What about Iris? She's drugged, tricked into fucking her own dad and she doesn't have much choice in the case. What about people that Wilson stabs in the club? Or the fact that he's A FREAKING DRUG DEALER.
It really seems like you have some personal issues with Jasmine (I don't really care to learn more about those) and I'm more inclined to believe Dysphorika's reason about character backer tier. Just wanted to point out that this whole "but if she does what they want from the start - they don't hurt her or her loved ones" phrase... yeah. Sounds super icky, dude. If this was real life, I'd do my best to throw Wilson, Arthur and Jasmin in jail but if you gonna continue arguing that guys who actually physically assault, rape, steal, drug, sell those drugs and blackmail people (or even drug and rape their own daughter ffs) are better people than a person who felt MC up, I don't think I even want to bother.