Alright, I didn't want to this, but since you lot are multiplying I will try to explain.
There are no deadlines. Even if Notty calls it the deadliest deadline of all deadlines, it's just an estimate that holds no obligation.
First, You should try to understand how development works and all the challenges and difficulties it entails. If a date is given you should expect it to be an estimate for cases where nothing goes wrong. Complaining about it in case it does is very shallow and narrowminded.
Second, you should also understand how patronage works. We patrons are not signing for a monthly release at a specific date. We sign to help the developer make her project a reality. It's the finished game that is the goal, not a monthly update. The last thing I want is a rushed update release to meet some unreasonable "deadlines".
You know, you have a choice, you can open your eyes and try to be understanding and see the bigger picture or not. But, if you're doing a critique try to be constructive and focus on actual stuff that can be helpful towards the development. What you've said doesn't cut it.
Anyway, I won't argue this further, so you don't have to bother trying to explain your views. Take it or leave it.