You'll forgive me I trust for not making any individual answers as I'm trying to stay away from my keyboard this weekend to refresh and recharge the old batteries, so I wish to keep this somewhat brief. However, my spider sense was tingling and I didn't want any disagreements between your good selves to impact upon this somewhat happier part of the internet.
I thank you for you council and advice on the matter of size and Chapter Three, and you all make perfectly valid points. Nothing said is factually incorrect and indeed I can fully appreciate why my decision may seem silly, if not ludicrous.
After all, the chapter -is- done. Bug free and ready to go. Releasing it now would be commercially correct in that only would I not be putting my existing patron funds at risk of refunds but I would also be able to release Chapter Two for free, which would gain me more exposure. Especially, when one considers how much better (at least in my opinion) Two was to One. And as for Three to Two the leap is even greater.
So why aren't I?
Because, yes it would take the pressure off me; yes it would be safeguard my funds and yes it would indeed gain me more exposure here and elsewhere which could lead to more patrons - but, it wouldn't be fair to do so. It wouldn't be fair to those patrons who would struggle with the massive download. I can not in good conscience release a game that not all my patrons can play. It's as simple as that.
This is of course partly my fault in that I use so many graphics of course. I could, as some do, use a smaller frame size or make more use of static or more reusable images. Did I really need
(and forgive me, I'm guessing slightly here as I really don't want to open Renpy again this weekend) thirty odd images for Chris and the MC to walk to the station in Two, or indeed the sixty odd for drinks with Annie? So near a hundred images for just two out of the thirteen scenes in that chapter. Did I need to do that? Perhaps not. Hell, probably not. But it wouldn't be the same experience or game if I hadn't...(side-eye anyone?)
And since that isn't likely to change, you can perhaps appreciate my slight obsession with size (no! not like that! Pervs

). Ultimately, I have faith in cracking the individual chapter download issue. I've cracked the code and script part, I just need to stop it overwriting the graphics files with just the current chapters. But I haven't managed that for chapter three and hence my focus on the animation.
You are of course fully entitled to disagree with my viewpoint. It is, after all a matter of judgement and not subject to facts. But ultimately, rightly or wrongly, it's my call.
See you later next week when the Chapter comes out. Stay lucky!