So, despite being gay i played this game and genuinely just enjoyed the game for its functionality and design. The animations were smooth (and it was cool to see the sprites still in the animation on the combat field), text was decently written, but it wasn't excessive and it was easy to skip when I wanted to. Obviously the sex stuff didn't do much for me, and it'd be great there was a male/trappy PC - though i can sympathise with how unlikely that would be since it's such a niche market.
I love fantasy games, things like monsters, magic, knights, demons and stuff. I was also surprised to discover that I quite enjoyed the combat system. I'm inexperienced with that style, so i can't speak to how balanced it was - i felt seduction seemed extremely strong since it seemed to be the equivalent of a OHKO.
Regardless, is anyone aware of any decent fantasy games with a similar combat system? I'm typically more used to MMOs and RPGs like Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Amalur etc. Thanks <3