RPGM Henteria Chronicles Ch. 3 : The Peacekeepers [Update 13] [N_taii]

4.60 star(s) 31 Votes


Jun 1, 2021
I see that the subject of "how long until it's done" along with the game's pacing was brought up yet again a few pages back so here's my two cents on it, even if nobody gives a shit about it. xdd

My only REAL concern right now regarding the game is that i'm afraid that the second half is gonna be rushed, which is kinda funny since the game is already longer as it is right now than 70% of every other NTR game out there.
I get that the "around 20 Updates" is not official and that N_Taii's gonna release Updates for as long as he needs to until he can wrap up the story, but the general idea is that the game is gonna end somewhere around in that ballpark, afterall whenever someone asks when the game is gonna be finised, nowadays the answer is always the same..."we're somewhere around the halfwaypoint", not to mention that there's also the fact that N_Taii has mentioned multiple times that he aims to finish the game before the end of 2024, which i wholeheartedly believe is impossible because even if N_Taii was to work at full efficiency and release EVERY remaining Update exacly 35 days after the previous one, that's still what...Update 19 in late December ? Not even because he said he's gonna ignore his 35 day rule for the endings and work on them for as long as he needs to...and there's 3 of them, maybe even 4 if he goes through with that 2 different NTR endings he mentioned, and let's not forget that each ending gets it's own Update, so the last 3 or 4 Updates will be endings only, meaning that if let's say the game is 21 Updates long, N_Taii would need to warp up the story and set up everything by the end of Update 17 or 18 so that he can move on to work on the different endings.

I know i'm in no position to demand anything, maybe ask but even that's a stretch, but i absolutely do think that each of the 4 main girls SHOULD have at the very least 7 sex scenes before the endings star coming in, or i guess not sex scenes just 7 proper scenes of any kind AFTER their first sex scenes, which is kinda the root of all my worries because we're at Update11 and Haylen&Lily are still not at a point where they would even consider having sex, Haylen will probably get her first sex scene at the end of Update 12, same with Lily but in Update 13, but that still leaves very little room for them between their first sex scenes and the endings.
7 scenes for each main girl would mean 28 scenes in total, which depending on the amount of scenes per update(3 or 4) would mean either 7 or 9 Updates, and that's JUST the main girls, there are also the maids, the guards, the barmaids, the nun with the name that can lead to a stroke when said out loud, i just don't see how the corruption of all these girls could be fleshed out properly in this many Updates when there are SOO many parts of the story that still needs to be told.

I do hope that i'm just worried for nothing, but as of right now i see 2 ways this can go if we're about 7 or 8 Updates away from the endings, we're gonna either get a great story at the expense of the corruption, or an amazing corruption but a rushed story.
For fairness sake i have to mention that i haven't played the last two updates. That said, the last time i played Roses or Cyannas storyline was back in August 23. Wild, isn't it?
How much has their story progressed since then? If the game would end after another nine updates - how far would we even come? You are right saying that shouldn't work unless the pacing would pick up. I hope it won't turn out like the SAO-game:
First slow build-up then the developer suddenly increases the pace. I do prefer steady progression over instant corruption and i don't like ntr games in which the fmc is enjoying the antagonists dick already in the second scene.
But ultimately i care most for a consisent game. The same pacing/progression from start to finish.

I've been thinking about buying the new Crusader Kings DLC but this autistic friend of mine has also been nagging me constantly this last couple of weeks to buy the upcoming Elden Ring DLC so that we can "play the game at the same time when it comes out" ???
I bought ck3 but dropped it after playing the tutorial. I HATE to learn (complicated) new games. Which is funny because i play HoI4 or EU4...

