He's stalking her and what he's doing should be left to proper authorities. I recognize, acknowledge, and support that legal authorities can't be the extent of the solution, especially with Haley 1, but the MC absolutely cannot be treating Haley 2 like this. It's creepy as fuck.
I don't understand your argument at all. The MC is inviting Haley II to go bowling with him and Haley. This is being done solely so Haley can talk to her and determine if there is anything untoward going on between Klaus and Haley II. This is for Haley II's own good. How can it be 'creepy'? There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, especially since Haley would never condone the MC going to the police. That would wreck their relationship if it were done now.
Only if the MC
chooses to insinuate that it is a date with Haley II, does it become creepy, her being underage. But that is a choice for the player to either make or not.
This is all part of Haley's healing process. She has to find out for herself just what kind of an individual Klaus is, before she can move on with her life. She has already acknowledged that Klaus had hurt her. Realizing that Klaus is still using the same ploy that he used with her would help immensely, and being able to save Haley II from a similar trauma would be a pleasant bonus.