My dream team is : MC, Felix, Meline, and Kyrie. Use Felix for Healing Aura, Warding Wall, and Casters' Spark. Use Meline for Revelation. Use Kyrie for Burning Blizzard. Your going to need an abundance of health and mana potions too. It took quite a while with the enemy regenerating the dead and temporarily paralyzing some of your guys with I believe Stormroar and Cape Stun. I had all types of bombs, scrolls, coatings, etc... but didn't use any of them. I did concentrate the MC's attack on the queen, whenever possible. I thought I was going to lose a couple of times but held tough, especially using the health potions when Felix was temporarily immobilized. I'm not sure how long the battle lasted but seemed like 15-20 minutes. When it was finally over I told myself, "It was a bitch to kill that bitch!"