The way you present it on your First paragraph might give the impression that you don't care much for Haylen's and Lily's stories. However, the story is not solely about the peacekeepers or Rose or Cyana, it primarily revolves around Leto and his betrayal of loved ones. In many stories, the focus isn't just on one element but rather on how the main character, through various situations, undergoes transformation. That's why their stories are crucial. It's not solely about the country it's more about Leto.
Interstingly enough i'm right in the middle between you and Oriandu. I don't see the side girls and their storylines as unneccassary. As you say it's about the ntr and how they get taken away from Leto.
On the other hand i can't help but have the feeling that their storylines feels like a filler. You get to feel how the story actually moves forward whenever you play Cyannas or Roses questline but Haylen or Lilys feels ... i don't know how to describe it, it feels off somehow.
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Miss Y

Sep 12, 2016
Interstingly enough i'm right in the middle between you and Oriandu. I don't see the side girls and their storylines as unneccassary. As you say it's about the ntr and how they get taken away from Leto.
On the other hand i can't help but have the feeling that their storylines feels like a filler. You get to feel how the story actually moves forward whenever you play Cyannas or Roses questline but Haylen or Lilys feels ... i don't know how to describe it, it feels off somehow.
The word that I would use is "meandering." At least for Haylen's, that is very much how it feels to me. There is very little sense of having dramatic stakes or any kind of external pressure pushing events forward with a sense of dread. Update after update, it feels like her storyline is mostly just coming up with ways to kill time between each milestone that it is supposed to hit, so that it never gets ahead of Cyanna and Rose.

But those events don't really flow together in a way that feels like it is building up to something with a purpose in mind, like with Rose's burden of responsibility to protect her people (and, by extension, Leto) or Cyanna's frustrations from her unrequited love bubbling up to a breaking point. The closest you can say for Haylen is that she's suffering from empty nest syndrome with both of her kids now living their own lives without needing her as much, and while that does have potential to be just as interesting as a flaw or vulnerability for her, I don't think that Haylen's relationship with Leto hasn't changed much at all since the timeskip. And that makes each sidequest feel increasingly repetitive when it just comes down to the same process of "Haylen takes Leto somewhere, and then Jazon pesters her for something sexual until she gives in because she sees a glimpse of something sympathetic about him."


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Haylen does seem like a missed opportunity. In most situations a nun having sex goes one of two ways. She's either already a giant fucking sloot who became a nun to try and get her life right and winds up losing to dick, or she's a pretty standard nun that lives an upstanding religious life who has a moment of weakness after a lot of pressure and falls into corruption. Haylen is supposed to be the latter but with the other nun involved already having been coerced into sex at least once and the fact that Haylen herself does not really feel much like a nun or even a priestess, we're left with a character whose events feel perfunctory.

Personally I think the problem is that the role Haylen plays isn't the role of a nun it's the role of a mom which has reduced her role from upstanding religious woman with strong walls to generic older woman who put her own wants and needs aside for her kids. At this stage she's basically the stepmom whose stepson has a best friend who thinks she's hot which, honestly, lowers her personal stakes immensely.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
To add to what some of you have been saying here:
I think 4 girls is a good number, though I believe if you have 4 girls it becomes inevitable that around 2 of them will have less priority, they will still be a "strong supporting cast", but they are not main characters. Main character, at least imo, are currently Rose and Cyanna. Esp. also because they are way more involved in the political machinations of the nation due to their positions.

Personally my view on how things should end up is pretty simple. In most fiction a character like the duke is extremely unscrupulous. In a lot of stories like HC3 that involve conspiracies to conquer a nation the person in charge begins killing specific allies and enemies to consolidate their power and that's exactly what I think the duke should be doing here.

Kill Jazon's uncle, and in the process Haylen winds up in the clutches of the duke. Have the magic shop owner be a supplier for the cabal and Lily is snatched up when Ulrod kills her boss to silence him. Finally the duke kills Ulrod to replace him with a more reliable and loyal lieutenant and thus Cyanna passes onto the duke.

More than any other character in the series the duke feels like an arch villain and should be treated accordingly.
I partially agree with you. Actually, this is where I see a chance for N_taii to make the game a bit more complex. We know that ultimately - as a NTR game in the fashion of NTRPG, probably one of the few sequels in spirit that the game has (that does however also add new/different things to the formula) - there will be little choice for us regarding the NTR content. At best we can get a "bittersweet" or "revenge" ending if we make good choices and whatnot. BUT. I see a unique opportunity here to implement key choices in the story that do not influence our MC being cucked but rather how the game ends and with whom the characters end up. One such an ending could be the "Duke Overlord/Archvillain" ending where he indeed consolidates power and kills all his rivals one by one (including Ulrod) and gets all the girls in his claws. Another could be your choices helping to prevent this plot from happening and saving the other "villains" of the story and the girls ending up with them. Like for example in each instance there are things you can do so the plot to kill person X (i.e. the shopkeep, Jazon or Ulrod) is not killed. That will net you a small amount of scenes as end-content for these "paths" between the respective girl and the villain (i.e. Jazon and Hylen) as a "mini-ending" for their arc.

