Well this'll be interesting for a first post. I'm more of an incognito sort of lad, but I might as well get this off my chest. As a purveyor of a variety of games, mostly RPGs like Xenoblade, Dark Souls & Skyrim, I'm not much of a visual novel enthusiast, let alone a lewd gamer (At least during the daytime). To my surprise, I've got plenty to actually praise from this short experience alone.
The characters sell the experience, 100%! Lucy & Fara are my absolute favorites, Evie is adorable & goofy, Shino & Luna's rivalry is hilarious to witness, and Jimmy is an absolute bro! There's an air of mystery to the entire town that makes you want to know & explore more of it. The ghost is somewhat intimidating, but also a potentially foreboding reminder of a wretched past everyone wants to forget. The entire prologue definitely has me wanting more. There's a decent balance between levity & intensity, as well as wholesomeness & lewdity, that just draws you in. There's so much potential wrapped in this sizable project.
The overall aesthetic of the world definitely takes some getting used to, but it doesn't ruin the experience. With so much potential in the future for all sorts of crazy ideas, I certainly hope the dev has more minigames in mind, maybe even some sort of turn-based combat. And, for the sake of getting to know every character better, I hope we get events with Jimmy, the Quintuplets, Kiuta & anyone else we encounter. Mind you, it doesn't all have to be lewd, just getting a better understanding of each character adds so much to what already seems to be an ambitious project. Aside from a few grammatical & performance issues (Probably pertaining to my potato PC), I can't think of any other major complaints.