Don't have a set change log. Working on it. But for a quick in dirty, as it stands, the first release of Grolokk Chapter 2 (ver0.3, still unfinished) will include aroundGive us the changelog or the game!
-30-45 minute game-play,
-Around a dozen new scenes.
-Access to several new maps including a larger, more in-depth town.
-Chapter one.
-An option when you start to begin at Chapter 1, or Chapter 2, so don't worry if you don't have save games.
Cuz they've been tossing me a few bucks, I opted to give patreon supporters an early release of the game (which also acts as a beta of sorts) I think it's a fair trade. The public version will be out soon. Moving forward, I'll be planning on dropping new content for the game more regularly, so new content around every month or so instead of a 6 month wait, as a lot of the foundational work has been done. Thanks all for being patient, I know it sucks but the public version will be out soon!