Unity Guild Project [v0.29.0] [Guild Project]

3.30 star(s) 4 Votes


May 16, 2018
Saw this on another site and was wondering when it would pop up here. Really like the art, and gameplay seems fine for now although there isn't much to comment on. Favourite thing I'm looking forward to is how the game isn't full of big tits everywhere, which is quite rare for H games.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
For now i have only 2 gripes with this and one of them is just side effect of early development.

#1 Combat is lacking any tactical depth at the moment to the level of it might not even be there.

#2 There is not enough plot, as in story, there is however "plot" as animation with no context. This will probably be fixed further down the development. Will be happy to see some plot to go with "plot".


Mar 2, 2018
I am a guy, and prefer to play female protagonist games, and also prefer girl/girl scenes. I can't really tell you why, I just prefer it. I play tabletop RPG's and usually play a female, and all of my characters are only interested in girls/women.
In games that have a female protag. and you are required to have sex with guys, I just put myself in a mindset of a viewer instead of "as" the protagonist. I joke that I may just be a male lesbian... lol.
There's a reason why lesbian porn is always among the very top of the most popular categories. Guys like watching two (or more) hot people - both of whom they want to fuck - fuck each other.

With that said, I've always found guys who like playing female characters sort of odd in a way, though, especially when it's in regular games and outside of any kind of explicitly sexual context. Whenever I've had this topic spring up with friends, they always go "why would you want to look at a guy's ass instead of a girl's ass", which...I mean, I'm on F95Zone, so maybe I'm misrepresenting myself and my level of compartmentalization here without knowing it, but fucking what? Apparently a part of immersing yourself into self-insert characters is wanting to jerk off to them (and on top of that, games can't be played 'cause they're fun and/or memorable narrative experiences, but they have to be played to get aroused)?

Of course, there's a lot that goes into what appeals to different people about playing certain characters, but I've personally always preferred playing male characters, in both porn games and regular games. In something like Overwatch, I don't really give a shit what a character looks like and what gender they are, and I just care about how they play, but a lot of games (including most porn games) let you create your own character, or leave characterization of your character vague (lack of dialogue, first-person perspective etc); women are hot, but in an emotional context, I am very content being a man - in a role opposite women - and I prefer seeing girl/guy scenes.

A large part of (what makes) the fantasy (appealing) in both regular games and porn games is self-insertion for me. Of course, I don't put all media that's out there into this binary dichotomy of viewer vs participant (seeing as I'm fine watching regular porn where I very consciously know both of the people involved as separate entities from me etc, where other factors come into play to make it appealing for me), but I've never quite understood people to whom primarily more...voyeuristic fantasies appeal. To me, it's all about self-inserting myself in a character to an extent, or at least seeing characters in a situation analogous to what I'd like seeing myself in.

Also, don't ask me why I'm going on this long essay about this shit. I just like typing.


Aug 6, 2017
There's a reason why lesbian porn is always among the very top of the most popular categories. Guys like watching two (or more) hot people - both of whom they want to fuck - fuck each other.

With that said, I've always found guys who like playing female characters sort of odd in a way, though, especially when it's in regular games and outside of any kind of explicitly sexual context. Whenever I've had this topic spring up with friends, they always go "why would you want to look at a guy's ass instead of a girl's ass", which...I mean, I'm on F95Zone, so maybe I'm misrepresenting myself and my level of compartmentalization here without knowing it, but fucking what? Apparently a part of immersing yourself into self-insert characters is wanting to jerk off to them (and on top of that, games can't be played 'cause they're fun and/or memorable narrative experiences, but they have to be played to get aroused)?

Of course, there's a lot that goes into what appeals to different people about playing certain characters, but I've personally always preferred playing male characters, in both porn games and regular games. In something like Overwatch, I don't really give a shit what a character looks like and what gender they are, and I just care about how they play, but a lot of games (including most porn games) let you create your own character, or leave characterization of your character vague (lack of dialogue, first-person perspective etc); women are hot, but in an emotional context, I am very content being a man - in a role opposite women - and I prefer seeing girl/guy scenes.

A large part of (what makes) the fantasy (appealing) in both regular games and porn games is self-insertion for me. Of course, I don't put all media that's out there into this binary dichotomy of viewer vs participant (seeing as I'm fine watching regular porn where I very consciously know both of the people involved as separate entities from me etc, where other factors come into play to make it appealing for me), but I've never quite understood people to whom primarily more...voyeuristic fantasies appeal. To me, it's all about self-inserting myself in a character to an extent, or at least seeing characters in a situation analogous to what I'd like seeing myself in.

Also, don't ask me why I'm going on this long essay about this shit. I just like typing.
I'm high and had fun reading it so yeah


Jul 25, 2018
There's a reason why lesbian porn is always among the very top of the most popular categories. Guys like watching two (or more) hot people - both of whom they want to fuck - fuck each other.

