4.20 star(s) 15 Votes


Oct 12, 2017
After testing the last build I begin to get worried about the game's future, there are so many features implemented in a short time that it sure is going to be a pain in the ass to balance all these. One of the things I wish Enlit change is how unfair some enemies attack speed is, and blocking get totally innefective when two or more enemies attack you at the same time.
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New Member
Sep 6, 2018
I mean now the real problems is when u are losing the fight, instead of seeing some ACTION u just get tied up, and it is a bit boring, I mean would be worth it to get extra points if u tie up someone and then can performe some sexual move on them or them on you. Same thing with the attack speed, if you have a long reach weapon they will just distrupt you every time...... Traps are a bit boring as well. I think Heroine Rumble is a much superior product.

Not to mention that u need all your points in CHA and u cant spend anything in DEX or other stats so u can really feel like a hero of some sort...
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Oct 12, 2017
Well, the restrain/device problem it's just because the are no "restrain" animations. But I agree about how much the game put focus on "numbers" when figthing, the solo hero play and the boss fight could be more douable or fun if entities (friendly and enemies NPC) didn't attack trough friendly entities (specially ranged units). Also, to many units at once don't give almost any chance to use sexual attacks in an offensive way.

Anyway, Enlit is doing a great job so far, the progess is steady and the features are neat. I thing al these things are just because the game is almost in a experimental state more than a beta.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Thanks for the update!

I hacked the game that the gas flask (lewd impact) costs only one 1 buck and that it is good for 100 attacks.
Then the game is really funny (throwing a lot of flasks). It is really cool if you are full horny and do masturbation (with futa) if you get a little bit of the gas yourselve ;-)

The new h-scenes are very good. I like it!


Jun 24, 2017
whats the changelog for 4.8.1?
I keep seeing people talking about features but I haven't seen them in-game. Do you have to clear your data from 4.7.3?


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
With 4.8.1 I get an error when several enemies are masturbating due to a gas flask attack.
I wonder if it is the case when one of my soldiers tries to attac/grap a masturbating enemy?

Maybe this info will be come through to enlit3d (i am not a patreon).
(maybe they have already found this bug)


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
whats the changelog for 4.8.1?
I keep seeing people talking about features but I haven't seen them in-game. Do you have to clear your data from 4.7.3?
Changelogs 4.8:
- implemented new weapon group - flasks(grenades)
- they apply a AOE effect that effects foes and allies on impact
- currently, there are 3 different flasks: gas, flash and impact
- implemented masterbuation mechanics
- added 4 different masterbuation animations, 2 for having penis and 2 for no penis
- implemented restraints
- to restraint someone, first acquire the equipable restraint item
- then equip it and press E/LMB to use on appropriate target
- implemented carrying
- to carry someone, they must be restrained first
- implemented (Deviant?) Devices
- to use yourself, simply interact with the device
- to place someone else there, interact with the device while carrying whoever you want to put onto the device
- fixed weapon refine level (+1, +2..) not giving bonuses
- fixed a bug that prevent demon_wings from appearing in shops
- decreased the amount of exp shared with party members with bigger party sizes
- increased effectiveness of punishment/humil move against enemies (and only against enemies)
- fixed the bald spot in hair005
- added "longbow" to the game
- HP recover from rescuing reduced from 50% to 25% of max hp
- you can no longer use hoe/water_can/seed as weapon
- for weapons without attacks (such as restraints & farming tools) you can use the LMB inplace where the interact key (E) is appropriate
- rewrote the Decision-AI (there are several AIs, such as for combat, for navigation, etc) to support the restraint + carry mechanics
- fixed a combat AI bug that makes the AI pick the first eligible target rather than pick a "best" target from a pool

4.8.1 will fix some errors of 4.8 (e.g. can not enter the bandit dungeon).
You can use your 4.7.3 save files with 4.8.1.
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Jul 14, 2017
Thanks for the update!

I hacked the game that the gas flask (lewd impact) costs only one 1 buck and that it is good for 100 attacks.
Then the game is really funny (throwing a lot of flasks). It is really cool if you are full horny and do masturbation (with futa) if you get a little bit of the gas yourselve ;-)

The new h-scenes are very good. I like it!
how exactly did you do that


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
how exactly did you do that
If you want to "hack" the game you have to execute the following actions (it is not sooo easy!):
- unzip the app.asar file (from the recources folder) with 7-zip. you need the asar extension to do this with 7-zip (it is for free)
- you will get some files unpacked: a folder (voxel), a file "compiled.js", "main" and "package" .... The "compiled.js" file is the file you have to change. In this file you will find the main code of the game (in javascript)
- but to read the source code you have to run the content of the compile.js file through a beautifier (google and use "online JavaScript beautifier")
- for editing i use the free editor "Notepad++"
- If you are familiar in programming (sorry) you will recognize the code (hopefully) and you will find the code line >uid: "gas_flask",<. Here you can change the values ( "value: 1," -> gas flask will only cost 1 buck)
- if you have made your changes you have to pack the unpacked files again to get a new app.asar file. If you have the asar extension (see above) you can again use 7-zip. This file you put to the .../recources folder and you can run the game

Sorry it is not so easy, but it works. I hope I could help you.
Of course you can do a lot of other fun stuff like: make all enemies to futa, change the appearance of the enemies...
Jul 14, 2017
If you want to "hack" the game you have to execute the following actions (it is not sooo easy!):
- unzip the app.asar file (from the recources folder) with 7-zip. you need the asar extension to do this with 7-zip (it is for free)
- you will get some files unpacked: a folder (voxel), a file "compiled.js", "main" and "package" .... The "compiled.js" file is the file you have to change. In this file you will find the main code of the game (in javascript)
- but to read the source code you have to run the content of the compile.js file through a beautifier (google and use "online JavaScript beautifier")
- for editing i use the free editor "Notepad++"
- If you are familiar in programming (sorry) you will recognize the code (hopefully) and you will find the code line >uid: "gas_flask",<. Here you can change the values ( "value: 1," -> gas flask will only cost 1 buck)
- if you have made your changes you have to pack the unpacked files again to get a new app.asar file. If you have the asar extension (see above) you can again use 7-zip. This file you put to the .../recources folder and you can run the game

Sorry it is not so easy, but it works. I hope I could help you.
Of course you can do a lot of other fun stuff like: make all enemies to futa, change the appearance of the enemies...
would it also be possible to give say Rubina the option to summon slaves as an abilty


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
The open modding possibility to create new dungeons (4.8.1) really nailed it.
Thank you enlit3d!

If we now get a slider for the penis size ;-)
(maybe some animations will looking not so good, but who cares)


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
If you put an enemy on a "device" (and that is not so easy) it will free itselve after just a view seconds, that makes no sense in my opinion. It should last until it gets rescued by an other enemy, or forever.


Oct 14, 2016
just dropping this info but i you have hand cuffs and you use them on the two women in village, then teleport back home, you can temporarily have them in camp. if you use terrain editor and create restraints, you can lock them in. though they soon free themselves.
4.20 star(s) 15 Votes