I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
I so tried to make that happen - sadly I couldn't as it would have been a great place for an Easter egg :(
Okay, so the easy bit first... Surely in the future, they'll be using QR Codes or whatever surpasses them? BTW QR Codes would be far easier to scan, even on slight curves like ankles! ;)

And now for the still easy bit, but a bit longer... Okay, a lot longer. :)
I think, as much as it shocks me to say this, Huitieme is right. Or as least as right in that I agree with him (which I confess shocks me even more....) ;)
Y'see the thing I can't quite get my head around is why H5 isn't played. And comparatively it isn't. There's a rather nasty little game that came out a couple of months ago with twice the reviews and three times the likes so make of that what you will. But tastes aside, it doesn't seem to matter how good the writing is. Oh, it's a factor for sure, but when you consider BP alone has smarter content than most releases it's obviously not an important factor to many.
I really don't understand this point either, it truly is an excellent game. I've been recommending it left, right and centre; and not just on here. I think it's getting played, it just not getting reviewed! Which is the maddening part? There are almost 15,000 downloads on a certain download site, so people are downloading it in droves. Maybe after you put in a message about Patreon or people giving feedback in CH4 that might change? :unsure:
Now I'm a writer first and foremost and nothing is going to change either the story or indeed the way I tell it. Nothing will change the content either. But given that the adult content is going to explode shortly there is a very real risk that the earlier graphics and the UI, to an extent, will put people off despite that- and H5 is a game to be played.
The writing is what drew me to this in the first place; I'll admit that the first time I played (when CH1 was released) I wasn't blown over, but I still downloaded CH2 because I saw promise (and then didn't play it again until CH3). The whole thing is just spectacular. :) I'm glad I stuck with it.
Y'see it doesn't matter that I have to spend say four times as much time to make a piccy as a super rigged dev. That's not a factor in peoples consideration. No one goes "well considering she's got an etch-a-sketch and a packet of crayons that's not bad" (well except you lot!). No, they look at other game's graphics and go "That's poo...".
For me the art was secondary, I was more interested in the story. But don't get me wrong, pretty pictures are nice too. ;)
So yep, once the tags are updated with all the new content - interest may well be regenerated in the game - until they open it...and it's not much use saying "yes but in Chapter Four it looks great!" because that won't I suspect cut it. People don't have patience.
People are childish impatient idiots! :( But that's a fact of life, unfortunately.
I think I have to do the remaster before Four is released. Now I realise this will go down as well as Marcus offering you vitamin tablets but I feel it has to be done. You've all seen what the game could look like. Indeed should like. Imagine what you'd feel about the game if it had the graphics it could/should/can have instead of the ones it did.
I think that YOU should do what YOU think is best, one thing you have to remember in all of this is that it's YOUR game, and while there might be some naysayers, you'd get that if you released it tomorrow. Okay, so two things to remember. :rolleyes:;)
If you don't fix it now, I don't want you getting disheartened later on because you wish you would've done the remaster when it was a much smaller job. Okay, three things to remember. :rolleyes:;)
I know this is will be an unpopular call. I know that. I know also it will cost me patronage and cash. I know that too. But the longer I leave the remaster not only will it take more and more time to do later down the line (and thus delay the next game - plus bore me to tears as I redo absolutely hundreds of images for an audience that's already played the game), but it also doesn't change the fundamental structural image problems we have at the start of the game. Structural problems that prevent people playing it.
You should definitely do the remaster before you release CH4! If only to save your sanity (was there any, to begin with, I mean just look at Mike? :whistle:;)) I suspect that you're not going to lose any of your hardcore supporters either here or on Patreon (I think I can class myself as one of these now), we're in it till the end! :)
So how long will it take?

