
Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
She said she had a lot of sex with her three partners.

She'd only had sex with the MC once, so she obviously hadn't had a lot of sex with him.

She hasn't even kissed, much less had sex with, her (allegedly) 3 1/2-inch penis (that she mocks in an unsolicited context) boyfriend during the entire course of the game. She's clearly the dominant partner in that relationship and that's not her natural role. Is it more likely that this represents an unusual break or that it represents the normal state of their relationship? I believe the latter. I don't think she's had a lot of sex with Jack. I think she's had very little sex with Jack.

If I'm right, that means she's lying through her teeth in two of the three instances. So why wouldn't she be lying about the third?

We don't actually know that. We know Haley claimed this. We also know Haley thinks Klaus was at her instigation. All or none of these things may be true, but I absolutely don't consider Haley a reliable narrator when it comes to Klaus.
The timeframe for the game is only a few months, 2-3 at tops, while she's been probably together with Jake for a much longer time, possibly a year or more, so before they moved and she got the job, it is quite possible that they were together a lot. What happens in the game with them is that she's already got bored by him, and starts to get closer with the MC which she most likely don't want to jeopardize by having "loud and pretentious" intercourse when the dragon visits them. He was probably a nice distraction and sort of a way out for Haley, which combined his bed attitude (take it bitch and such, which indicates that the dude likes to be the dominant person in there at least), was nicely aligned with her interests.
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Sep 22, 2019
at the start of the game its already pretty obvious that haley isnt into jake anymore and wants to break up, even before he visits her she makes comments that point towards that *I thought I had more time* or somethin like that.
On top of that what might have pushed this is that after he changed his hair (which is mentioned when he visits) he doesnt look similar enough to her brother anymore. When he visits she seems to want nothing to do with him and I cant imagine thats what the entire relationship was like.
We know she had a thing for another boy, cant quite remember his name, was it nick?, because he looked like her brother, and it might just be the same thing with jake.
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Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
The timeframe for the game is only a few months, 2-3 at tops, while she's been probably together with Jake for a much longer time, possibly a year or more, so before they moved and she got the job, it is quite possible that they were together a lot. What happens in the game with them is that she's already got bored by him, and starts to get closer with the MC which she most likely don't want to jeopardize by having "loud and pretentious" intercourse when the dragon visits them. He was probably a nice distraction and sort of a way out for Haley, which combined his bed attitude (take it bitch and such, which indicates that the dude likes to be the dominant person in there at least), was nicely aligned with her interests.
I find it interesting that Haley ridicules the dominant role that Jack takes in their sex life, when that is EXACTLY what she wants. That is certainly what she wants from the MC. Perhaps yctracon has a point about Jack not looking enough like the MC anymore. While that may factor, I think it's just that she has a chance at the real thing now, and is rejecting a third-rate imitation of the MC.

EDIT: Changed name of Jake to Jack so I don't look quite so foolish. :whistle:
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I find it interesting that Haley ridicules the dominant role that Jake takes in their sex life, when that is EXACTLY what she wants. That is certainly what she wants from the MC. Perhaps yctracon has a point about Jake not looking enough like the MC anymore. While that may factor, I think it's just that she has a chance at the real thing now, and is rejecting a third-rate imitation of the MC.
I don't think it's just Jake not looking the part, but the fact that he can't really back up his dominating personality when push comes to shove. There's the size thing, where which the sex talk he uses comes off just ridiculous instead of serious, and there was the visiting weekend, where even he pushed away and just accepted it without a word. I don't know if he did because the whole dominating thing was a facade from his part, or was just a way to satisfy Haley, or he was scared what the MC would react if he tried to push Haley too far in front of him, but it came down him being a cat instead of a lion. In contrast, while the MC has a mild personality and lets himself pushed around for a bit, when he had enough, he switches up the gears and shows an actual dominance, which comes off more as the real thing, rather than a facade that falls apart pretty fast as in Jakes case.
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Jul 21, 2017
I find it interesting that Haley ridicules the dominant role that Jake takes in their sex life, when that is EXACTLY what she wants.
I think that's kind of an oversimplifcation of the issue. It's not that she has a problem with him trying to take a "dominant" role, it's that (no pun intended) that's only part of the package.

The Player Character is her counterpart in more ways than one. When she's wild, he tends to be more restrained. When she's down, he cheers her up. He's supportive when she needs it, and likewise, she does the same for him. Her relationship with Jack (at least from what we've seen) doesn't have these same layers. So, yes, he finds his "sex talk" ridiculous, but that's largely because it's not backed up by the other things she'd want out of a relationship.

