
Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Back when the story bifurcated into Sandra/no-Sandra paths the devs indicated that there would be additional branching. Since that hasn't happened yet I assume it's on its way.

An Adriana/Haley route seems like a reasonable possibility because she can actually support the for instance housing them while knowing that there was absolutely no chance of separating them. Plus she seems like the type that could be up for a triad and perhaps even accepting of incest (assuming she doesn't already suspect, which I kinda think she does). That said, the age and power dynamics in an actual Adriana-MC relationship would look a little odd to outsiders and either she or the siblings would have to find another place to work. I suppose they could also move this grouping forward whether or not the MC is sleeping with Adriana, but if he's not it's hard to see what's in it for her.

(Ironically, if the MC and Adriana got into a public relationship the MC would be doing the exact thing that their mother was so worried about Haley doing. If that's what happens I'm sure Mom's reaction would be...interesting.)

Lisa doesn't really bring anything to the relationship except another sex partner and at the moment she's far too flighty to settle down anyway. Nor did Haley seem as accepting of her brother and Lisa as she's been with the others. Diane doesn't want a relationship. Alana's not an important character and (at least on the page) doesn't even know Haley. Obviously characters can change their minds but we're getting pretty late in the game for that to happen. So if there's going to be another significant choice leading to a branch it's hard to imagine that it revolves around anyone but Adriana, who remains involved in their lives whether or not she and the MC are still hooking up. So then you'd have Haley solo, Haley-Sandra, and Haley-Adriana routes. Maybe even a breakup route, but that could be handled by an ending.

(Unless the additional branching isn't related to the siblings' relationship at all, but instead something like how to deal with Klaus.)


Active Member
Jan 11, 2020
Back when the story bifurcated into Sandra/no-Sandra paths the devs indicated that there would be additional branching. Since that hasn't happened yet I assume it's on its way.

An Adriana/Haley route seems like a reasonable possibility because she can actually support the for instance housing them while knowing that there was absolutely no chance of separating them. Plus she seems like the type that could be up for a triad and perhaps even accepting of incest (assuming she doesn't already suspect, which I kinda think she does). That said, the age and power dynamics in an actual Adriana-MC relationship would look a little odd to outsiders and either she or the siblings would have to find another place to work. I suppose they could also move this grouping forward whether or not the MC is sleeping with Adriana, but if he's not it's hard to see what's in it for her.

(Ironically, if the MC and Adriana got into a public relationship the MC would be doing the exact thing that their mother was so worried about Haley doing. If that's what happens I'm sure Mom's reaction would be...interesting.)

Lisa doesn't really bring anything to the relationship except another sex partner and at the moment she's far too flighty to settle down anyway. Nor did Haley seem as accepting of her brother and Lisa as she's been with the others. Diane doesn't want a relationship. Alana's not an important character and (at least on the page) doesn't even know Haley. Obviously characters can change their minds but we're getting pretty late in the game for that to happen. So if there's going to be another significant choice leading to a branch it's hard to imagine that it revolves around anyone but Adriana, who remains involved in their lives whether or not she and the MC are still hooking up. So then you'd have Haley solo, Haley-Sandra, and Haley-Adriana routes. Maybe even a breakup route, but that could be handled by an ending.

(Unless the additional branching isn't related to the siblings' relationship at all, but instead something like how to deal with Klaus.)
Yeah agreed. I think the Adriana/Haley route will be the most reasonable. Though, if you mean that their mother would be upset at the MC/Adriana being a relationship because that's similar to Haley/Klaus' previous thing, I think you're wrong. There's a difference between a teenager sleeping with her teacher/being exploited and two very clearly consenting adults (MC/Adriana) having a relationship. The only weird thing to the mother would be the age. (Though I can see how some drama might be splashed on there for flare.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Though, if you mean that their mother would be upset at the MC/Adriana being a relationship because that's similar to Haley/Klaus' previous thing, I think you're wrong.
I don't mean that I think she'd be upset. (Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't.) Just that it would be hilarious from a narrative circularity standpoint to have the MC involved with an older woman at work, when (genders reversed) that was specifically what she was worried about from Haley.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
I don't mean that I think she'd be upset. (Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't.) Just that it would be hilarious from a narrative circularity standpoint to have the MC involved with an older woman at work, when (genders reversed) that was specifically what she was worried about from Haley.
Again no offence and it may be the way you fraze it but with all due respect you can't compare the one relationship with the other. There is a massive diffrence between a Student dateing a Teacher and an Employee dateing a Boss.
Not least being that in a lot of countrys a Student Teacher relationship involving the ages that Klause and Hayley were at the time is Illigel.
And in most other countrys were its likey to not be classed as illigel then its more than likly still highly frowned up on.
Even if the Teacher Student relation ship was in a university setting and age range it is still a highly frowned upon.

