also thought about a possible ending in which edwyr would ntr zeno and take celis + aywin for himself. Dont know why exactly, maybe because of edwyrs character but somehow edwyr x aywin is really hot. Beeing a small child in the beginning of the game Aywin once was like a mom for him and now he is corrupting and dominating her, which is really hot. WHat do you think N_Taii - is that enough substance for another ending

(no seriously, I would love it)
also story wise it could really make sense as zeno and edwyr are betraying everyone, how can they even trust each other. Evil in the end always eats up itself - that could be a great turn of events imho....
I kind of have the rough outline of all the endings in mind, and I'm not sure I could add yet another ending, especially one like the one you mentioned that's pretty close to an NTR ending, and I already have one -more standard - in mind. Sure, there's an extra-layer with the main NTR villain being NTR'd in turn, but not enough of a difference to warrant a whole new ending imo^^
Besides, I don't agree with you when you say it fits story-wise. Edwyr was brought up almost exclusively by Zeno, and was heavily influenced by him. All his life, he's been yearning for his father's attention, trying his best to make him proud. Someone who's entire personality has been shaped by his father won't suddenly up and betray him like that. Besides, Edwyr isn't entirely stupid, he understands that turning against his father would probably mean his downfall, as he's not much of a leader himself and couldn't take over what Zeno has built so far.
My idea of a revenge ending is where the antagonists are humiliated or made to suffer the same way the MC’s women are rather than the MC burning everything in sight.
For instance they could be thrown in prison to be gang raped by thugs. Or given to a bunch of orcs who’d fuck anything with an orifice. Or paraded through the streets with everyone throwing garbage at them. Basically anything that crushes their pride.
What do you guys think?
We'll see^^ But as much as I know players hate the antagonists, I'd rather make an ending that's focused on the MC's victory rather than one the villain's defeat, althought they will still face what's coming to them.
I think the one way mirror scene could have been improved a bit. I think the revelation should have been made in the cowgirl position just to have the female character stop express doubts and have the male encourage her using the pr-established rage as an excuse. then have some archetipical vow breaking statements. and include some leaning on the mirror stuff.
a bit of critique on the game overall. at the begining the game takes a very detailed way of writing the non H story. I remember at some point i got pretty into the bad guy's story. but then at around update 7-9 the writing beacame more expository with fade to black and scenes describing the passage of time. now I do prefer this because it makes things move faster (I remember it takes around 3 hours to get to the first H scene because I had a corrupted save the first time I played it so I was saving constantly the second time i played it) but the change in style is noticeable.
I really like the non h writing its pretty good.
For the scene itself, I guess a lot of it is up to personal preferences, although I've got to admit that leaning on the mirror could have been pretty hot. Unfortunately, I'm not enough of a good artist to be able to portray the boobs pressing on the glass and bouncing with each penetration. The artist was already working on something else at the time, so I went with some animations that were a little bit easier to implement^^
For the rest, you're absolutely right. I think Update 7 was when I decided to add a "filler" update, with little to no story progression but more emphasis on sex scenes. Since people loved it, I decided to keep going in subsequent updates and give slightly less importance to the way the story was told (as you mentioned, by using fade in/fade out screens) which would in turn give me more time to focus on the H content.