The PC busts her chops all the time, and as a result she kind of thinks of him as a "worthy opponent." Their relationship is affectionate, caring, but also filled with constant moments of verbal sniping and it's rare when either one of them address the other with a sentiment other than sarcasm.

But that's the thing. Haley likes it that way. She comes across to me as someone who needs to have someone to keep her grounded. Someone to balance her, but someone who can also "keep up" with her. As in, someone who can take her bullshit and throw it right back. And, well, yeah, Jack does none of that. He comes across as a little needy, expecting her to show up for him, but all he gives back is porn-esque dialogue when they're in the bedroom. Not a solid foundation for a long-term relationship, and she's realizing that.


Jan 21, 2020
it really amazes me how much discussion about the plot is going on here and how invested we all really are in this story and the characters. it shows that it's a good story and well written VN i suppose. and well lets be real the last update was quite a cliffhanger update lol!


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
It's been a while since I
I find it interesting that Haley ridicules the dominant role that Jake takes in their sex life, when that is EXACTLY what she wants. That is certainly what she wants from the MC. Perhaps yctracon has a point about Jake not looking enough like the MC anymore. While that may factor, I think it's just that she has a chance at the real thing now, and is rejecting a third-rate imitation of the MC.
I can't speak from personal experience, obvs, but from talking to my twinsy if she's going to let a guy take the dominant role then he needs to be very, very good at what he's doing. If his dick isn't a magical orgasm bringing wand of joy he's getting laughed at out of the bedroom.

I will note that doesn't happen if it's just sex, only if he's trying to play the king dick alpha. Basically the results need to match the act.

Simply put, Haley does want that but he isn't doing the job.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
But that's the thing. Haley likes it that way. She comes across to me as someone who needs to have someone to keep her grounded. Someone to balance her, but someone who can also "keep up" with her. As in, someone who can take her bullshit and throw it right back. And, well, yeah, Jack does none of that. He comes across as a little needy, expecting her to show up for him, but all he gives back is porn-esque dialogue when they're in the bedroom. Not a solid foundation for a long-term relationship, and she's realizing that.
I can't speak from personal experience, obvs, but from talking to my twinsy if she's going to let a guy take the dominant role then he needs to be very, very good at what he's doing. If his dick isn't a magical orgasm bringing wand of joy he's getting laughed at out of the bedroom.

I will note that doesn't happen if it's just sex, only if he's trying to play the king dick alpha. Basically the results need to match the act.

Simply put, Haley does want that but he isn't doing the job.
Both of you are correct, but I can't help thinking that Haley would still be with Jack (if not for the long term, and not very satisfied), if she hadn't moved in with the MC and realized that her childhood fantasy had the chance to become a reality. How can she not compare the two, to Jack's detriment? But it is her ancient desire, reinforced by the comparison, that puts poor Jack on the outside looking in.

But what if Jack really were a stud? Would Haley still dump him in favor of the MC, since she now has that opportunity? In my opinion, she would. The fact that Jack is just a wanna-be stud only makes it easier for us to justify the dumping.


Sep 22, 2019
I'd assume that before they moved in together they already lived together in their parents house, it seems unlikely there was a period inbetween those two.
So in that regard not much has changed, only that it might be easier to hide it from parents and friends now.
So breaking up with her boyfriend because now she has a chance at her brother seems unlikely to me.

One of the things I like about this game is that its not obvious what Haley's plan from the beginning was. I dont know whether she tried to fight her attraction towards her brother and sometimes slipped, or she purposely tried to test the waters to see how he'd react and see whether she can turn her desires into a reality.

I personally find the progression of the story and many of the scenes make more sense if she herself for the longest time didnt think a sexual relationship between the two of them was possible, kinda like the impossible dream that you sometimes wish for but never really try for.
The main thing pointing in the other direction is when she told him how long she felt that way about him, and that she was beeing coy because she couldnt do anything as long as she didnt know how he felt about it.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
I'd assume that before they moved in together they already lived together in their parents house, it seems unlikely there was a period inbetween those two.
So in that regard not much has changed, only that it might be easier to hide it from parents and friends now.
So breaking up with her boyfriend because now she has a chance at her brother seems unlikely to me.

One of the things I like about this game is that its not obvious what Haley's plan from the beginning was. I dont know whether she tried to fight her attraction towards her brother and sometimes slipped, or she purposely tried to test the waters to see how he'd react and see whether she can turn her desires into a reality.

