their is so many ways, you can abuse a person or your own kid.
my relationship with my father, is not great at, after my deceased half brother was born, he changed alot, he was strict, dont get me wrong, but not abusive, until he was born, he would yell at me, for small stuff, beat me and so on, even one time, i had scratches all over my body, from when he dragged me through the asfalt, before beating me outside, at a rental holiday home and with nobody near. i think my little bro was 6months at the time.
great update, but for me, the early on VN was the best, the middle was ok, but not a fan of the end, besides the huge scars haley has, she seems more greedy now aswell and kinda get the feeling, she want Sandra for herself and we just a third wheel now.
i can understan the parents perfectly, why they are pushing MC to move to his own place, heck even move to Sandra, where she lives now.