It is my first time playing. I started with version .13
It is a great game. That said I have experinced the same bug many have.
"Millibelle's quest says "Go outside" but when I do that nothing happens."
So it seems I am stuck.
I have gotten Catgirl,doggirl,bunnygirl,and spider girl pregnant before the event triggered(2x each at least most 4+ times now). After two weeks or so nothing new has happened and everyone has event "work with other characters" with the only single event available being Millibelle's.
Any guidance on this? I have read most all of the thread and saw a script posted that "fixed" it for an older version. Not risking breaking my game trying it though.
I have run no mods and did no cheats(day 247 currently).
I never put anyone on suppressants either. Still have not(I have a ton of kids lol....not even sure how many at this point. I think around 15 or so. I do read to them

I have seen all surveillance video,all childrens growing up(for the four I got pregnant all with at least 2 each). Watched all porn including the one staring Blank blank blank....and done ever bath scene I can,every living room event I can,and every bedroom/sex event I could,every chat I could. 29/29 scenes unlocked. Not a single event(even finished all the Sophia training I could with others)left that I can do unti.......
I get past.....Millibelle's quest.
Still stuck though on "go outside" quest for Millibelle's. Help?
I gave up trying ways to get the quest from my game. So what I did was load a save from and focused all my attention on getting Millibelle to give me the quest again. Sex,pats,conversation when * it worked she gave the quest and it happened the very next day. Also if you go this route to not get anyone pregnant before her quest and a couple others or you will have to wait for the dinner event as it follows fairly quickly in the quest line. thought I would share. Now I have every girl pregnant,the dungeon(something I had not even seen before)and have moved the story much further along that I had previously.