Demo 3 has more bugs than demo 2 apparently.
I’m not sure if that’s just me but here the couple of bugs I’ve encountered:
1) the text in some places does not correctly refer to the characters, i.e. dialog is one box without identification of who is talking.
2) buggy clothing system. Especially when you are changing clothes in bar. It’s like Adeline disappears and clothes look messy on your right. It can be fixed by clicking ESC two times.
3) Gamebreaking bug. In wearhouse 6, when you reach second floor and go up by stairs, an error pops up saying some files are missing. After that if you try to return down by stairs there is an infinite loading.
I will not say to you how to do your game. I think you nailed it in terms of the concept and I hope you’ll succeed. However, there two things that I’d suggest you to do in order to attract more patrons.
Ps: These are my personal thoughts and may not be 100% accurate
1) put Adeline on the poster here and make it more appealing. Everyone here I think appreciate your art. Right now there is a book. It’s not eye catching and people could easily miss your game. (I almost did)
2) set some development terms. I mean I realize how hard it is especially since you’re beginner. However, I believe that knowing how long to wait till next update is essential for patreons. To be honest that’s the only thing stopping me from supporting you financially. I have no assurances since I could wait months, years, decades.
If you think that it’s better to set 3 months or 4 or 5 in order for you to provide quality content. Then tell us about it, people supporting you deserve knowing the “risk”. Of course the less time you take the better but for that you need more patrons. It’s a vicious circle but there should be some golden middle.
Thank you for the game. Keep up good work!