still the same damn warning. does it matter that 7-zip is the default program? was recommended to fix another mess with my saves-character creation is a mess.
This is the last thing I can recommend:
If the issue is that you cannot extract the v0.8b files from the compressed file at all and you've re-downloaded the patch for verification, then more info from you is needed. Whatever program (WinRar or 7-zip) that you used to extract the original v0.8a files will function the same for the v0.8b patch files.
If you have no issue extracting the v0.8b patch files to a temp directory, then go to your v0.8a /game folder, delete all the script files, then copy the v0.8b script files from the temp directory you created to the v0.8a /game directory. This way you don't have to technically overwrite the old files (since you are basically doing it manually).
This overcomplicates a very simple process but breaks it down into steps so you can find out where your issue truly lies.