Remember being so excited in Jan-19 discovering the game. Used to check my patreon for updates constantly whereas now it is really depressing reading the latest monthly patreon delay update.
Wonder has the experienced project manager run off in exasperation.
Don't fall apart so close to the end of this 23 months gap in the release production. Notty went through tough life challenges, physically and mentally, and also made tough decisions about Heavy Five.. Not because they were easy to do, but because they were hard to implement.
You do know how Heavy Five evolved, from a simple AVN in 2019, to an actual game with much better renders(characters and environment) and its prime feature: freeroam with navigation maps(sandbox).. Something that was inevitably needed in respect to the amount of possible choices!
Don't you think she is totally fed up working on Chap1R-4Rs?! Code-wise, this has been a nightmare but the animations and VA lately got her back into the highest possible mood spirit.
The Chapter5RS is in its final beta version, stable with all the previous RS chapters.. You shouldn't be depressed about that but more relived.
Heavy Five Chapter5RS is coming and it will be huge!