Dont toy with me Nottriarty! I am Sherlock
motherfucking Holmes'
nephew's wife's older brother's grandson.
It's elementary, really. Compare these images:
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View attachment 351292
Top one is from DAZ studio stock image. In the top image the second and third letters are obviously H and O, and the numbers at the end seem to correspond perfectly. Since we've already established that the second block is uninspired keyboard mashing, and more importantly
not the work of Nottriarty herself, it can't be a reference. Maybe an input code of some sort, but
not a reference or clue. Which leaves only the left part as the possible reference. Since at least 2 letters in the left block also match, it's hard to believe that part to be a reference too. If it was altered by Nottriarty, it was only very slightly. (If I really squint my eyes, I can see all of it matching.) Conclusion: Neither of the code bits are references or clues.
So without a reference where does that lead us? It can
only be an input code and with no other places to look, it has to be in-game. Where to input the code though? Obviously the character creation screen, the only two-section free-text input. I'll have you know I've sent my trusty sidekick Dr. Liutenant EHO2B5 2354253 to the Intrepid to investigate, but so far Dr Lt 2354253 has come up empty handed. It's only a matter of time though before your evil schemes are exposed! Neither me, nor the doctor Liutenant are to be trifled with!