This can have all kinds of interesting turns. Like, like somebody mentioned, Ulrod joining us as a result of being saved in order to help fight the Duke at the very end. Same goes maybe for some of the other characters. Which will maybe increase your chances and make the ending slightly different. The variation doesn't need to be super big, it can just be a line of dialogue or two about what happened to/in the Kingdom, showing a few scenes of the kingdom and it's citizens that are appropriate for the scenario.

I do not doubt for example that the duke is the endgame or close to it. If his outcome if deciding on the "final ending" of the game, the outcomes could be something like:

1. (Mostly) Happy Ending: Duke defeated, Rose Queen, you by her side. You got cucked but you prevailed
2. (Less) Happy Ending: Duke demoted, still holds power, Rose queen, you by her side. She has an affair with him in secret.
3. Bad-ish ending: Duke wins, has Rose, reigns the Kingdom, but you managed to escape and get a resistance going, you migth have been able to hook up with some other girl (optional)
4. Bad Archvillain ending: Duke gets all the girls (or Rose + whoever you did not save the villain of), reigns the kingdom, you had to flee and take refuge in some other country (you had the chance to hook up with another girl through some optional side-stuff)

In addition to the main endings there could be a few variations, depending on who you saved. Saved Ulrod? He helped you against the duke, and maybe he is still with Cyanna (depending on your choices regarding Cyanna). He could also die valiantly in the resistance against the duke and who Cyanna ends up with depends on your ending (1-4).

Same/similar things go for all the other girls.

Now let me note this looks like a LOT. What Im listing here are just possibilities. I'm not saying "less than this and I will be disappointed". Not at all. I do expect some of this to not be implemented in the end. I'm just saying these are all interesting and creative ways that you can TAKE the story and make a few neat variations depending on your choices, without taking away the main element of a NTR game which is that most of the game is basically cucking of the MC.

But yea, I see a lot of possibilities in this to create SOME variation in the storylines without changing the MAIN premise of the game itself.


Oct 9, 2021
To add to what some of you have been saying here:
I think 4 girls is a good number, though I believe if you have 4 girls it becomes inevitable that around 2 of them will have less priority, they will still be a "strong supporting cast", but they are not main characters. Main character, at least imo, are currently Rose and Cyanna. Esp. also because they are way more involved in the political machinations of the nation due to their positions.

I partially agree with you. Actually, this is where I see a chance for N_taii to make the game a bit more complex. We know that ultimately - as a NTR game in the fashion of NTRPG, probably one of the few sequels in spirit that the game has (that does however also add new/different things to the formula) - there will be little choice for us regarding the NTR content. At best we can get a "bittersweet" or "revenge" ending if we make good choices and whatnot. BUT. I see a unique opportunity here to implement key choices in the story that do not influence our MC being cucked but rather how the game ends and with whom the characters end up. One such an ending could be the "Duke Overlord/Archvillain" ending where he indeed consolidates power and kills all his rivals one by one (including Ulrod) and gets all the girls in his claws. Another could be your choices helping to prevent this plot from happening and saving the other "villains" of the story and the girls ending up with them. Like for example in each instance there are things you can do so the plot to kill person X (i.e. the shopkeep, Jazon or Ulrod) is not killed. That will net you a small amount of scenes as end-content for these "paths" between the respective girl and the villain (i.e. Jazon and Hylen) as a "mini-ending" for their arc.

This can have all kinds of interesting turns. Like, like somebody mentioned, Ulrod joining us as a result of being saved in order to help fight the Duke at the very end. Same goes maybe for some of the other characters. Which will maybe increase your chances and make the ending slightly different. The variation doesn't need to be super big, it can just be a line of dialogue or two about what happened to/in the Kingdom, showing a few scenes of the kingdom and it's citizens that are appropriate for the scenario.

