On the topic of polls, out of pure curiosity what was the results of the "Audience Poll" from earlier this month? I didn't see it in this thread, and despite my understanding that the poll is open to anyone I am unable to view the final tally. On my end I see a static vote count of 1200 (which I suspect means that the poll has concluded) and no way to see the results of the poll. Unlike other games, and I say this with all due respect, I can see how Eva's game (which is thoughtfully and wonderfully made^[1]) may garner a greater appeal from women and transgender folks. And while I hope Eva doesn't deliberately change the game due to the results of this poll, I am genuinely curious just as the creator had been prior to the poll. Below is a link to the poll in question:
You must be registered to see the links
[1] The game is very well made even at this stage and the sole designer, Eva Kiss, obviously took time to develop some complicated paths and interactions in this VN--"coherent" is the word she has used several times in her pitch, and rightly so. The art is refreshing and a welcome change from the plethora of similar looking renders in other games on Patreon. (I honestly don't know if Eva identifies as "she", but I'm just going to roll with that due to my perception and understanding of the creator's handle and the nature of her game until proven otherwise.) I especially appreciate and applaud the effort by the creator to put the time into her game in
squishing bugs--an important and often overlooked step by other content creators. By the creator's own admission, Eva said that English is not her main language. I find this final statement quite surprising. Either Eva gets a lot of quality assistance in proofreading the game's text, or she's very humble and underestimates her own competence and mastery of English. There are many other games in development, which I can name but will not, that are created by authors who claim English as their primary language and
can't write worth a darn, or "coherently"! I digress. In short, Eva's game is great! ;P
I'm going to go and make some tea. Stay awesome you guys and thanks in advance regarding the "Audience Poll".