I've a weeks rendering to finish off Four and I want to do that first. If only so I can get it out to playtesters. The remaster should only take two to three weeks I think as I don't have to do everything. There is a lot in One, Two and Three that are quite passable. It's mainly some of the internal Vanguard shots, the hallways, the plant room and the MC's room that are the main problems I think. The changing the menu option to that which I showed earlier won't take that long to be honest as it's just dropping a screen in and adding the correct button images.
Take as long as you need! Honestly! :)
So the end of the month looks viable. If it gets close to overrunning then I'd just pause the patron page so no one got an October charge as it would be unfair to charge people for rework I think.
Please don't do that, you have been nothing but upfront about the whole thing; I support you on Patreon for a reason, I knew going in that I wouldn't be getting a release every month, and I'm fine with that. So please don't pause, otherwise, I'll just have to double my pledge for November! (y);)
*stands back and awaits thoughts....*
Please see above for my thoughts!... :)

EDIT: Shit! Did it really take me 35 minutes to write all that down? :unsure:


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
*is. very*
This is the pivotal point, so I could just smile and say go ahead with the remaster right away, as I sure don't want a release you would be unhappy about, but I'll comment a bit further. :)

I think, as much as it shocks me to say this, Huitieme is right. Or as least as right in that I agree with him (which I confess shocks me even more....) ;)
*gasps* :p

Y'see the thing I can't quite get my head around is why H5 isn't played. And comparatively it isn't. There's a rather nasty little game that came out a couple of months ago with twice the reviews and three times the likes so make of that what you will. But tastes aside, it doesn't seem to matter how good the writing is. Oh, it's a factor for sure, but when you consider BP alone has smarter content than most releases it's obviously not an important factor to many.

Sex and pictures on the other hand are important.

Now I'm a writer first and foremost and nothing is going to change either the story or indeed the way I tell it. Nothing will change the content either. But given that the adult content is going to explode shortly there is a very real risk that the earlier graphics and the UI, to an extent, will put people off despite that- and H5 is a game to be played.

Y'see it doesn't matter that I have to spend say four times as much time to make a piccy as a super rigged dev. That's not a factor in peoples consideration. No one goes "well considering she's got an etch-a-sketch and a packet of crayons that's not bad" (well except you lot!). No, they look at other game's graphics and go "That's poo...".
There can be many, many factors to this. I've seen many opinions of people who don't try games until 0.4 for example. I think comparatively the visuals of the early chapters, while not as stellar as the remasters, are still above average. There are many games that I consider ugly, yet they still get sizeable following... But, they tend to have the sex thing going... or cater to specific audience...

So yep, once the tags are updated with all the new content - interest may well be regenerated in the game - until they open it...and it's not much use saying "yes but in Chapter Four it looks great!" because that won't I suspect cut it. People don't have patience.

I think I have to do the remaster before Four is released. Now I realise this will go down as well as Marcus offering you vitamin tablets but I feel it has to be done. You've all seen what the game could look like. Indeed should like. Imagine what you'd feel about the game if it had the graphics it could/should/can have instead of the ones it did.

I know this is will be an unpopular call. I know that. I know also it will cost me patronage and cash. I know that too. But the longer I leave the remaster not only will it take more and more time to do later down the line (and thus delay the next game - plus bore me to tears as I redo absolutely hundreds of images for an audience that's already played the game), but it also doesn't change the fundamental structural image problems we have at the start of the game. Structural problems that prevent people playing it.
If you feel it has to be done, then it does. Simple as that. I think you have a good loyal core among patrons, so maybe there won't be much loss, if any. It's a tough call, as both ways have their pros and cons. Not so much as if to do a remaster, but when. While I advised initially for Ch.4 to be released first (as it's almost finished), there is a very good chance that it could be more beneficial not to. Perhaps not for September, but possibly for October and onwards.

So how long will it take?

I've a weeks rendering to finish off Four and I want to do that first. If only so I can get it out to playtesters. The remaster should only take two to three weeks I think as I don't have to do everything. There is a lot in One, Two and Three that are quite passable. It's mainly some of the internal Vanguard shots, the hallways, the plant room and the MC's room that are the main problems I think. The changing the menu option to that which I showed earlier won't take that long to be honest as it's just dropping a screen in and adding the correct button images.
It's just a thought, but wouldn't an approach to remaster location by location be viable? Starting with what needs the boost most and going forward. And then, if it takes too long, perhaps pushing what doesn't need it as much after the release of Four? As...