Its not just the age diffrence involved either but the ethical and moral significance involved anyway you cut it the Teacher betrays the possition of trust and care between a Teacher and student.
Yet as far as i'm aware in none of these countrys is a Employee, Boss relationship either Illigel or frowned upon.
Especially one between legal grownups MC may be younger but he is a legal adult.
Plus the Boss dosn't have a duty of care or trust to there Employee.

And all though I get what you mean it is still likley to be a totaly diffrent responce from the mother with reguards to the MCs relationship.
I have to disagree with you.
She may still be unhappy with her baby having a girlfriend more her own age but not for even remotley the same reasons she had with reguards to Heley and Klause.

Just Sayin.


Oct 14, 2017
Well, now that i've finished all of the current content i can confidently say that after the whole Klaus thing came to light i never managed to get the same enjoyment out of playing this as i did during the first part of the game. While i can appreciate the way the devs are trying to keep the game pretty light-hearted for the most part, it just feels like there's a dark cloud hovering over everything that happens and it's really sucking the fun out of it.. Instead of a story about the developing romance between Haley and the MC, it's now basically turned into a "remind the player constantly about the horrible thing that happened" situation, while trying to help her with the trauma it caused. The fact that it takes longer than a slug crossing the road to get even close to confronting the whole situation doesn't help either...

What it all comes to down to for me personally (and i suspect i'm not the only one after reading a few past comments), is that having this type of thing happen to the main love interest in a game that starts off as an extremely fun and light-hearted story is simply unnecessarily dark. I also think the desired effect it's supposed to have could've been easily achieved with something a lot less extreme. It actually left me with an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach playing the remainder of the game..

I fully understand the devs here are going for a more "realistic/serious" approach when it comes to the story and their relationship than some other VNs have done and i can respect that, but i still think it could've done without this particular event. Especially considering how it gets thrown in your face out of absolutely nowhere, pretty much ruining what could've been a great scene. It's a shame because up until that point i truly thought this game was among best i've played so far, which - don't get me wrong, i still think in a lot of ways. It's just that this whole thing was really off-putting to me, to the point of almost losing interest in continuing altogether.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Again no offence
I don't take offence, but I really don't think you understand what I'm saying.

I'm talking about it from a meta-narrative sense, not from a "what would this mean if it was a real experience that real people were facing?" sense. That, viewed externally (that is, from the POV of the writers or the audience, not the POV of the characters), it's an amusing bit of irony to have Mom voice this particular concern regarding Haley — in that case for well-justified reasons — only to have her son end up in a relationship with an older woman, and one who just happens to be in a position of authority over him when said relationship starts. It would be even more amusing to have someone...preferably Haley, though at this point I think only the MC has heard her voice this concern...point that out just to see what Mom says.

I'm not comparing the two situations at all, save that they both involve age differences and positions of authority. Parallelism is a common storytelling trick and, when done well, an extremely effective one.


Engaged Member
Oct 10, 2017
lockhear this time i decided to search for fanart in the thread since the game doesn't have one in the artwork section, and I found your renders! They look amazing!!. Could you tell me which model is Haley and the hair she has?
Hi, Haley's hair is , but I haven't the correct body asset. I tried to use , but the results aren't very good. Need more morphing/mixing I guess.
Jan 10, 2020
how do u dl just the update, n not the whole game again? n since the bugfix link was removed from the OP, that means v.96 includes it? thx

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
how do u dl just the update, n not the whole game again? n since the bugfix link was removed from the OP, that means v.96 includes it? thx
There is no update patch for this release. The v.96 link contains the entire game, including any bug fixes they found.

In case you don't know it already, this release is only for those who are still on the Sandra route. If you don't play that route, don't even bother downloading, wait for the next one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
Therapist is pretty cute, so is Klaus' daughter. I hope we see more of them. They have an interesting look. So many games recycle the same models. At least I havent seen those two though they do seem familiar for some reason.

