if you're not using a mod the condoms are indestructive, besides one single client which is special that breaks the condom the time you have sex with him, he is the only one as far as i know that does that, so you can use free condoms no problem, are you sure you bought condoms on the shop? i nowdays mostly but everying without looking, but i'm not sure if you really buy condoms.guy's, i bought own condoms in shop, but when i want to wear them, Game saing "Wear a Free hotel Condoms?" it's ok or i'm doing somesing wrong?
where did you download the game from and since when it started? and where you game is located? the path is too long?Has anyone come across this error before? Any idea how to fix this?
edit: The only lead I have is that it seems to always occur when a job uses the Cowgirl Position. Looking at my game's files it looks like I have those images though
i didn't undestand your question, if is about mods, yes the game has a few mods.What this Apps have a mods??
if anybody else answers it, is safe to assure is not a big deal at all. i will try to make it show in my new game. but may time a while. but the free condoms are working for you? what do you think it's missing?yes, i bought them
i have them in inventory, but i'm not understanded, how to use them?
but i'm always see that. Game, i have my own, i want to use them. plz, who know what i will do with that, answer me
i was trying to say more like what is the problem you're facing, what is troubling you, like the condoms aren't working, or they are breaking, something like that, if it is giving problems on your playthrough, if is only the text, i can really be a typo from the game devs, the game itself is japanese after all and he just forgot to put it on text, but besides the text, it is affecting your gameplay? english isn't my first language so is double chance for misunderstandingswhat i missed? if you saying "Free condoms is your own, even you bought them" i want see it in text, don't force me to think, i'm idiot.
forget my last post, and check this "AiO mod:Has anyone come across this error before? Any idea how to fix this?
edit: The only lead I have is that it seems to always occur when a job uses the Cowgirl Position. Looking at my game's files it looks like I have those images though
Never used Condoms in this game myself, so what I am about to say may be complete BS, but what happens if you say no to using the free condoms? maybe there is an option then after for your own or something?english is not my first languague too. Yes, problem is Broken Condoms, but, i'm want to see the truth when i'm using them. I buyed them, but they are break, and i always see "FREE HOTEL CONDOMS", and i'm not know it's mistake of game, of my actions or it was broken translate. i want to see "free h. c"(shorted) if i'm NOT bought them, and see "Wear your own condoms?" if i'm BOUGHT them. so, problem is in translate, and no problems with my Actions, yes? (only "Yes" or "No"if u can plz. thx Google Translate and teacher of english)
Is there any model android version?The order (oldest to newest) that I extracted the NamelessDev mods in:
1. Birth Delayer
2. Extra Overdue Dialogs
3. Slum Madam+Overdue Lover
4. Lactation Consultant Nurse
5. Ahegao
6. New Clothes
7. AiO+Quintuplets+Gyaru+sprite
8. baby kick
9. CumFlation
10. Contraction Preventer
11. Mad Doctor + Ultra Ovulation Inducer
Every mod extracted to the "www" folder. I pressed "Yes to All" when asked "Would you like to replace the existing file".
I have NOT tested the game with this configuration (I forgot the original installation order so I restarted with a fresh copy of the game). If I got anything wrong please don't be mad I will be happy to make corrections.
Here is the modded game.
yes, i did it, pressed in chose "wear free h.c"(shorted) "No" and they not used any condoms, i'm back to Mini-GameNever used Condoms in this game myself, so what I am about to say may be complete BS, but what happens if you say no to using the free condoms? maybe there is an option then after for your own or something?
what's your home language? just to know, i'm brazilian by the way so if is latim derived is still better than english sometimes, now i will give 2 answers: first (yes or no) yes is a problem in translate you always use free condoms.english is not my first languague too. Yes, problem is Broken Condoms, but, i'm want to see the truth when i'm using them. I buyed them, but they are break, and i always see "FREE HOTEL CONDOMS", and i'm not know it's mistake of game, of my actions or it was broken translate. i want to see "free h. c"(shorted) if i'm NOT bought them, and see "Wear your own condoms?" if i'm BOUGHT them. so, problem is in translate, and no problems with my Actions, yes? (only "Yes" or "No"if u can plz. thx Google Translate and teacher of english)
the languages i know are Ukrainian, Russian, a little Polish and Belarusian (G Translate helping with english)what's your home language? just to know, i'm brazilian by the way so if is latim derived is still better than english sometimes, now i will give 2 answers: first (yes or no) yes is a problem in translate you always use free condoms.
2 answer: if your condoms are breaking go to (Hazumi and the Pregnation\PPLSS\www\mods) and delet condomfailure, this makes the condoms indestructive.
about cheats i don't know never used myself, there's some mods that increase ejaculation, but in vanilla is impossible to change, money you win doing( prostitution or cafe work), semen (everything sex related), but it's impossible to increase amount without mods, charm (you can study, can shower and making the clients satisfied, when is a holiday you won't be able to do prostitution you can go to hospital and trade money for charm.)next my question is : how to do infinity money, much semen. at all, how to cheat in this game? or how to earn this legaly(money, semen, charm)
really different from portuguese, english is out best bet.the languages i know are Ukrainian, Russian, a little Polish and Belarusian (G Translate helping with english)