- Oct 17, 2018
- 841
- 3,747
I'm okay with her cursing like a sailor... or more apropos in her case, like a soldier or a marine. Trust me, the Navy doesn't have a lock on "foul language." You know you've picked it up when you get back home and your language shocks truckers and biker gangs. It took at least as long as I was in to train myself out of formulating sentences primarily containing swear words.I do like me some adorable little ginger. And I can see she talks about bunnies. At least, she won't have a sailor's mouth on her... But she'll have an engineer's mouth on her soon enough, you can count on it!
I still have to stop myself from saying things like "nofuckingway" (yes, that's one word) or "unfuckingbelievable" or "infuckingcredible" at work.
You don't look so good, you okay?
"I feel like hammered shi... I mean, I feel sick."
Check out the new UI - the transitions came to me at church last Sunday.
"Wow, that's inf... credible... incredible. Un...believable. Neat! That's neat!"
Those are the days where I step outside for a vape, get out of earshot of everyone else and say "fuck fuck fuckity fuckfuckfuck!" Then, once I've regained my composure, I go back in and act like everything is normal.
EDIT to add: USAians are complete prudes about language and nudity - but blood and violence is just dandy.