So the end of the month looks viable. If it gets close to overrunning then I'd just pause the patron page so no one got an October charge as it would be unfair to charge people for rework I think.
...this would be counterproductive, and I would not like to see it happen.
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I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
If you feel that remastering the earlier chapters will help the game then I got your back sweetness (it's a very nice back to have ... the view I mean ... you get where i'm going with this).

I do, however, feel I need to be the voice on your other shoulder and say when is it going to be good enough?

We've all seen what you can do and if going through and redoing some renders will help then i'll fight your corner with you and do what I can to get more eyes on it and shill the shit out of it.

On one condition.

When enough people tell you it's good enough you listen, that is all.

If you don't you'll put yourself in the endless loop of "but I can do better" and you'll get nowhere except driving yourself nuts.

In some things you can be your own worst enemy.
^^^ This! Also this, I forgot to write in that bit about don't keep putting yourself down! :( You've got a lot of supporters on here, and you're doing a fannytastic job! :love::)
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
WOW! :eek: Did you manage that in one render, or have to do a composite? That is impressive on so many levels.
What we hope for and what is right aren't necessarily the same thing! ;)
You can't always get what you want...
See! And you called me a madman!

But more seriously, one of the remaining "girls" can only be the Ophion queen or something to that extent :3
The queen of the LGM and I am pretty sure Sarah's pussy is female...
*is. very*

I think, as much as it shocks me to say this, Huitieme is right. Or as least as right in that I agree with him (which I confess shocks me even more....) ;)

Y'see the thing I can't quite get my head around is why H5 isn't played. And comparatively it isn't. There's a rather nasty little game that came out a couple of months ago with twice the reviews and three times the likes so make of that what you will. But tastes aside, it doesn't seem to matter how good the writing is. Oh, it's a factor for sure, but when you consider BP alone has smarter content than most releases it's obviously not an important factor to many.

Sex and pictures on the other hand are important.

Now I'm a writer first and foremost and nothing is going to change either the story or indeed the way I tell it. Nothing will change the content either. But given that the adult content is going to explode shortly there is a very real risk that the earlier graphics and the UI, to an extent, will put people off despite that- and H5 is a game to be played.

Y'see it doesn't matter that I have to spend say four times as much time to make a piccy as a super rigged dev. That's not a factor in peoples consideration. No one goes "well considering she's got an etch-a-sketch and a packet of crayons that's not bad" (well except you lot!). No, they look at other game's graphics and go "That's poo...".

So yep, once the tags are updated with all the new content - interest may well be regenerated in the game - until they open it...and it's not much use saying "yes but in Chapter Four it looks great!" because that won't I suspect cut it. People don't have patience.

I think I have to do the remaster before Four is released. Now I realise this will go down as well as Marcus offering you vitamin tablets but I feel it has to be done. You've all seen what the game could look like. Indeed should like. Imagine what you'd feel about the game if it had the graphics it could/should/can have instead of the ones it did.

I know this is will be an unpopular call. I know that. I know also it will cost me patronage and cash. I know that too. But the longer I leave the remaster not only will it take more and more time to do later down the line (and thus delay the next game - plus bore me to tears as I redo absolutely hundreds of images for an audience that's already played the game), but it also doesn't change the fundamental structural image problems we have at the start of the game. Structural problems that prevent people playing it.

So how long will it take?

I've a weeks rendering to finish off Four and I want to do that first. If only so I can get it out to playtesters. The remaster should only take two to three weeks I think as I don't have to do everything. There is a lot in One, Two and Three that are quite passable. It's mainly some of the internal Vanguard shots, the hallways, the plant room and the MC's room that are the main problems I think. The changing the menu option to that which I showed earlier won't take that long to be honest as it's just dropping a screen in and adding the correct button images.