With that said, I've always found guys who like playing female characters sort of odd in a way, though, especially when it's in regular games and outside of any kind of explicitly sexual context. Whenever I've had this topic spring up with friends, they always go "why would you want to look at a guy's ass instead of a girl's ass", which...I mean, I'm on F95Zone, so maybe I'm misrepresenting myself and my level of compartmentalization here without knowing it, but fucking what? Apparently a part of immersing yourself into self-insert characters is wanting to jerk off to them (and on top of that, games can't be played 'cause they're fun and/or memorable narrative experiences, but they have to be played to get aroused)?

Of course, there's a lot that goes into what appeals to different people about playing certain characters, but I've personally always preferred playing male characters, in both porn games and regular games. In something like Overwatch, I don't really give a shit what a character looks like and what gender they are, and I just care about how they play, but a lot of games (including most porn games) let you create your own character, or leave characterization of your character vague (lack of dialogue, first-person perspective etc); women are hot, but in an emotional context, I am very content being a man - in a role opposite women - and I prefer seeing girl/guy scenes.

A large part of (what makes) the fantasy (appealing) in both regular games and porn games is self-insertion for me. Of course, I don't put all media that's out there into this binary dichotomy of viewer vs participant (seeing as I'm fine watching regular porn where I very consciously know both of the people involved as separate entities from me etc, where other factors come into play to make it appealing for me), but I've never quite understood people to whom primarily more...voyeuristic fantasies appeal. To me, it's all about self-inserting myself in a character to an extent, or at least seeing characters in a situation analogous to what I'd like seeing myself in.

Also, don't ask me why I'm going on this long essay about this shit. I just like typing.
Self-insertion isn't for everyone. Also, assuming people want to jerk off to every character is a gross overstatement. Both of these misconceptions come from a very shallow judgement of what people find appealing about gaming, fiction, porn and escapism in general.
People can still be fully immersed in any kind of fiction no matter how different the main character is from the real life person experiencing it. When it comes to porn games especially, it makes perfect sense that straight men who obviously find females attractive would like to see a story about an attractive female main character having sex with other attractive female or male characters.
Self-insertion always needs to be selective anyway. If someone is, for instance, an average person in real life with an accounting job they can probably still insert themselves into the role of a successful CEO or a perverted bum even if those don't fully match their real life. For you in particular the character's gender might be a deal-breaker but you can clearly put yourself in the shoes of characters who are different than you. Other people, such as males who like playing female characters, don't find that a fictional character not having the same gender as their IRL selves to be a block at all.


Mar 2, 2018
Also, assuming people want to jerk off to every character is a gross overstatement. Both of these misconceptions come from a very shallow judgement of what people find appealing about gaming, fiction, porn and escapism in general.
...did you miss the part where "jerking off to every character" directly related to a personal anecdote of what specific friends have told me in the past...? Literally nowhere did I even vaguely make the beginnings of an implication that people "want to jerk off to every character". In fact, I did the polar opposite. The only thing shallow here is your comprehension of what I wrote.

People can still be fully immersed in any kind of fiction no matter how different the main character is from the real life person experiencing it. When it comes to porn games especially, it makes perfect sense that straight men who obviously find females attractive would like to see a story about an attractive female main character having sex with other attractive female or male characters.
Two points I'd like to make here. Firstly, the second half of this paragraph has close to nothing to do with the first. I like seeing attractive females having sex with other attractive females too; however, that isn't due to the appeal of self-insertion.

Also, immersion isn't synonymous with self-insertion; I get fully immersed in The Witcher 3 (just to use an example) in every sense of immersion I can have (except perhaps physical, I guess), because I live into the character. I'm affected by what he has to go through, and I feel for what he feels. I emphasize with his struggles, and I do find parts of my own personality reflected in Geralt. On the flip side, I am into Ciri porn, both in contexts with and without Geralt, despite being fully aware that Geralt himself would find that revolting. It sounds contradictory, but it's not, because - unlike how you accused me earlier of having a shallow judgment - human feelings (including - and especially - empathy) and attraction are multi-layered, sometimes situational, deep, and can not be framed in these black-and-white dichotomies brought forth by such a shallow judgment.

Also, you do realize you're just telling me what I (and everybody else) already know(s), right? My whole post is just about my own opinion on it and how I feel. There is not a single sentence that implies I think any of it applies to everybody, or even the majority. I realize you're probably going to say something like "I was just discussing the topic in general", but you made some remarks in a pretty accusatory manner, but they wildly miss their mark. The entirety of my post was just me expressing my own perspective and opinion on the matter, without accusing or dictating anything anybody else does or thinks.

