3.60 star(s) 14 Votes
Jan 19, 2018
I love the concept and the character but a few things bugged me:

1) If the combat will in general be like the one we have in the demo, I think it's too luck-based. Especially since (if I haven't missed anything) I could literally do nothing to increase my combat prowess. 'Cover' gives little benefit for its AP cost but was made necessary so I just felt like I was playing not with 8 but just 4 AP, effectively. 'Search for weakness' debuff on enemy lasting just one turn is also too weak for 2 AP; it's only useful if you have 6+ AP and as I said, the obligation to use 'Cover' negates that. 'Don't stand in one place!' is, surprise surprise, too weak imo especially considering that you get one-shot if you use it and do not evade. I generally don't mind starting weak in games but this isn't some Action RPG I can just skill my way through. Overall, the combat was, I'll be blunt, abysmal in terms of balancing but I do like the general idea of it.

2) I could only manually wear the shirt and the skirt back, the rest were just gone after I took them off. Exiting the pub after work auto-dressed some of the clothes but that was my only way to get them back. The hat was gone for eternity I guess.

3) For the puzzle section, locking the player behind a long cutscene right after he makes just one mistake is bad design imo. I am not familiar with barometer puzzles or anything of the sort, so I reloaded the save 5 times or so just to understand the mechanics of the puzzle. The issue can be resolved easily with a simple retry option after the "Failed!" text.

4) I understand if you cannot resolve this easily, but for a game with lots of choices, I would really appreciate better translation. It's alright, it's actually one of the better ones I think, but for more than once I felt unsure about what an option meant. So, some improvement is not really necessary, but would be great.

Considering this just a demo though, I quite like it. I am aware I only wrote the bad things about it, but really, I actually quite enjoyed it up until the combat section. (I'll be honest I cheated to beat it.) Good luck on the development!


May 15, 2018
As a bit of technical feedback, the clothing system looks flawed from the get-go. You forgot to implement a way to put things back on! Also, and this is more worrisome in the long run, I found navigating through the clothes system to be rather unresponsive. Honestly concerned this'll stop working as you add more clothes.

Also, that sort-of-English. I'm honestly not even sure what language you're translating from; some of the text looks rather Gerlish, while other passages remind me more of Russian-to-English game translations. Either way, it's dragging down what otherwise looks like a surprisingly polished demo, so figuring out a way to improve the English before getting too deep into further development might be a good idea.
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Elsiss Surana

Jan 15, 2019
I'm curious, in the past, I have seen games with corruption mechanics also use mind control as well along side it. Do you plan to include some for of hypnosis or mind control in the game? For example the rebels use hypnosis on the main character to convince her to join their cause? I ask because your game is actually very similar to another work set in a steam punk world where the Empire was using mind control on captured rebels. The rebels managed to get a hold of the technology, at first to deprogram their own people, but then they also began using it for corrupt purposes.

Elsiss Surana

Jan 15, 2019
Also, reading some of the comments in the forum, I've noticed that some of the timed puzzle sequences seem to have timers that are far to short. The best example of this is in the storehouse that you have to go to at night. I barely have time to read the button sequence that I have to press before I've already run out of time.
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Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Also, reading some of the comments in the forum, I've noticed that some of the timed puzzle sequences seem to have timers that are far to short. The best example of this is in the storehouse that you have to go to at night. I barely have time to read the button sequence that I have to press before I've already run out of time.
Agreed. I enjoy puzzles, but won't play twitch minigames. I stopped playing this at the point where the twitch minigame came up. That stuff is no fun.
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Reactions: hr17 and xgrotesc


Active Member
Oct 20, 2017
Do you have any ideas what to do?
What platform are you using, is it mac? I use Linux, so if yours is mac I'm not sure if I can do more than give hints.

