4.20 star(s) 265 Votes


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018
I have to say this, but this MC is the worse bodyguard ever.
1. he gets distracted by Emma in the she shop and misses Johno taking photos.
2. He does no research into Zak
3. Gets distracted by Kaylah and misses Charlotte and Jason encounter.
4. Doesn't pick up on the subtle hints from Carter.
5. Doesn't notice beautiful woman outside the house and same woman when he meets with Carter.

and plus that scene in the alleyway makes no sense.
Carter's whole plan was to bring the MC back, get him close to Emma have him care about her so that when the time come he was going to make him and Charlotte suffer by watching her die, just like he had to watch Emma die. So why in the world would he let Emma go and not just slit her throat, and you are telling me Carter didn't have a pistol that he could have shot the MC in the stomach and made him lay there and watch as he killed Emma, and Carter must have known he may not get out of the alleyway alive so he would have probably done it slowly to watch their faces as they both suffered.

Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
I have to say this, but this MC is the worse bodyguard ever.
1. he gets distracted by Emma in the she shop and misses Johno taking photos.
2. He does no research into Zak
3. Gets distracted by Kaylah and misses Charlotte and Jason encounter.
4. Doesn't pick up on the subtle hints from Carter.
5. Doesn't notice beautiful woman outside the house and same woman when he meets with Carter.

and plus that scene in the alleyway makes no sense.
Carter's whole plan was to bring the MC back, get him close to Emma have him care about her so that when the time come he was going to make him and Charlotte suffer by watching her die, just like he had to watch Emma die. So why in the world would he let Emma go and not just slit her throat, and you are telling me Carter didn't have a pistol that he could have shot the MC in the stomach and made him lay there and watch as he killed Emma, and Carter must have known he may not get out of the alleyway alive so he would have probably done it slowly to watch their faces as they both suffered.
The end of the update reminded me of the film
The good,the bad and ugly stand off,I will let you decide who is who
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Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
I have to say this, but this MC is the worse bodyguard ever.
1. he gets distracted by Emma in the she shop and misses Johno taking photos.
2. He does no research into Zak
3. Gets distracted by Kaylah and misses Charlotte and Jason encounter.
4. Doesn't pick up on the subtle hints from Carter.
5. Doesn't notice beautiful woman outside the house and same woman when he meets with Carter.

Sure, he has been nowhere near the level that some movies and books describe the skills and wits of some super-bodyguards and secret agents, but my guess is that this is much closer to the abilities of an actual human being, not a fantasy story character from books or movies where all the expectations for secret agents, bodyguards and private detectives are coming from (maybe excluding Maxwell Smart and Frank Drebin)

and plus that scene in the alleyway makes no sense.
Carter's whole plan was to bring the MC back, get him close to Emma have him care about her so that when the time come he was going to make him and Charlotte suffer by watching her die, just like he had to watch Emma die. So why in the world would he let Emma go and not just slit her throat, and you are telling me Carter didn't have a pistol that he could have shot the MC in the stomach and made him lay there and watch as he killed Emma, and Carter must have known he may not get out of the alleyway alive so he would have probably done it slowly to watch their faces as they both suffered.
Yes, none of it makes much sense at all. But, considering that this exact situation was not planned by Carter nor expected by the MC, shit just happened. Happened fast, no time for considering consequences of every possible action taken by either side.
Sure, thinking about it back, after reading about it, it doesn't make sense. The MC himself is probably thinking now what he could have done differently and how much he screwed up by doing what he did.
Carter isn't in the condition to think any more. Otherwise he probably would realize how stupid his actions were. And maybe he just wasn't ready to kill an innocent girl, the way he planned.

I mean, we don't really know how many critical, life threatening situations the MC has experienced. He served as a military, sure. But he was a basic grunt, not a super soldier. We don't know how good he actually was or how many critical situations he has seen.

Has he been facing armed attackers while running his bodyguard business? We have no idea.
He has landed some top tier gigs, but probably because of his good contacts and more because of him being a decent human being among Hillside sleezeballs, pervs and dirtbags. Maybe he has been a pretty basic bodyguard, not a . And he's also not a spy, not even a detective, he has no skills as one.

How much actual bodyguard training has he been going through, anyway? He is running his own business, so he probably never had to go through one.

