Even Hakenkreuz is originated from ancient german peoples' symbol. However, we notice it as a symbol of militarism. The biggest difference between Japan and the German government is a sense of guilt. Every time they have a chance, the German government and people try to show that their last action was wrong, but how about the Japanese? They have ignored victims' pain. The worst thing is they have made some images. They always say the Rising Sung Flag is their old symbol. Yes, it was. But what about Hakenkreuz? Look at my last picture. The national flag of Japan was and is their national flag, but their army used the Rising Sun Flag as their symbol. And now, they don't teach their last mistake and just teach or tell that they had big damage by the USA with the little boy and fat boy. Even their people do not know what they did. And they and western people say 'some' Asians overdo it. We don't hate their culture. But, can you imagine german people hang the Hakenkreuz in their house and swag the flag at their sports events? Most Japanese don't notice that the Rising Sun Flag is like Hakenkreuz because they didn't learn. They just have learned that it is their beautiful and old culture, and introduce like that to the western. After all, it works very well.