I personally find the progression of the story and many of the scenes make more sense if she herself for the longest time didnt think a sexual relationship between the two of them was possible, kinda like the impossible dream that you sometimes wish for but never really try for.
The main thing pointing in the other direction is when she told him how long she felt that way about him, and that she was beeing coy because she couldnt do anything as long as she didnt know how he felt about it.
At the very beginning of the game, we have this monologue from the MC:

"You were excited at first, when you and your sister Haley found entry jobs at the same company. And living together will certainly reduce the cost of moving to the city. But you had forgotten how she can be."

That is followed by:

"The ride over here reminded you... Spoiled brat. Daddy's girl. She's your twin, and only two hours older than you. And to her, that's enough to always break your balls. But she's always been there for you. So, how much can you really complain. How her boyfriend Jack puts up with her, you'll never know. Maybe he's happy that they're now having a long distance relationship."

I don't know where the MC was living, but it doesn't seem like it was with Haley. It also seems like she was living with Jack.

Besides, from their first trip home, which was only a few weeks after they moved in together, they were stunned that the MC's room had been left the same, but everything had been moved out of Haley's.

Also, while they were walking around the house, Haley said, "It feels smaller somehow. The whole house.", which is a comment that would only be made by someone who hadn't been home for awhile.

I can't see any way that they had lived together in their parents house just before moving to the city. The probability is that neither of them had lived at home since they left for college.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
There is a later dialogue however, cannot find it right now but I think it's for one of the business trips, where Haley mentions that they've never been apart for such a long time. So probably one or both of them had moved out but met on a more or less daily basis at their parents. This would explain both, the forgetting of the daily stuff with chores and similar, and the "we're together all the time".
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Jan 21, 2020
At the very beginning of the game, we have this monologue from the MC:

"You were excited at first, when you and your sister Haley found entry jobs at the same company. And living together will certainly reduce the cost of moving to the city. But you had forgotten how she can be."

That is followed by:

"The ride over here reminded you... Spoiled brat. Daddy's girl. She's your twin, and only two hours older than you. And to her, that's enough to always break your balls. But she's always been there for you. So, how much can you really complain. How her boyfriend Jack puts up with her, you'll never know. Maybe he's happy that they're now having a long distance relationship."

I don't know where the MC was living, but it doesn't seem like it was with Haley. It also seems like she was living with Jack.

Besides, from their first trip home, which was only a few weeks after they moved in together, they were stunned that the MC's room had been left the same, but everything had been moved out of Haley's.

Also, while they were walking around the house, Haley said, "It feels smaller somehow. The whole house.", which is a comment that would only be made by someone who hadn't been home for awhile.

I can't see any way that they had lived together in their parents house just before moving to the city. The probability is that neither of them had lived at home since they left for college.
well but this monologue doesn't really mean they have been living appart and never saw each other. most likely yes they lived away from home but went to the same college and were staying in different dorms obviously. so they saw each other on a more or less daily basis but not necesseraly spent every minute with each other like they do since they live in the same place and work in the same bureau.

this would make sense with both the monologue and the "we've never been appart for that long" line Cartageno mentioned.
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Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
well but this monologue doesn't really mean they have been living appart and never saw each other. most likely yes they lived away from home but went to the same college and were staying in different dorms obviously. so they saw each other on a more or less daily basis but not necesseraly spent every minute with each other like they do since they live in the same place and work in the same bureau.

this would make sense with both the monologue and the "we've never been appart for that long" line Cartageno mentioned.
Right. I never thought that the MC and Haley lost contact after going off to college. I assume they saw each other, as you do, on a semi-regular basis, but were traveling in different circles, until they both landed this job.

There are a lot of things we don't know. Did they go to the same school? Probably. How, where and when did Haley meet Jack? We know he's a musician. But did he go to Haley's school, or did they meet at a concert or some local club. And how long have they been together. We know that she didn't travel with him, because Haley tells her mom that she wasn't a 'roadie'. We know that Mom is aware of Jack, and I assume that Jack has met Haley's parents, but we don't know how and where. I assume that Jack never spent the night at Haley's house. But Jack does have their home number, as he and Mom have been talking lately.

We also don't know if this is the first job that Haley and the MC have held, or if they held other jobs after college. We do know, though, that Haley had to help the MC tie his tie for their first day of their new job. So that seems to indicate that they are straight from college, but it's not conclusive.

Lots of unknowns to go along with the few tidbits the developer has given us. So everybody gets to build some of their own recent history for our favorite couple.
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