She is -not- getting her own game, regardless of what she might want!
I guess she will have to write it herself.
Drat. I forgot Becca does have her own game this month as she's the first unlock on RPS.
IS that what the holo-deck is for? I thought it was just one way to get around those pesky incest rules.
yeah... leave Becca alone.. she's resting in my bunk
that's cute... but isn't sand easy to move? by the time I'm done Becca will have her own dating-sim
Some people are saying she is wring her own, with her as the star. I am sure I heard that somewhere before...

Oh aye in principal. I mean the interview can be more funny than sexy of course.
But I'm thinking of Sarah, McGruder and one other.
I am voting for Sarah, she needs the ...exposure. I can't wait to hear more about the kind of 'games' she like to play when she is alone. I would bet she can really handle a joy stick. Not to mention we can learn more about her big guns.
It would be a shame for her to miss out...
*Will logic chop this at some point*
Well, the first two ideas I have are that A) it could just be members of the crew ...and their families, or B), she chooses to transfer, either due to some plot point in the story (something the doc, or someone else does for example, that makes her feel as though she needs to not be there any more, no longer a good fit, as it were), or even just to leave with you near the end of the story (for 'some' reason).