I do not doubt for example that the duke is the endgame or close to it. If his outcome if deciding on the "final ending" of the game, the outcomes could be something like:

1. (Mostly) Happy Ending: Duke defeated, Rose Queen, you by her side. You got cucked but you prevailed
2. (Less) Happy Ending: Duke demoted, still holds power, Rose queen, you by her side. She has an affair with him in secret.
3. Bad-ish ending: Duke wins, has Rose, reigns the Kingdom, but you managed to escape and get a resistance going, you migth have been able to hook up with some other girl (optional)
4. Bad Archvillain ending: Duke gets all the girls (or Rose + whoever you did not save the villain of), reigns the kingdom, you had to flee and take refuge in some other country (you had the chance to hook up with another girl through some optional side-stuff)

In addition to the main endings there could be a few variations, depending on who you saved. Saved Ulrod? He helped you against the duke, and maybe he is still with Cyanna (depending on your choices regarding Cyanna). He could also die valiantly in the resistance against the duke and who Cyanna ends up with depends on your ending (1-4).

Same/similar things go for all the other girls.

Now let me note this looks like a LOT. What Im listing here are just possibilities. I'm not saying "less than this and I will be disappointed". Not at all. I do expect some of this to not be implemented in the end. I'm just saying these are all interesting and creative ways that you can TAKE the story and make a few neat variations depending on your choices, without taking away the main element of a NTR game which is that most of the game is basically cucking of the MC.

But yea, I see a lot of possibilities in this to create SOME variation in the storylines without changing the MAIN premise of the game itself.

N-Tai can use this game to make HC3 ending


Nov 3, 2019
I don't think there's much i could add to this Haylen slander that's been going around and that's because everything i would say has already been said by someone, although i gotta say i especially agree with Miss Y's post here:

The word that I would use is "meandering." At least for Haylen's, that is very much how it feels to me. There is very little sense of having dramatic stakes or any kind of external pressure pushing events forward with a sense of dread. Update after update, it feels like her storyline is mostly just coming up with ways to kill time between each milestone that it is supposed to hit, so that it never gets ahead of Cyanna and Rose.

But those events don't really flow together in a way that feels like it is building up to something with a purpose in mind
To me, this describes Haylen's storytline perfectly...so far, at least.
I could add a few thing that i find lacking in Haylen's questline but i'm gonna keep it to myself until i play the new Update, maybe it's the Copium talking that's taken over my body due to the fact that this is gonna be a Haylen only Update, but for some reason i've got a feeling that starting from Update12, Haylen's quests are gonna be much more coherent, although i guess this week's PoL is another big reason for why i feel this way as well.
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Nov 3, 2019
As for Lily's storyline however, the things that were mentioned about the side characters are definitely not true here in my opinion, i mean sure, you could say that it's filler or that it's irrelevant and you're technically right because neither of the 2 sidestories have any actual impact on the main story, at least not yet, but if you separate the two and just look at the side stories individually, Lily's route is so far and beyond in every imaginable way possible compared to Haylen it's insane, which is actually not something i would've ever expected to happen.
Although i guess i'm a bit biased here because in the demo i REALLY liked Lily's character, but as the story progressed and more and more things were revealed, the less i wanted to play her questline because her story was going in such a different direction from what i had envisioned that i was just immensely disappointed whenever i was on her quest, for which i guess i'm partially to blame because i hyped myself up during the Demo and Update 1 that Tavros is gonna corrupt Lily in a pretty generic NTR way, but as it turned out i was not only wrong about Tavros, but after Lily's first quest was released, EVERYBODY was convinced that she was going to become the obligatory BDSM character for HC3, me included, which was not the final nail in the coffin but the coffin itself for me, i knew that eventually i was gonna make my peace with Nezar (which i did) but BDSM is something i never have and never will like.
I guess what i'm trying to say is that me liking her current quests might be because deep down i'm like "I will literally take anything over BDSM".

