I think it's about time to incorporate some endings into this game in order to trim the gargantuan number of branches that grow with each update.
Here is one that could close off in an ending:
The Mexicans... We all know where this line is going. Dead, or in prison. That could be an entire update that closes off that particular branch. Ashley winds up dead from drug overdose, or going to prison for some drug shit, maybe even prostitution, or killing someone with them. They could have a few scenes on prison life in that one, maybe some new tats, and she goes full on bull dyke, or maybe she just gets a warrant and runs from the cops moves to mexico or some shit to live as slave girl to Wilson...
"Settling down" options:
There are two guys I see her possibly settling down with seriously. This could be triggered upon one of them asking her hand in marriage, and her accepting. (If she rejects them it should be a good bye to that character for other lines, unless something serious changes that.) Eric, or Dave are the two main candidates here. In such a route there would be a bit of fast forwarding... Maybe the hen party with option to cheat or not. At this point there should be the wedding ceremony, and I think this could be a good time for a bit of exposition maybe like a 1980s style montage fast forwarding time to when Ashley is like 30 or 35, and married for 10 or 15 years... Been a faithful wife. Probably a mom. It's at this point the story continues. Maybe she gets bored of being the good mother, and wife. The bad girl options open up again for the soccer mom version of Ashley. Maybe have the option to have the Ashelys dad live with the family at this point (where he pervs on her) or be like fuck it you live in the home dirty old man. (where is gotten rid of, and probably dies).
"Lesbian" options:
I think if you never fuck any of the guys, and focus on only the girls in the game some point it should branch off to only lesbian options.
At some point it might be best for new games, or minigames within the game to be created as spin offs from this one. The updates are already starting to slow down though. The variety, and stark contrast between characters means we all get some we enjoy interacting with, and some not so much. Personally I'm not a fan of when you fuck the chad / douchebag type characters Jack or little Jack (doug). Nor am I much of a fan for those mexican thugs. Dave seems like a good guy that could be some fun, same with Eva. Got the option to have that nasty mexican dick twice now, but none from Dave yet? Haven't even seen his dick yet, and he has had a lot of scenes too! I mean hell, even the tranny that you only seen 3 times is way more sexual than dave.