Pshaw - do your damned best and take it like a
man Naval Officer - do the service proud by not being a weenie.
I fully expect that in both of my Chris saves (D/s and not) she'll kick my ass. But she did say she'll
try not to hurt me. I don't get the vibe that she's
not the kind of person who would do more damage than is necessary to wound my pride (unless she's protecting her crew). Of course, if my ego is so fragile I can't handle having a
boxing champion beat me in the ring I should resign my commission, become a hermit on Ophion and re-think my life choices. Honestly, after the discussion about her boxing if the player feels they can beat her and took the bet because of that, they're not paying attention.
My thoughts ran like this:
- She'll win, and it'll probably hurt, but she won't purposely do me any real damage
- I'll accept the bet not because I think I can win, but to put myself on the line in order to drive myself to try my damndest and not just flop on the mat at the first punch. Giving myself a reason to give it my all and fight through the pain.
- If I perform at my absolute peak, there's a chance I may be able to get Chris to teach me some things to make me a better fighter.
- As we are both Lieutenants in the Navy, friendly wagers are the sort of thing that builds camaraderie, and she'd be a fine ally to have.
- If, by some miracle, I do win, she doesn't seem to be the sort to be a bad sport about it.
@Nottravis has obviously put some thought into these characters, and I doubt she'd pull the sudden switch from a Domme to an abusive, violent cunt (again, unless protecting her crew).