Sure, he's not at the level of a super bodyguard. But I'm sure there have been and are much worse bodyguards out there IRL.
We probably shouldn't expect him to be the best one ever or even a great one. Let's just lower those "standards" that Hollywood cliché movies have planted in our minds about bodyguards to a basic human level.
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Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018

Sure, he has been nowhere near the level that some movies and books describe the skills and wits of some super-bodyguards and secret agents, but my guess is that this is much closer to the abilities of an actual human being, not a fantasy story character from books or movies where all the expectations for secret agents, bodyguards and private detectives are coming from (maybe excluding Maxwell Smart and Frank Drebin)
Appreciate your comment, but i would just like to say you don't have to be a movie or book level bodyguard or super-bodyguard, even basic bodyguards can pick up on subtle things, that is why they make quick decisions they have to be able to read situations really quickly and sometimes make split decisions, and his job was to protect Emma, he failed in that duty by becoming distracted, what if someone walked into that store and pointed a gun at Emma, the MC has already put himself at a disadvantage by turning his back to the entrance. As for Zak his barman friend pretty much knows everything, even the MC's own instinct told him something there was off about Zak that he didn't like, you don't have to be a cop or PI to figured this stuff out, as for Agent Fox, the MC is supposed to be on alert at all times concerning the asset, but again becomes distracted cause Emma is unhappy, then failed to notice her when he was talking to Carter, and then didn't pick up on the subtle hint as to why carter is so interested in Emma going on this date, so by the sounds of it Carter possibly rearranged his plans to suit him as he was basically pushing the MC for her to go on it. Again why would Carter be interested in Emma's date, Alarm bells were ringing off on my head even though I had kinda figured he was involved in this even said he was probably in love with the original Emma.

Next example Charlotte asks him to accompany her to one of her gatherings, but lies to the reason why, even so the MC should have still been on his guard, but gets distracted cause of Kaylah, what if Jason wanted to finish the job and pulled a knife on her or something or cornered her somewhere and went to town, cause the MC was too distracted.

But with that end scene, the reality is Carter had them where he wanted them, he might have had to move his plan forward, but he noted how much concern the MC had for Emma, so by killing Emma in that alleyway he would have accomplished to what he set out to do, make the MC and Charlotte suffer.

And lets not forget this would probably never of happened if the MC had of done his job and didn't leave Emma's side even for a date, this was his job to protect her. Easy way around this, he has bugged Emma's phone. After Emma and Zak left, MC could have told Charlotte what he had done, yes Charlotte would be pissed that he bugged her phone, but as the MC would put it, you want me to protect your daughter no matter what. Charlotte concedes and they both go and follow them keeping a good distance so as not to be detected, Charlotte and MC could have done a little stake out, MC finds a Chinese shop and gets some take away, they both have a moment in the car and the MC opens up a little more about his past, when finally Emma and Zak come out the theater, as Charlotte and MC get out of the car MC sees Carter there, and he sees Carter stab Zak, Charlotte screams and Carter comes distracted for a second Emma screams out laying on the ground for her Mommy, Carter looks back at Emma, MC draws his weapon puts couple of rounds in Carter's back. End the threat, as Carter is dying is tells him how he blamed the MC for the original Emma's death and how he wanted him to suffer like he did., and then dies.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
naturally passes out since blood moves from brain to lower regions.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2020
Next example Charlotte asks him to accompany her to one of her gatherings, but lies to the reason why, even so the MC should have still been on his guard, but gets distracted cause of Kaylah, what if Jason wanted to finish the job and pulled a knife on her or something or cornered her somewhere and went to town, cause the MC was too distracted.
We're talking about getting distracted by a super hot woman who's teasing him, a woman he'd never had expected to have within reach. No matter how professional he is, he's a human being which means he's imperfect (we all are).

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Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018
We're talking about getting distracted by a super hot woman who's teasing him, a woman he'd never had expected to have within reach. No matter how professional he is, he's a human being which means he's imperfect (we all are).

