I digged more into the Ophion creation myth and found some interesting stuff! Check this:
The next thing Eurynome did was very interesting. She created the Seven Planetary Powers, putting a Titaness and a Titan over each. Theia and Hyperion were given the Sun and the power of illumination; Phoebe and Atlas were given the Moon and the power of enchantment; Dione and Crius were given the planet Mars and the power of growth; Metis and Coeus were given the planet Mercury and the power of wisdom; Themis and Eurymedon were given the planet Jupiter and the power of law; Tethys and Oceanus were given the planet Venus and the power of love; and Rhea and Cronus took the planet Saturn with the power of peace.
Theia was given the Sun. Does Sun mean Earth? That's where she operated.
Theia and Hyperion. This is a longshot, but Hyperion is a colony ship in Mass Effect Andromeda. Is or was Thea on the Intrepid? Is Thea...
Chris' husband?!
Power of illumination. ??? Illuminate the J class ship construction facilites by explosions?
Phoebe and Atlas. Phoebe is the other colony. Does Phoebe stand for someone who is in charge of operations on Phoebe? Is Atlas another ship? Iowa perhaps?
Given the Moon. If Earth is Sun, Phoebe is the Moon?
Power of enchantment. Pheobe is called a paradise world, no?
Who is Eurynome? I speculated it's Amanda, but this looks bigger. Can it be someone we haven't met? Maybe even someone who isn't human?
As a bonus, here's nice artwork of
Amanda, sorry, Eurynome.