While Haylen's questline is seemingly just a string of random everday events like a picnik or a seminar where the event is already preplanned before Jazon is even in the picture, he just weasels his way into everything in the last minute (which is a reoccurring theme in Haylen's quests by the way for some reason), Lily's every single quest on the other hand is a continuous chain of events and whenever we reach the end of each quest it feels natural to reach that conclusion. Another thing i love about her questline is that i feel like it takes a 180° during every quest and it's something that you never would guess beforehand, and most imporantly it makes sense every time. First Lily started working as a maid after she was caught stealing that flower, then from maid she transitioned into a student and the reasons WHY she did were great and again, it made sense. Then from student/maid, because of the events of her latest quest, she transitioned into Nezar's successor who's gonna inherit the Magic Shop one day, which again, complete 180° and yet it makes sense and it fits her character. I feel like the thing i'm looking forward to the most in Update 12 is that as soon as it's released N_Taii is gonna start working on Lily's next quest.

As closure i'm gonna tell you the most important reason for why i love Lily's storyline, ready ? Say it with me: "Her scenes are not BDSM themed".
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Feb 9, 2021
As closure i'm gonna tell you the most important reason for why i love Lily's storyline, ready ? Say it with me: "Her scenes are not BDSM themed".
It seemed like it was going that way, now it seems to be just "punishment" route which I'd take any day over the bdsm routes in the previous games


Nov 3, 2019
It seemed like it was going that way, now it seems to be just "punishment" route
Oh N_Taii was definitely moving in that direction for sure, he even said once during the first few Updates that Lily's route it gonna feature BDSM but not as heavy as the previous games, i guess after seeing how everybody was moaning constantly on both Patreon and F95 that they don't want BDSM (me included), he must've abandoned the idea.

which I'd take any day over the bdsm routes in the previous games
When i saw that Lily's first two scenes were spanking i was like:
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New Member
Jun 14, 2022
I feel like BDSM is often added in games to cross it off of the fetish checklist. But when done properly it can really add a sense of realism to character devolopment. For example a character that is fed up with responsibility being stripped of their agency, allowing them to let go of control. Or someone obsessed with their image of purity being forced to accept their hidden depravity. It's not really about the act itself, but the transformation. When used in conjunction with NTR it can really add to realism of their fall. That said, BDSM itself doesn't really appeal to me, so I have no qualms if it's been axed.

As for side stories/characters in NTR, I don't typically like them. The only appeal I see is when they are used to further isolate or betray the MC. For instance there is one NTR I played where his sister helps facilitate the NTR, that was hot to me. I hope HC3 progresses to the point where the side girls know what Rose is up to, yet choose to cover for her.
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Oct 12, 2017
Oh N_Taii was definitely moving in that direction for sure, he even said once during the first few Updates that Lily's route it gonna feature BDSM but not as heavy as the previous games, i guess after seeing how everybody was moaning constantly on both Patreon and F95 that they don't want BDSM (me included), he must've abandoned the idea.
Damn, I remember that the white haired elf girl in HC2 was my favorite in the beginning of the story. Then the BDSM shit started and ruined it. I had to fast-forward her story, since BSDM is a huge "nope" to me.
So far there's nothing extreme in Lily's scenes, but who knows...
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
You're looking for a Batman in a room full of:

View attachment 3416941
I don't know, if someone asked Batman to leak a privately produced product that its creator relied on to survive he wouldn't leak it. A member of the Seven would be way more likely to leak it than Bats.

Damn, I remember that the white haired elf girl in HC2 was my favorite in the beginning of the story. Then the BDSM shit started and ruined it. I had to fast-forward her story, since BSDM is a huge "nope" to me.
So far there's nothing extreme in Lily's scenes, but who knows...
Worst part of that elf was how random it was. It's like she's minding her own business all "Lalala, the village is rapidly becoming toxic and warlike, but I'm a high elf so I'm not really paying attention to what these local rubes are doing, lalala." and then village doctor sees her through the trees and just started beating his meat, and then five minutes later he kidnaps her and is all "Look at my collection of whips and chains that I never showed any indication towards having or enjoying the use of." I can distinctly remember thinking to myself "What the fuck is going on?" in HC2 when her content started. I knew she was going to get content and after HC1 and the maid I expected there to be some BDSM, but her content was practically a nonsequitir. It made no sense.
4.60 star(s) 31 Votes