So again he isn't really good at his job. Considering he worked in hillside before so he should be used to it.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018
And lets not mention how creepy it was he went into a women's locker room to give Suzi back her phone, I mean its not like he couldn't have given it to her room mate and her room mate told her everything the MC did. Maybe making Suzi think a little differently about him. Instead no lets let him walk into the locker room so he can get a quick glimpse of her pretty much naked. That makes a lot of sense.

And this same guy gets kicked out of shop while protecting two ladies. All he had to say to the woman was call detective Carter the creepy sex pervert at the hillside cop shop and he will identify who I am. But since we are going for realism, I guess it would make sense he is pussy and gets told what to do.
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
And this same guy gets kicked out of shop while protecting two ladies.
Yeah, about that, I fully expected Char to lay down the law on the shopkeeper, going like "How DARE YOU throw my personal security out of the shop. Now, if you expect to keep me as a customer in the future you will do X, Y and Z, and before I forget, this merch will get a nice discount. You are dismissed." :D


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018
Yeah, about that, I fully expected Char to lay down the law on the shopkeeper, going like "How DARE YOU throw my personal security out of the shop. Now, if you expect to keep me as a customer in the future you will do X, Y and Z, and before I forget, this merch will get a nice discount. You are dismissed." :D
Yes that is another route he could have taken to deal with the shop keeper. But I guess it was supposed to be a funny moment. Like i said worse bodyguard ever.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Yeah, about that, I fully expected Char to lay down the law on the shopkeeper, going like "How DARE YOU throw my personal security out of the shop. Now, if you expect to keep me as a customer in the future you will do X, Y and Z, and before I forget, this merch will get a nice discount. You are dismissed." :D
bit like what happened on yellowstone (kelly reilly's pupil was accused from shoplifting and .......).
Mar 26, 2022
As far as I know, bodyguards are usually not hired for tying shoes or babysitting. That's why MC somewhat was underwhelming as protector and got easily distracted. He got emotionally involved, same as before with "old" Emma.


Jan 29, 2020
Like i said worse bodyguard ever.
I understand why you think this way, and some of the points you bring up are valid. The Suzi 'locker room' scene is a bit absurd: of course MC should have either brought Hannah with him/given her the phone to give to Suzi, or waited outside after Suzi was decent. But part of the reason that scene goes like it does is to remind people this is an adult VN. Sometimes, the genre determines what scenes are necessary.

I agree that some of MC's actions are not depicting him as a competent bodyguard, but if he were 100% professional, none of the ladies -save Kaylah or Lucy maybe- would be love interests. MC is engaging in unethical and quite possibly dangerous behavior by letting his judgement be compromised by affections for his clients.

This story is at its best when DB is telling a love story. All characters have flaws that are on full display, and it's in spite of those flaws that our characters make personal connections.


Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
I understand why you think this way, and some of the points you bring up are valid. The Suzi 'locker room' scene is a bit absurd: of course MC should have either brought Hannah with him/given her the phone to give to Suzi, or waited outside after Suzi was decent. But part of the reason that scene goes like it does is to remind people this is an adult VN. Sometimes, the genre determines what scenes are necessary.

I agree that some of MC's actions are not depicting him as a competent bodyguard, but if he were 100% professional, none of the ladies -save Kaylah or Lucy maybe- would be love interests. MC is engaging in unethical and quite possibly dangerous behavior by letting his judgement be compromised by affections for his clients.

This story is at its best when DB is telling a love story. All characters have flaws that are on full display, and it's in spite of those flaws that our characters make personal connections.
Here are the facts of his bodyguard skill:

Emma comes to no harm from stalker

When she is bullied by teen girls (whom he cannot strike without severe repercussions) he gets Super-destructo Suzi to beat their Thirsty whore asses

Only when a Police Officer (whom he thinks is good) confirms "stalker" is caught (Lie of course) does he let Emma go to her dream date. This is the deception of the criminal cop not his failing as a bodyguard that results in threat to Emma but he STILL has a tracker because he wants to protect Emma.

Any failings of being close to Charli come directly from Charli and her issues with men, not the skill of MC as bodyguard. (He beat down that chad wannabe that was about to rape Kaylah so he is clearly not letting women come to harm on his watch)

Not sure why but there always seem to be a group of incels who hate any MC who does not act as mega-chad (mega CHODE more like) at all times. Which is never a good MC type.

4.20 star(s) 265 Votes