I always start off with the script below, which converts directories and filenames to utf8 encoding - if you don't have convmv you can try without the first two lines. Next it downloads nwjs and replaces the windows hooks by the linux variants. This is so that I can execute ./nw to run the game, and do not have to use wine. The mentioned directory and filename changes were on top of that and I see I did one backwards, that should have been:
ln -s www/img/lights Lights

LC_COLLATE=C find ./* -type d -regex '.*[^ -~].*' | tac | while read d; do convmv -f shift_jis -t utf8 "$d" --notest; done
LC_COLLATE=C find ./* -type f -regex '.*[^ -~].*' | parallel -n 1 -j 8 'convmv -f shift_jis -t utf8 "{}" --notest'
wget https://dl.nwjs.io/${v}/$f
tar xzf $f.tar.gz
for f in $f/*; do
[ -e "$t" ] && mv "$t" "_$t"
mv $g/* .
rmdir $g
The bug seems to be that the renderer (for graphics) is not set up at www/js/plugins/KhasUltraLighting.js line 560. Why that was the case, I'm not sure, it could for instance be that in www/js/rpg_core.js 2579 function Graphics._createRenderer() the try {} catch fails - because the one of the PIXI.Canvas/WebGL/autoDetectRenderer() variants you have throws an error. I don't think this is easy to fix, but maybe the nwjs usage circumvents this error. That would explain why I didn't get it.
Last edited:


Game Developer
Nov 26, 2018
is you can add a ecene whit a homeless stalker that would be nice
What do You have in mind?)

As some others pointed out the font is pretty bad for reading no matter how cool it looks, I would recommend a more comfortable one, preferable sans-serif in adequate size. Also, I recommend decreasing the width of the text box, it doesn't look as good in widescreen and it would be better to have the text concentrated in the center of the screen.

Under the hood, there's some problem with image loading, there are some plugins for performance and pre-loading, but tbh I never toyed much with them. Or you could fix it manually by loading everything at once so you have a longer loading period but no lag with the running. The problem is that it would eat more ram.

Lastly, it's something to consider increasing the zoom level, the default RPGM zoom is made for a 624p screen, in 1080p they look too small.

Otherwise, it's a good demo and I just suggest a better banner image and main menu, presentation is important and I only clicked this because I check every new game in my patrols you got a pretty MC, make use of her.
1. I'll present some of fonts/size options on next week, so You can check and vote it on my Discord server.
2. Since all of our UI elements use a lot of images I'm trying to figure out how to improve performance of this part, since it can't be made with RPG Maker MV standard menu's.
3. hm... Zoom is good idea! I'll try it!
4. We will redesign banner in future. That's a good point!
Thank You for feedback!

I did it, but it doesn't change nothing. Do you have any ideas what to do?

View attachment 425656
I'll make a linux, and mac release with next bugfix update. Let's see how it work then.

This game looks promising. She really looks like Zatana which made me try out the demo version. I love the concept of the Dress Up option and hopefully there will be more dressing options in the future although the ''Dress Up Menu'' needs a lot of polishing. Sexy stuff aside theres of course a lotta promise in the storyline itself --it can really be a long and unique story if done right as the devs went with something sensible + interesting instead of solely relying on making the game a hentai one. The art style is magnificent. I am definitely interested in the future updates! Good job so far devs~!
More dressing options will added in future. Right now we are focused on making more content with illustrating existing scenes.
Storyline.) I hope You will be pleased with story, that we prepared for You.)

I love the concept and the character but a few things bugged me:

1) If the combat will in general be like the one we have in the demo, I think it's too luck-based. Especially since (if I haven't missed anything) I could literally do nothing to increase my combat prowess. 'Cover' gives little benefit for its AP cost but was made necessary so I just felt like I was playing not with 8 but just 4 AP, effectively. 'Search for weakness' debuff on enemy lasting just one turn is also too weak for 2 AP; it's only useful if you have 6+ AP and as I said, the obligation to use 'Cover' negates that. 'Don't stand in one place!' is, surprise surprise, too weak imo especially considering that you get one-shot if you use it and do not evade. I generally don't mind starting weak in games but this isn't some Action RPG I can just skill my way through. Overall, the combat was, I'll be blunt, abysmal in terms of balancing but I do like the general idea of it.

