Fine with me. sed is just easy for the purpose, but it can also be done e.g. in python.
To replace dos back slashes by linux/mac slashes, two s/earch/replace/g[lobally] sed -i: modify in place; -r regular expressions (now parens capture, \1 is a reference to what's captured)
upon ./electron . I got an error message in the lines of `AC[l] is not a function' the javascript code where this goes wrong is currently:
so hack in a test to only act if AC[l] is a function. Here I used sed without -r: escaped parens `\(...\)' capture.
sed -i 's/\((0,this.AC\[l\])(p,r);\)/if(typeof this.AC[l]=="function") {\1}/' compiled.js
# the javascript becomes:
if(typeof this.AC[l]=="function") {(0,this.AC[l])(p,r);}
after next compilation the variable may not be named AC, and p nd r may be renamed or l, but if you search compiled.js for the one mentioned in the error message it should be fairly easy to adapt. If not you can try asking me next time. If I see it I will help.