So the end of the month looks viable. If it gets close to overrunning then I'd just pause the patron page so no one got an October charge as it would be unfair to charge people for rework I think.

*stands back and awaits thoughts....*
Take as long as you like, none of us are going to complain (at least not seriously). (I mean, there might be a few sarcastic quips, but that hardly counts). :p
I so tried to make that happen - sadly I couldn't as it would have been a great place for an Easter egg :(
Maybe use one of those new square phone code pictures, I think you can get those made for free on line.


Jul 11, 2019
I think, if possible, it should be done before chapter 4 comes out. I know it means that we'll have to wait for the new chapter, but hear me out here.

Let's say chapter 4 comes out tomorrow. The masses rejoice, the land is fertile again, the blind recover eyesight, babies laugh, politicians give the money back to the people, the world is right anew. Then what happens? New peeps come here and wonder why we few, we happy few, sing the praises of Heavy Five and the Great Notty (blessed be Her name). So the new peeps download the game, and the first thing they see are these grainy renders! They close the game, delete it and leave forever wondering why we're so crazy about it.

Now, in this new paradigm, it all starts the same, except chapter 4's out later. People rejoice, politicians find they have a heart, etc. And the newbies come to us with shiny faces and *innocent* expectations. They download the first chapters and BAM!! Quality! Quality everywhere!

I guarantee you the tread will be flooded with "wy didn't i downloaded that game before?!?" Ok, it might become tedious, but think about the sweet patreon money that will go directly into Notty's beaver hamster... :D

Also, in a more serious tone, if Notty does indeed intend for the station to have a new appearance, it would be weird to either have the new graphics in chapter 4 but not the old ones or, worse, to keep going until she finally makes the decision to work on the remaster, but this time, the amount of work will be greater.

Just food for thought ;)
I second this.
Y'see the thing I can't quite get my head around is why H5 isn't played.
My theory on this is that the game isn't sold/advertised as a porny game. The screenshots on the front page are still weak in the T'nA department. The sexiness in the first impression needs to be amped up so people don't just skip it after glancing at the description and screenshots. Well that's my humble opinion anyway.

I wouldn't worry too much about it though. Given enough time I'm sure you'll eventually reach the masses. I'm also pretty sure you'll see a sizeable bump in interest once there's some seriously lewd content in the game.

Regarding the remaster: I'm sure it's the right call, even if it pisses a few people off in the short run. Quality first.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
An in between solution if you trust your patrons enough could be to release the new chapter 4 to patrons as soon as done and then release chapter 4 public as soon as reworked. There is a serious risk in this though the patron version will leak to early is my experience.
That wouldn't work. While Chapter Two took incredible 40 days to leak, Chapter 3 was out in less than 1. I think for many pirate sites it could a business to patron games, leak them first, and get ad revenue from visits and downloads.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
My theory on this is that the game isn't sold/advertised as a porny game. The screenshots on the front page are still weak in the T'nA department. The sexiness in the first impression needs to be amped up so people don't just skip it after glancing at the description and screenshots. Well that's my humble opinion anyway.
While I agree with the rest of your post, it should be advertised as a game that has focus on the story. That's the strongest asset. Every crap game here offers porn. We don't want the wrong audience.:)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Let's be perfectly honest.

There are people on this site that wouldn't understand the story. Shit, they wouldn't understand some of the words let alone the plot.

Not saying that to be a bitch, i'm saying that because i've come across people on here that manage to disprove the notion that sense is common.


Jul 11, 2019
While I agree with the rest of your post, it should be advertised as a game that has focus on the story. That's the strongest asset. Every crap game here offers porn. We don't want the wrong audience.:)
I already know from past discussions that we're not going to agree on this, but I still gotta say sex sells and is great for generating interest.
Draw them in with hot tits, woo them with the story. I don't see a problem with this.
Here's what other (somewhat) story-centric games use for advertising:
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What I'm prescribing has been done before, quite successfully.
4.10 star(s) 64 Votes