2) I could only manually wear the shirt and the skirt back, the rest were just gone after I took them off. Exiting the pub after work auto-dressed some of the clothes but that was my only way to get them back. The hat was gone for eternity I guess.

3) For the puzzle section, locking the player behind a long cutscene right after he makes just one mistake is bad design imo. I am not familiar with barometer puzzles or anything of the sort, so I reloaded the save 5 times or so just to understand the mechanics of the puzzle. The issue can be resolved easily with a simple retry option after the "Failed!" text.

4) I understand if you cannot resolve this easily, but for a game with lots of choices, I would really appreciate better translation. It's alright, it's actually one of the better ones I think, but for more than once I felt unsure about what an option meant. So, some improvement is not really necessary, but would be great.

Considering this just a demo though, I quite like it. I am aware I only wrote the bad things about it, but really, I actually quite enjoyed it up until the combat section. (I'll be honest I cheated to beat it.) Good luck on the development!
1. We calculated current combat, and it's passable. Did You finished Stealth quest, and picked stimulant, that killed guy dropped in tunnel, when he was betrayed?
In future the whole system will be re-balanced, and remade. We will implement such thing as distance, cover value, cover durability, close combat (knives or swords, or hands, or all of it), ammo type, magazine size, usage of grenades, and a lot of other stuff, so current system if far from what we aimed to achieve... In demo we just wanted to give You a look on a concept, since it's one of our unique features.)
2. We acknowledged about this issue. It will be fixed in next update.
3. I'll add tutorial to Barometer puzzle, and retry option.
4. We will improve our text's If You have some specific places, where You had a hard time - please let me know.
Thank You for this feedback.)

I'm curious, in the past, I have seen games with corruption mechanics also use mind control as well along side it. Do you plan to include some for of hypnosis or mind control in the game? For example the rebels use hypnosis on the main character to convince her to join their cause? I ask because your game is actually very similar to another work set in a steam punk world where the Empire was using mind control on captured rebels. The rebels managed to get a hold of the technology, at first to deprogram their own people, but then they also began using it for corrupt purposes.
In theory such things can happens in this world, but Empire achieved their success not with such tricks.)

Also, reading some of the comments in the forum, I've noticed that some of the timed puzzle sequences seem to have timers that are far to short. The best example of this is in the storehouse that you have to go to at night. I barely have time to read the button sequence that I have to press before I've already run out of time.
Agreed. I enjoy puzzles, but won't play twitch minigames. I stopped playing this at the point where the twitch minigame came up. That stuff is no fun.
How much additional seconds do You think we should there?

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
How much additional seconds do You think we should there?
I don't think puzzles should be timed at all. If you want to limit the number of adjustments because then the thugs start to wonder what the noises are (they investigate while the heroine hides then she starts over using a new cogwheel or whatever), that works in the story. Timed puzzles don't fit the story and just frustrate the player. Remember how everyone loathed the QTEs in Witcher 2?
Jan 19, 2018
1. We calculated current combat, and it's passable. Did You finished Stealth quest, and picked stimulant, that killed guy dropped in tunnel, when he was betrayed?
Oh, I see. No, I didn't pick up the stimulant or maybe I did but forgot to use it because... well, I don't like consumables. In any case, the future of the combat seems promising with the improved options. I'll probably go through the whole thing again in a few updates and give some more feedback.
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Jan 29, 2019
How the F Yen acquire a gun and that fancy hat?
Btw, hot asf MC and the gameplay looks promising!
Really hoping for a scene with a pervy teenager taking advantage of her

alex andrews

Jun 17, 2019
looks promising, will there be an android version? and also can you add degrading scenes with dirty,stinky old hobo's where she's forced to give them tit sucking to get information required for a quest.Ayways,cant wait for future updates
3.60 star(s) 14 Votes