This was a fantastic sweet little wholesome game. Just 100%'d it. Felt brokenhearted when the "thanks for playing" screen came on, really wanted to continue the adventures with them in the Capital city. I know Gran Ende III will be with two female protags that aren't Yuno, but I really hope they make another Gran Ende with this Protagonist+Yuno pair again.
Engaging story, fun combat (some might consider it a little grindy, but I got to level 50 before ending the game just making sure to kill every single enemy on maps that are at my level whenever I walked across them, and grinding the Seabed Cavern floor 4 area subjugation some 5 or 6 times for cash (10 encounters = 6K Eld, not bad at all!).
Violet Dragon wasn't too bad, I already had all the best gear possible (besides the gear you get for beating the VD, obviously) and Blessed Necklace + Liese's Necklace for MC and the Blessed Necklace + Trial 3 Cloak for Yuno took care of most negative conditions/debuffs.
Overall, very enjoyable. I might go and give Gran Ende 1 a try, since I hadn't played it before, even though I read it's very different from GE2.