I hope the developers will follow the example of Phillygames ("City of broken dreamers" and "Depraved awakening"), where all the sexual content are an integral part of the storytelling, because the characters use the sex to manipulate each others or to build their relationship, while in other games ("Glamour" and "Bright past" for example) the sexual events are contents added almost randomly to the plot. Maybe the developers may suppose Adelina came from a very puritan city (similar to the London during the Victorian Age) and when she reaches the rebel colony, she found a totally different world, where the people are very open about sex and she have to learn of to use (and how much it can be opened) her sexuality to acheive her goals, without be manipulated by the others.
I don't have nothing more to add: the others have already gave to the developers all the suggestion about the develop of the plot I wanted give and they have reported all the bugs.
The potential of the plot of this game is so huge, that it can works perfectly well also without the sexual contents, but if they will use wisely those contents (for example see what I have written about the different moral in the capital and in the colony), they can make the setting and consequently the entire game more intriguing and credible, so I wish them to do a good job.
I don't have nothing more to add: the others have already gave to the developers all the suggestion about the develop of the plot I wanted give and they have reported all the bugs.
The potential of the plot of this game is so huge, that it can works perfectly well also without the sexual contents, but if they will use wisely those contents (for example see what I have written about the different moral in the capital and in the colony), they can make the setting and consequently the entire game more intriguing and credible, so I wish them to do a good job.
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