
Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
I'm sorry. I must beg your forgiveness...But I really couldn't help myself :)

Y'see I would never actually tell you fibs. Deny perhaps, confuse for sure but never lie.

I am, of course, aware that there is a theory that Becca and I are indeed one and the same. And was just too hard to resist.

I originally typed "She corrected herself" and then a naughty thought crossed my mind. I waited a minute or two to allow anyone to catch my original post and then edited it.

By doing so, of course, I had indeed corrected myself - and thus remained factually accurate. :) I even played fair by allowing that window (or so I thought!)

But it was rather naughty of me. Sorry...

I'm a very naughty dev, I know. ;)
/bows We're not worthy! We're not worthy!


Sci-fi Smutress
Game Developer
Jun 3, 2017
I don't think Thea needs anyone to speak for her.

Notty kind out outed herself there on both occasions.

And I quote "there is a bit of me in all my characters" .... Notty is both Becca and Thea.

And also Chris, Annie and Sarah.

And also the guys.

This may take years of therapy to work through.
And let's not forget dear Amanda :)


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Swedish Chef
Hahaha... Bork bork bork!
Well, nothing with a bra, she left all of those on the Inteprid. And I wouldn't count on her borrowing one from Annie. Maybe Trisha has one that fits?
She certainly forgot to put one on that morning, but have you seen the bags she must have had in her locker?

Her room is a pigsty!
That explains it, I was wondering how she had a bra in the cave, I was starting to think she wove it herself out of spider silk while she waited on us to come get her!
Though I DID notice that she was not wearing panties under that humorous night shirt, guess it took a while for her o clean them after that ...adventure they had together! :sneaky:
The dev finds it very practical for some renders down the line... ;)
I would have to assume that braid renders faster than her normal hair too! ;)
I could be a romantic writer and not just a comedy smut peddler!

*would be respectable!*
Yeah, and all you would have to do is get worse at writing, take out the comedy, and add a LOT more sex! ...oh and lose the respect you have! ;)
That would be inthea. :)
I fear the trigger I need to retrieve my... I mean, Thea's memories, is hidden at the end of Sarah's blackmail path. So now I have a reason never to treat ensign Davis wrongly!
You never know, they could be in ...chapter 4! Or in Sarah's missing undies!?!
*peeks in*

Quick question. More Channel Seven in Four. Yes or no?
Totally! Entertaining and sexy! How can you go wrong?
Guys have you ever considered that maybe Thea is rebel with a just cause? A Princess Leia type character. What if we've been lied to by the media? Maybe the only way to stop Earth from dying hinges on everyone working together, and not fucking off to Paradise with all the best tools and resources?
Of course I did! After all, I figure she is sister!
Why can't I select two reactions? :love: :p
No doubt! Though I would be happy with a winky face!
It would be fairly straightforward for me to just pop her in, say, her school uniform for another slightly longer round of RPS then a spin on the pole for a win and have the back room if won twice. So there's that.

Whether anyone would be able to look her in the eye as she does her intros tho after it, not too sure!
Well, you could try other costumes, like a bunny girl, or sexy security guard...
Is anyone else's head starting to ache from all this? No, just me? Oh, right then. :unsure:o_O:unsure:
I took a nap, and there are 9 new pages! :p
Go back to sleep all of you! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I just got here! :LOL: Though, while more sleep would be nice, it's already 36C/98F outside, and not much better in here.
What did I tell you? 12 minutes, you didn't even last an hour! :whistle:
That was about the time I figured... :LOL:


Jul 11, 2019
I'm sorry. I must beg your forgiveness...But I really couldn't help myself :)

Y'see I would never actually tell you fibs. Deny perhaps, confuse for sure but never lie.

I am, of course, aware that there is a theory that Becca and I are indeed one and the same. And was just too hard to resist.

I originally typed "She corrected herself" and then a naughty thought crossed my mind. I waited a minute or two to allow anyone to catch my original post and then edited it.

By doing so, of course, I had indeed corrected myself - and thus remained factually accurate. :) I even played fair by allowing that window (or so I thought!)

But it was rather naughty of me. Sorry...

I'm a very naughty dev, I know. ;)
No! I refuse to believe it! This reeks of post hoc construction. Beans are unrevokably spilled. The cat isn't going back in the bag.
You couldn't help yourself because it is the truth, and the truth will find its way out sooner or later.
I don't care that you've got Thea Lundgren backing you up. What she says obviously can't be trusted, she's a known terrorist for God's sake!
Also I can sense the panic and desperation in your dad Akamari's response urging you to reconsider. In the end you fell to peer pressure and embarked on this desperate attempt at damage control. But I'm having none of it!

You're not fooling Sherlock motherfucking Holmes' nephew's wife's older brother's grandson again for the third time so easily!


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Just continuing on with the links to a certain terrorist, I think I've figured out where she's actually been hiding: Patreon. Would explain why their rules are becoming more onerous and puritanical. Maybe Thea figured out Patreon were funding the colonies, and she's bringing them down from the inside.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Just continuing on with the links to a certain terrorist, I think I've figured out where she's actually been hiding: Patreon. Would explain why their rules are becoming more onerous and puritanical. Maybe Thea figured out Patreon were funding the colonies, and she's bringing them down from the inside.
Popular Patreon Front :)


Jul 11, 2019
Just continuing on with the links to a certain terrorist, I think I've figured out where she's actually been hiding: Patreon. Would explain why their rules are becoming more onerous and puritanical. Maybe Thea figured out Patreon were funding the colonies, and she's bringing them down from the inside.
Thea bringing down the Patreonarchy. Now that's a story I can get behind!


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
And so begins the quiet time... Europe has gone to bed, Asia hasn't woken yet, and here it's early afternoon and too damn hot to work in the yard.

Of course, it'll pick up here about the time I crash out for the night and then I'll come back to 40 new pages and at least as many new conspiracy theories... waitaminute....

Is Annie secretly friends with Thea Lundgren? Is Thea feeding her the real truth the rest of the population just doesn't want to see? Are you secretly friends with Thea Lundgren? Call our studios and share your story now!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Y'see I would never actually tell you fibs. Deny perhaps, confuse for sure but never lie.
About superintelligent AI computers called Minds:

“Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confound, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish and are generally perfectly capable of contriving to give one an utterly unambiguous impression of their future course of action while in fact intending to do exactly the opposite, but they never lie. Perish the thought.”

― Iain M. Banks,
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