Then OP's predictions were too positive. Word it as you will, the result is the same.
Look old boy, things cropped up in a whole series of events which, if it had been only one or two, I'd have still made my deadline. Sadly that wasn't the case. Especially with the quite laughable IT set up that I'm trying to make this on.
Now as far as I'm concerned I'm accountable to my patrons and no one else and I've tried to play as fair as possible with them. For example, I advised them prior to them being hit with the Feb charge that there would be a delay and that they could cancel should they wish etc etc.
Pointing out that I'm late, when I'm well aware of this, doesn't really achieve much now does it? Anyhoo...back to work.
Don`t get me wrong it is undoubtedly a first-class game but too tangled for my taste ... the agony of choice is too heavy without at least a guideline as to what can be expected as an outcome or how many paths to pursue there are ... it feels more like heavy work to play the game than like fun & leisure
No, I can get that. I'm glad you think so highly of it but I can understand where you're coming from. All I would say is that the game can be played quite lightly in that you can focus on a particular girl and not worry about the others or the mission etc and you should, hopefully, still have a good time. But, equally I fully respect your viewpoint on this. But thank you for trying it out