Hello! First of all, thank you so much! I would suggest rating the game on this page so it would help me have more visibility ♥o man this game is actually a lot more fun than i thought, actually spent most of the day playing it lol
here are my thought having played most of it (based on the completed gallery):
i was a bit worried about that working concept tied to IRL time but than i realized i could take a break and do other stuff while having that in the BG. and that helped a lot with gathering resources. kinda want to avoid cheating for now. the grind IS a bit much in this game so i hope it can be slightly buffed
characters are probably the highlight for this game. their very interesting and love the character designs. to me when it comes to anime or video games, good written characters or good character interactions are probably the most important to me so really glad this game covers that. that being said though i feel the ecchi part of that section is kinda lacking. really sucks thats theirs not much "actions" with them, its mostly fara that has anything like that
the weak point for this game though i think is the story. i don't really get where the direction is or where its headed. at this point i kinda just want MC to abandon the plot for the "PLOT" lol but i will say the reunion part i just finished really did get me. really liked that part.
personally i hope theirs more content with the beach girl. there HAS to be a shower sex scene with her. I need it lol
But apart from that; There are some ways to get money other than the Guild Board. You can go fishing, mining, and even gathering stuff around the town (Flowers, apples, etc) and sell them for money. Plus, you can keep working on other stuff while the girls are working, you don't really need to wait in that specific window! But yes, all money resources will be buffed in the future.
You can get a very good hint on where the story of the game is heading at the end of the prologue. Once you level up almost all the girls and there's no content left, you can go to your bed and click on "FINISH PROLOGUE". You'll see a final event that will connect with the next update/chapter uwu