Anyway noticed a few bugs. When you go with Victor to meet the..problem solvers..the entire convo with the girl at the pool is messed up. Not the black hair girl who offers lemonade but the other one. Some error about missing Ax? Every sentence of hers. Also at the therapists office when you are sitting in on it, Haley and the docs convo goes into a loop. had to click a bunch of times to speed through it until it continued on.

Great game, loving the story.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
ex-teacher and her daughter might be out of picture on sandra route.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
Latest post from Viitgames:

Progress report


Working on the update.

Everything is on time, and there are no reasons for any delays so far.

I'm not sure what else to say. It will be about the same size as the Sandra+Haley path update, give or take an image.

I guess that covers it. lol

Jan 10, 2020
ex-teacher and her daughter might be out of picture on sandra route.
hey all, GREAT game so far, just started it, n in ep.8 where sandra gets the promotion. the w/t mod says if u choose "i hope so", it opens other scenes later, compared to "absolutely", which gives sandra scenes later. n the text w/t says if u choose "absolutely", then u get "sandra continue".

so what i really need 2 know is:
  1. are there scenes i'll miss out on if i choose "absolutely" instead of "i hope so"? n if so, what are they, n will i be able to access them in the gallery mod?
  2. i REALLY like sandra, there are so few black girls in VN games, esp as hot as her, so i'd luv 2 stay on her path. but what is the "ex-teacher n daughter" route cxx is referring to, n will i miss out on them if i choose "absolutely"? are these the scenes the in-game w/t mod is referring to by "other scenes later"
  3. so just got 2 the scene where adriana asks MC 2 go on business trip, n has 2 choose either go w/her, or take haley...text w/t has green trigger that says "leave with hadi" (episode 10, 1st choice (#49) ). i chose 2 go w/adriana, but didn't see any girl named "hadi"; who is hadi? did i somehow miss her in doing the w/t?
if this is a choice b/t 1 or the other, damn, this is a difficult-ass choice...a stunningly hot-ass black girl, or the possibility of a mom/dau 3-way...HELP!!! thx

DAMMIT!!! so when helping sandra sort thru her clothes, ur forced 2 choose b/t either her OR alana? y not both??? n if u choose 2 have sex w/sandra, can u still hook up with alana? like the blues brothers said in the restaurant, "the much 4 the women?" MC should b allowed 2 fuck them all...:cry:
Last edited:

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
hey all, GREAT game so far, just started it, n in ep.8 where sandra gets the promotion. the w/t mod says if u choose "i hope so", it opens other scenes later, compared to "absolutely", which gives sandra scenes later. n the text w/t says if u choose "absolutely", then u get "sandra continue".

so what i really need 2 know is:
  1. are there scenes i'll miss out on if i choose "absolutely" instead of "i hope so"? n if so, what are they, n will i be able to access them in the gallery mod?
  2. i REALLY like sandra, there are so few black girls in VN games, esp as hot as her, so i'd luv 2 stay on her path. but what is the "ex-teacher n daughter" route cxx is referring to, n will i miss out on them if i choose "absolutely"? are these the scenes the in-game w/t mod is referring to by "other scenes later"
  3. so just got 2 the scene where adriana asks MC 2 go on business trip, n has 2 choose either go w/her, or take haley...text w/t has green trigger that says "leave with hadi" (episode 10, 1st choice (#49) ). i chose 2 go w/adriana, but didn't see any girl named "hadi"; who is hadi? did i somehow miss her in doing the w/t?
if this is a choice b/t 1 or the other, damn, this is a difficult-ass choice...a stunningly hot-ass black girl, or the possibility of a mom/dau 3-way...HELP!!! thx

DAMMIT!!! so when helping sandra sort thru her clothes, ur forced 2 choose b/t either her OR alana? y not both??? n if u choose 2 have sex w/sandra, can u still hook up with alana? like the blues brothers said in the restaurant, "the much 4 the women?" MC should b allowed 2 fuck them all...:cry:
What I can tell you is that the game has split into two main routes, one with Sandra as the MC's LI (along with Haley), and one without Sandra at all. In the Sandra route, all other girls (except Haley) become off-limits for the MC. In the route without Sandra, all other girls (so far) are fair game. So, there is definitely sexual content in each route that is not in the other.

It does appear that the route without Sandra will soon be broken up into sub-routes, with Adriana being one of them.

I don't recall anyone named Hadi when I played that part of the game. Perhaps it is an error in the walkthrough mod. The choice is between the MC or Haley going with Adriana.

