Sorry I didn't make myself clear enough the first time. I'm upset they aren't handling it already, I know it can't be instantly resolved. I'm upset they've decided to put the main situation on the back burner to simmer for the sole purpose of stringing along the audience because, as I've said, there's not a great in universe explanation. I'm sure some of you can pull something out of your ass and I'm not saying that it's not a valid explanation, but does it not worry you, at least a little, that in the assumed 4-5 updates they have set aside to handle this, they aren't actually handling it? You're not worried that it won't feel like a compressed resolution, or that it will feel drawn out for the sake of drama? Hell, the way things are going wouldn't be surprised to watch then pull off both.
But there's absolutely no reason those couldn't have been in an update with her slowly opening herself up to MC (or the truth) about things.
0.55 was so cramped with events or plot twists they had to set again the story frame for players.
Clarify the bases of the story from now on. 0.60 Is like the initial release of the second part of the story.
From all the shit thrown Into 0.55 make clear Whats important or not to the progression of the story.
So As expected there was nothing behind the schools toilet or the mcs fat clone scenes that wiil affect the future of the story.
They treated the panties in the room scene As a gig and not As a real cliffhanger, so the exposure of siblings relationship isnt imminent.
They highlighted that Haleys parents relationship (especially the one with her Mother) Is an issue. Didnt look deeper Into that. Its pending.
Postponed the mcs Mr Klaus confortation. But highlighted mcs will to do it. Pending
Backtracked from Haleys willingness to disquss the issue openly with MC. She Is now presented not ready to do so. Pending.
The resolution to the Haleys teacher case isnt easy and imminent but the only thing moving forward to that, Is victors envolvment. Pending
(they just had to possibly rape the 2nd main fc for that, and present someone revealing his Sister rape case to typical buddies or fuckbuddies but who are we to question the masterplan?)
Reminded the preexesting issue with siblings side relationships, and left all options open. Pending.
Gave glimpses of an ideal common feature for the couple, reminding all the challenges a relationship of such nature faces. Pending.
Couple Is having sex As nothing has happened so fappers are happy. Not pending.
(Well there Is the constant presence of the elephant in the room, and haley keeps adressing her brother in a way he thinks was adressing her rapist, but again who are we to question the masterplan).
So they had to set the frame of Whats coming in 0.60. Clear out Some shit from 0.55 while rearranging Some other. Yet again failing to avoid throwing Some additional shit with sandra case.
Against others opinion Last 2 updates havent depthened characters or story but widthened them. They should Stop bringing up additional elements to it before it becomes even more overbloated.
And Start dealing with Already established issues.
I dont know for ex for how long there gonna keep going with the daddy references. Its an issue easilly solvable. All it takes Is a direct disqussion in a meaningfull manner. Not in the autistic one presented in Last two updates.