I would love a walkthrough too. I went pretty far in the game, but lost my save. It is kinda disencouraging starting all over.
It means you can't save. You can only load from the autosave on slot 4. Unfortunately all files autosave to slot 4 so just know that you can't be doing an Ironman run and a normal one at the same time.what's ironman mode in the recommended?
No."or will you thrive long enough to purchase slaves of your own?" any maledom in the game yet?
Hi, how did you buy the house or a guide please ?
Go to your job for the first 2 days and clean everything there and when she asks you to lick/suck on her feet refused and get fired. the next day go to sleep and by the 3rd day you should have enough rep to go to pleasant ville there are multiple jobs there like being a waiter/miner/or if your desperate a slave so don't worry about losing your job. P.S make sure you eat and wash so you don't diehow to get to pleasant ville cause the game is so tough that it is almost impossible to get there without degrading yourself
Dude, if the survival aspect of the game isn't for you, just cheat like the rest of us.Well, ok, If the reputation is not that important, if it is just like ...an alignment of sorts, then how do you not starve after loosing a lot of reputation? From what I read, sources of income depend on reputation, do they not? You don't get any job offers other than the restaurant as far as I can see (at low reputation). Eventually you run out of bread, you don't make nearly enough money in the restaurant to: eat, wash, and rent. So you loose the room, cannot wash, earn even less. I quite liked the one scene that I got to see, but it's not fun to make choices and then later notice that the choices you made will inevitably lead to starvation. The thing you wanted the player to experience (selfish, dominant women who use the protagonist for their selfish needs) will probably not be experienced: everyone will almost certainly just die because it's impossible to figure out where to find enough money (at least early in the game, don't know about what happens later on). It was one super awesome scene buried in misery and non-fun-stuff.
I find it acceptable to make it hard to improve your situation: say, getting a better place to stay is hard, fine. But if merely staying alive is hard, then I don't need that kind of stress. It's very similar to grinding, but way worse. I can only imagine that if you ever write a walkthrough, players will just blindly follow the instructions, and not read anything in-game as it does not help ...just click through to the content. If enough people agree, I suggest to not write a walkthrough but rather make the game playable no matter which path the player chooses, as long as it is somewhat reasonable, without guessing which path we are supposed to play (make the game more forgiving).
how fucking old is that girl in the foot salon the one with the guard ? bitch looks way to young ?The foolproof way of not starving is to give yourself up to the auction and be sold into slavery. That was the original, only ending in fact when I made the demo. In a way it's what you're supposed to end up as, but I've been adding more and more ways to plausibly avoid it.
One of the reasons I'm not going to write a guide is because part of the fun is struggling and failing. Otherwise pornhub is just a tab away right? If you just want images/videos there are way more efficient ways to get them.
The other reason is because I'm nostalgic for a time in gaming when most people had shitty dialup internet on the one family computer and you had to gossip at sleepovers about whether a certain pokemon is in the game or not, etc. Ask around, maybe someone knows a good strategy. It is possible to have 16 rep on day 4, which gets you into Pleasantview.
I just need it too.This is the first time I play this game ...
I asking about walkthrough ...