I wouldn't hold out hope for any 3-way involving Haley and her mother. I don't see the game going in that direction at all.

I have never used the walkthrough mod in this game, but any good one will allow you to access the gallery regardless of which choices you make.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
hey all, GREAT game so far, just started it, n in ep.8 where sandra gets the promotion. the w/t mod says if u choose "i hope so", it opens other scenes later, compared to "absolutely", which gives sandra scenes later. n the text w/t says if u choose "absolutely", then u get "sandra continue".

so what i really need 2 know is:
  1. are there scenes i'll miss out on if i choose "absolutely" instead of "i hope so"? n if so, what are they, n will i be able to access them in the gallery mod?
  2. i REALLY like sandra, there are so few black girls in VN games, esp as hot as her, so i'd luv 2 stay on her path. but what is the "ex-teacher n daughter" route cxx is referring to, n will i miss out on them if i choose "absolutely"? are these the scenes the in-game w/t mod is referring to by "other scenes later"
  3. so just got 2 the scene where adriana asks MC 2 go on business trip, n has 2 choose either go w/her, or take haley...text w/t has green trigger that says "leave with hadi". i chose 2 go w/adriana, but didn't see any girl named "hadi"; who is hadi? did i somehow miss her in doing the w/t?
if this is a choice b/t 1 or the other, damn, this is a difficult-ass choice...a stunningly hot-ass black girl, or the possibility of a mom/dau 3-way...HELP!!! thx

DAMMIT!!! so when helping sandra sort thru her clothes, ur forced 2 choose b/t either her OR alana? y not both??? n if u choose 2 have sex w/sandra, can u still hook up with alana? like the blues brothers said in the restaurant, "the much 4 the women?" MC should b allowed 2 fuck them all...:cry:
1. I've played through several paths in this game, and the only difference I see between choosing "absolutely" instead of "I hope so" is that, if you choose "I hope so" then you are forced to not help Sandra pack clothes. If you choose "absolutely" then you can choose whether you help or not. If you don't help, it's exactly the same as "I hope so", so there isn't any extra scenes if you pick "i hope so" instead of "absolutely" and don't help Sandra pack. The "Other scenes" the WT talks about is that if you stay with Sandra, you basically stop almost all sexual stuff with the other girls you may have been in a relationship with (Diane is greatly reduced, Lisa and Alana are non-existent, and Adrianna is reduced and you can't move in with her), so you miss out on their scenes.

If you want to see all the scenes, you will probably need at least 3 playthrough (and saves). One with Sandra+Haley, and 2 without Sandra (1 with you moving in with Adrianne and 1 without moving in). You might need more depending on how the story changed depending on if you "meet the fixer" or not.

2. I really like Sandra as well, and I agree they don't have enough black girls in VN games. Jasmine from WVM is also a really hot Black girl. The only ex-teacher I know of that is mentioned in game is Klaus unless I missed/forgot something, so I don't know what it could be.

3. I'm pretty sure Hadi is just a typo that never got fixed, and it should say "Leave with Adi".

It would be nice if later on, after Sandra has fully accepted Haley during sex, if she would let the MC be in other relationships, but I don't think that will happen, and I don't think the MC would do that, since he chooses not to pursue the other girls as much. And I don't think this is a harem building game.
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Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
Having looked at the latest preview post more closely, that is definitely Haley's and the MC's living room. So, what brings Dad to their place? Is Mom with him? Does Dad find out about them moving in with Adriana (if that was your choice)?

And, how do you read the expressions on their faces? To me, Dad looks concerned... puzzled. Haley, defiant? Maybe not. Her hands are behind her back. To me, that indicates that she has just told Dad something and accepts whatever response is coming. Just a guess without any other reference.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2020
The only girl i interested in is haley. I like how close and intimate her and mc are, and i think it's romantic how they never been apart for more than two days, it's like they are literaly twin souls... But I'm very afraid of this game ending like summer with mia... i can't take another summer with mia!!!!


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
The only girl i interested in is haley. I like how close and intimate her and mc are, and i think it's romantic how they never been apart for more than two days, it's like they are literaly twin souls... But I'm very afraid of this game ending like summer with mia... i can't take another summer with mia!!!!
well mia returns in swm2 (which is out) and it's very unlikely that haley leaves mc and whomever he is in relationship not even if she finds out what mc did to her ex-teacher.
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