Self-insertion always needs to be selective anyway. If someone is, for instance, an average person in real life with an accounting job they can probably still insert themselves into the role of a successful CEO or a perverted bum even if those don't fully match their real life. For you in particular the character's gender might be a deal-breaker but you can clearly put yourself in the shoes of characters who are different than you. Other people, such as males who like playing female characters, don't find that a fictional character not having the same gender as their IRL selves to be a block at all.
This is a fair point in general. It's also why I don't identify with every single male character I have ever played as - there's always facets to any character that might be especially jarring to an individual, and break the self-insertion immersion, no doubt. Also, it is definitely possible to create a female character that I identify with more than a male character, which has been the case in a lot of non-explicit games I play. However, I think gender is a pretty big part of a person, and going into all the various ways somebody's gender affects both the way they see and interact with the world around them would take up waaay too much space, and too much time to write up, but they're more numerous than you might think.

At the end of the day, this part of your post is valid; it's just that most of the time, especially in porn games specifically, self-insertion is dictated a lot more by your gender, 'cause you can't really completely identify with the sexual realities of being a gender that you aren't in real life, and any self-insertion you project onto that character is purely psychological. Other facets of a character (beyond their gender) can, of course, affect how much you feel you can self-insert yourself into a character as well, but none of that makes gender irrelevant or superfluous.
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Feb 16, 2018
can someone explain why u would want to play as a female protag, i just feel gay playing as a female protag
They're fun to torment. For a lot of us, it really does come down to that after you strip away the justifications that we use to pretend we're nice people.

Some people have voyeuristic tendencies, for them, looking in on a character that attracts them is preferable (can apply to male protag's too).

For those that immerse themselves into characters, there;s probably gender identity stuff that could make it appeal (my understanding of that whole topic is pretty vague, so possibly wrong).

Other people just plain hate thier lives, and it's an escapisism thing. Presumably works better the further off they go from what they are in real life.

Plenty of other reasons too I'm sure
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2018
Lots of things
I spent nearly 20 minutes writing an answer to you before I realized two things.

I was spending too many words on defending myself from each part of your thorough scrutiny of my comment instead of actually discussing the topic I wanted to discuss in the first place.
Let me start right away by establishing that I do in fact like to "discuss the topic in general". Personal attacks and arguments about specific individuals are uninteresting and pointless to me on an anonymous internet forum.
I never intended to come off as hostile but I guess I should have known by now that people on the internet like to make that assumption especially when using anything other than mild and innoffensive words. If you felt personally attacked, I'm sorry.
Your acquaintances and your relationship with them are of no relevance to me whatsoever. I wanted to use their statements about the MCs ass and your reaction to them to help with the topic and general points I wanted to make.

We already seem to agree on nearly everything anyway. I guess the disconnection happened because of different perspectives and poor wording on both our parts.
My comment was far too simple for how many ideas I wanted to convey with it. I got lazy.

Regardless of whether you wish to dismiss what I have to say or discuss further, your comments were nice to read and think about.
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May 8, 2018
well, it sure needs a lot more content to be honest but ill keep eye on this one and will download after few uploads


Active Member
Aug 5, 2017
do you have to start again with the new update? i can't access the areas with the previous save


Mar 2, 2018
You are spending hours of your life debating the matter of self-insertion into characters' mindsets in the thread of a porn game in F95Zone...
I didn't keep up with this thread for a long while, hence the super late reply, but this is kind of a banal comment to make, no offence. Every single person on Earth wastes hours upon hours of their lives doing stupid shit, whether for enjoyment or whatever other impulse pushes them to do it. Even those who aren't degenerates like us (who go on "adult" websites) don't maximize the merit of every single action they take. We're not robots, and the ability to just "chill" or do whatever at our own leisure (i.e. what we want to do for ourselves instead of what we think is the most productive or whatever to the world at large) is what keeps us from completely burning out anyway; though, I'll say that the ability for you (just to use an example) to judge time spent like this is a part of the human experience, so...you do you, I guess.

Also, it wasn't "hours" of my life; a part of why I enjoy typing so much in the first place is because I do it pretty fast.


Aug 3, 2018
Here's hoping this'll have male characters I could go after as a fem MC, straight vanilla route for girls are so much rarer... =u=;;


Dec 19, 2017
Apparently, version 0.0.12 is now out: New build, with a couple of new CG animations, newly implemented Voice acting/SFX, our first Ally character CG, as well as some minor improvements and bugs fixed : .

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Deleted member 1706148

Active Member
Oct 12, 2019
I like the art... and abs... also the freckles... that's it. not a fan of female mc but as long as it stays yuri i'am okay with it but alas it's not. unless that dick i saw belongs to a girl... but i didn't see the futa tag :/
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Oct 23, 2017
Fantastic artwork, uninteresting combat, very slow development - the kind of game I'd consider supporting if it was per-update, but for a per-month the updates need to add either a bunch of game or come frequently. As good as the artwork is (and why I presume updates are slow) there's enough nukige around that smutty art alone isn't enough.
3.30 star(s) 4 Votes