Do the game advance slowly ? Yes, it do. It would be stupid to deny this.
But the fact is that it advance. In the chapter 4, Amanda invites the MC do a dinner for the next day, and that week I had the marvelous chance to test that scene ; so, I know firsthand that the game is still in development. A 20,000 words count scene, with ~400 renders. All this serving the usual enjoyable writing and quality, the expected bit of British humour, without forgetting it's mandatory sexual innuendo ; apparently Sarah have some competition with Amanda.
Not being among the official testers, I know less than 20% of the chapter 5, but I know that those 20% exists, and that they are far to be the only content that exist for that said chapter 5.
This said, we are talking about a game made by someone who we know as being too perfectionist. We like the result, because the game is fascinating and accurate, but this obviously imply time between two updates... A time that increase significantly when a car crash stop the progression and make Notty decide to extend everything she already did.
She released the new chapter 1, then new chapter 2... But due to some struggle with the game mechanism, she had to works on chapter 3 and chapter 4 in a totally random order. This while also working on the chapter 5. Reason why there's no ch 3rs, nor ch 4rs, release. They exist, but they'll be included in the ch 5 release.
Now, yes, it's been a long time that the chapter 2 new generation have been released... Like it's been a long time that Notty is working on her game. The very first release happened 5 years and 5 months ago. If you count the time needed to make that first release, it's been more than 6 years that she works on it. All this while still having to do her job, to live her life and to face illnesses and injuries.
I wonder how many, among the usual baby whiners who are regulars of that thread, would be able to stick to a task for so long... Like they can't express themselves without showing to the world how much they lack of patience and maturity, I guess that the count is near to zero.
They could just not care, simply waiting for the update to come when it will come, catching it with one of the many ways to do so offered by the forum. But apparently their own life is so boring and insignificant that they feel the need to spits on people who clearly do better than them, whatever how slow this "doing" can feel from our side as players.
Well, like they decide to acts like childish brats, let's just treat them like such. All children come to a realization when they discover that pissing on the floor, then furiously rolling in the puddle while shaking their legs and yelling as loud as they can, lead to no reaction...