it).
This is the sort of thing I can see happening with people who watch too much porn/hentai and have little to no knowledge on how the real world works. Some idiot might think its ok to rape people just because their victims tend to react with arousal to their (unwated) stimuli. The body will always react but that doesn't excuse the horrible act itself nor those who practice it in real life - if its not desired from the start then its considered rape/sexual assault, period.

You don't have to penetrate someone in any way for it to be sexual assault. Merely running your fingers over them if they don't want to be touched, in a sexual way, and not backing off when asked to, can be considered an invasion of privacy and the simple act of putting them in such an uncomfortable position actually reminds me of bullying and cornering prey. Its not nice. If Jasmin was a real person, acting as she does, she would have been in trouble.

Luckily this is just a videogame. Couldn't careless about what is said and done in a pixelated world.
I know about all that perfectly well, and you can call me "idiot" and blindly attacking me all you want, but you didn't understand what i mean at all. Maybe my english isn't very good, maybe i was sleepy when i said that. But it was stupid. Believe me, i know how real world works, what "rape" is etc. But if this user never told me about this scene being "rape", most probably i never even think about it that way. It's just 2-3 lines of text. Scene isn't changed. You can call this whole game a rape, i know people who do, there is a ton of such situations. If it was happening in real life, of course my reaction would be different. And like you said, it's just a game. Fantasy, and not serious to me.

Speaking of which, the massage scene with Jasmin is not rapey in my opinion. Ashley gets the opportunity to chicken out, where Jasmin doesn't forcefully restrain her (except in Good Girl Ashs masochist fantasy) and instead it's more like a "Calm Down" which is perfectly ok. To make the scene rapey, you'd have to have the opportunity to really (physically) try to get off the table, not just express some verbal hesitation, and have Jasmin really (physically) restrain you. But obviously that doesn't work, it's near impossible to keep someone struggling on a massage table like that, much less is it realistic to actually rape someone in a semi-doorless (?) massage cabin with people outside impatiently waiting certainly hearing the sounds of struggle and screams.

The problem of the scene is that you (as the player playing Good Girl Ash) don't get this second opportunity "No really, I'm outta here" after Jasmin calms good girl Ashley down, now forcing you to endure the scene while the Ashley as written is simply indulging in her masochist fantasy again without actually trying to get away. Mind you, a bad girl Ashley just leaves right away without the slightest struggle, again showing that there is no physical force from Jasmin involved in keeping Good Girl Ashley on the table, the only force here being her paralyzing masochism
Exactly. At least someone who understand situation and trying to analyze it. Not just attacking and insulting. It wasn't "rape" in my opinion, and i don't think it's gonna change. Let it be maso fantasy for Ash.

I think there is some more nuance to Jack's character than people give him credit for. At the drinking night, with enough good girl points, you get to ask him if he's ever been in love. And he doesn't answer. But it's obvious: This guy was in love, and he was hurt. Deeply, madly in love, and his heart got crushed brutally. That's why he surrounds himself with this aura of unapproachable invulnerability, and even the rap star Tyrone seems like a big softie compared to him. He's using women to keep himself from being used by a woman again. I can totally see a good girl route where you don't sleep with him and then it turns into some sort of 50 shades where the vulnerable good girl tries to help the "bad guy" overcome his insecurities, "heals" his emotional wounds and allows him to love again.

What kind of breaks that (as in: writer fail) is when you don't sleep with him and he treats you the same way either way. Not having sex with him should challenge his narcissism and he'd chase you even harder, and thus lead the mentioned possible path of redemption. But I guess the writer found an actually settled down Jack not as exciting as confronting Ashley with a series of more predators.T
I know about this situation with Jack, like he's been in love and stuff, but like i said, i just don't like him as character and possible partner to Ash. Eva probably think so too.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
Man, the bar for being a decent person (even in porn) is really damn low in a lot of people's books, apparently.
I never said anything about who is "decent person". But i know who is shit in this game. And there a ton of it. No one is good or saint, even Dave, Eric "the wimp", and others. If you don't like my opinion about Jasmin and Mom, it's okay.

Do you Think there will be an oppurtunity for Ashley to fall in love again (in the context of the game) or just hunt new experiences, even as "good" Ashley?
Yeah, i definitely think she will fall in love again, and in both routes possibly. There is such characters. Dave for example. She's not gonna be slut forever.

Y'all know this is only. a. game.?
I don't think so. Some people seriously talking about real life events, others about fantasy. And can't understand one another. At least it's difficult.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
But if this user never told me about this scene being "rape", most probably i never even think about it that way. It's just 2-3 lines of text. Scene isn't changed. You can call this whole game a rape, i know people who do, there is a ton of such situations.
I don't think that's true. The scene has actual penetration (of fingers) after Ashley explicitly says no, tries to leave and is forcibly prevented. There is force and coercion used. That is textbook rape, and very different from all of the other sexual interactions in the story except for the latest encounter with Wilson (which in many of the playthroughs will also be rape).

I agree that this is fiction, and people like rape roleplay, so I am not offended by it in any way. I think it was quite hot. But you should call it what it is.


May 11, 2017
Yes, there are. If you have 10-11 good karma points if you only make out with the gangbanger (but no give him a blowjob) after the fight you can select the option "Make excuses" and Eric will believe you, then that night at his home you can ask him for an open relationship and he will accept. Later on you can fuck Doug and tell it to Eric when you speak with him at the phone, again he will not dump you. Closeted cuck (at least going that route)? Maybe I guess.
Does she tell Eric about Doug? I thought she kept it from him?


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
I don't think that's true. The scene has actual penetration (of fingers) after Ashley explicitly says no, tries to leave and is forcibly prevented. There is force and coercion used. That is textbook rape, and very different from all of the other sexual interactions in the story except for the latest encounter with Wilson (which in many of the playthroughs will also be rape).

I agree that this is fiction, and people like rape roleplay, so I am not offended by it in any way. I think it was quite hot. But you should call it what it is.
But what about Jack? When he kisses Ash or Eva and other stuff in club? Is it rape? He then fucks Eva\Ash, when they drugged in different routes. And there is many situations of sexual assault. Edgar, Dad, Eric's dad, Tyrone etc. there is "unwanted affections" with most of the male characters. When they kiss and touch Ashley or Eva. They use them when they drunk, sleeping, or drugged. With or without consent. Yes, you right, she says "no" in Jasmin scene. She never did that before. But still... i don't know.
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Super User
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Do you Think there will be an oppurtunity for Ashley to fall in love again (in the context of the game) or just hunt new experiences, even as "good" Ashley?
Yep, the lesbian route with Eva looks like the average love crush to me, and I'm sure there's gonna be some Love routes, It's a VN after all.
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