You turn up for the promise of a square jawed gall with a face speaking to inadequacy and a plot at least marginally better than the average... then you get 'Yes, Prime Ministered'.
Humans desire eroticism, but we need narrative. Our brains are built to structure and sequence events such that we can understand them. Our perception is rarely veridical but instead is built to form a cogent world for us to situate ourselves in. So when one finds themselves looking for the erotic on an online site whose colour scheme alone gurantees you wouldn't dare share it with your mother, finding a piece of work of this quality is surprising.
When one then goes further to visit the thread to which the games authour attends and finds an articulate defense of strict adherance to a writer's contract with it's audience in order not to compromise the story for a baffled face preceeding a euphoric face and an 'x' button, then surprsing becomes perspective altering.
This game may well be the first I recomend to someone, regardless of source. I have great respect for those whose self -assuredness allows them to be candid about their intrests here but I, before this game, couldn't imagine sharing my experiences with anyone. Now, I would in a heartbeat, because now I have a game that if you play sincerely, (and I do try my best to) is of suffcient quallity that I can easily situate myself in the narrative. Some characters are strange, and some dialogue surreal, but the core cast could all pass the Turing test so far. I feel more could be done (subtly) with dead time so one's relationships with the cast feels less accelerated but none of this matters, because I am in the story. Once I am here, the game becomes about me (if you can't tell by my verbosity, ofc I am egocentric :3). I am not asking 'how do I see a screen', I am asking, 'what would I do?' Let no one ignore the desire to see underwear; but it appears to be through simple, tangible decisions that we get there; and who hasn't used a poor excuse to spend time with the one you desire on a foreign planet so you can learn more about them?
Shadowrun: Dragonfall was a game made for me, in the moment I had to decide if a simulated reality addict should continue to fuel her addiction or abandon it and face the reality of an awful world... I spent 2 hours doing so. When chapter 2 told me I didn't discover something about Chris, and I had to go back through it (in spite of my carnal self feeling satisfied ¬_¬) to learn something about
her this game convinced me again, that it may yet be as good. When a game gets you to ask the same question as the protagonist actually would, it has already surpassed a huge volume of others in quality.
This is my first post on this site, and honestly, it is never one I would have anticipated making. However, as I find myself without the ability to financially suppport my own taste for Cranberry juice at the moment, I thought the best I could do is offer sincere gratitude. Gratitude for making me laugh, making me think, and from this site particularly, guranteeing I don't press the x button untill the green writing is on the wall.
Heavy five is, definitively the Visual Novel Harrods would sell you

Thanks for the experience.