4.20 star(s) 265 Votes


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Charlotte is a wonderful woman to me, I understand that some may not like this, but Charlotte is not like that for no reason. Every man in her life has hurt her in one way or another, even the man she gave birth to. So she is the best woman for me and some.
Fair enough. I'm not knocking anyone's preferences. I'm just curious what others saw in her character. Thanks for the perspective.
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Dec 22, 2020
Honest question, why do so many people like Charlotte so much? She is a cold fish, an ice queen. I don't see the appeal. She's attractive, but that isn't enough to counteract her personality. Sure, she is thawing out at a snail's pace, but I don't think she's worth the interminable wait.

Let's just say that she eventially warms up to the MC. Based on her personality, the first time she disagrees with anything he does, she will turn on the freeze again. See what happened when the MC saved her daughter.

Plus, she is no fun. End of story.

Any of the other LIs are much better, in my opinion.
Her coldness and detachment build as a protective reaction due to resentment and betrayal (she was left alone with two children), fear (she fears that something bad may happen to her family), PTSD (she was raped and beaten), and plus to it, she suffers from panic attacks. o_O

To me, women like Charlotte are like the defenseless Rose in Antuan de Sent-Exupery's "The little prince" - in a time when they were young, naive, sweet and touching, until they encountered any problems in relationships with men. These problems were not solved, frustration and misunderstanding only accumulated until it resulted in separation and loss of a partner. The unspoken contract between a man and a woman for such women is terminated - Rose asked to close her with a cap, water her every morning and every evening, and in return she gave the Prince her beauty, smell and feeling of love. The transformation of such women into ice queens is not accidental - when a woman urgently needed support, protection, empathy, attention and love, she not only did not receive it, but also experienced pain and suffering from her boyfriend/husband. A woman closes herself, tries to protect herself from the outside world, building up a shell or building an ice castle, because she has only 4 thorns:

«You know...my flower...I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so naive. She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world...»

No matter how long a woman imagines herself to be independent and strong, she still wants love, warmth and the opportunity to shift all life problems to her man. Believe me, sooner or later every woman will want it, but she won’t admit it to you. There’s another question, a different one - who will she allow to see herself so vulnerable, weak and defenseless? Only to whom she completely trusts and loves.

As soon as she feels trust and love, they melt and warm her cold heart, and such woman will become different – back to the same girl she was before or maybe a bit different. She will be very generous in love, but will also be insatiable and will try to get what she has deprived herself of all the years of managing her ice castle.

The MC will take Charlotte to heaven, give her a world of pleasure, passion and love, and after a long sex session, :p he’ll lick her, coaxing a few more multiple orgasms, until she really gets too swollen and painful to continue. She lays on the pillow gasping and panting with her chest, face and neck bright red. Through a slit of loosely drawn curtains the light of an early summer morning illuminates their sweaty pressed to each other bodies, his mouth still on her nipple, tongue running in lazy circles, his fingers gently, almost teasingly, touches her cleavage, descends lower to her stomach, circling in simple patterns, and then ascends upward to her tangled strands of hair that have fallen on her face, removes them, and kisses her slightly swollen lips from endless kisses... :love:

I hope you change your mind about Charlie and give her some love.;)

P.S.: the MC really needs to start getting in shape - the sex marathon is coming! :whistle:


Active Member
May 27, 2020
Her coldness and detachment build as a protective reaction due to resentment and betrayal (she was left alone with two children), fear (she fears that something bad may happen to her family), PTSD (she was raped and beaten), and plus to it, she suffers from panic attacks. o_O

To me, women like Charlotte are like the defenseless Rose in Antuan de Sent-Exupery's "The little prince" - in a time when they were young, naive, sweet and touching, until they encountered any problems in relationships with men. These problems were not solved, frustration and misunderstanding only accumulated until it resulted in separation and loss of a partner. The unspoken contract between a man and a woman for such women is terminated - Rose asked to close her with a cap, water her every morning and every evening, and in return she gave the Prince her beauty, smell and feeling of love. The transformation of such women into ice queens is not accidental - when a woman urgently needed support, protection, empathy, attention and love, she not only did not receive it, but also experienced pain and suffering from her boyfriend/husband. A woman closes herself, tries to protect herself from the outside world, building up a shell or building an ice castle, because she has only 4 thorns:

«You know...my flower...I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so naive. She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world...»

No matter how long a woman imagines herself to be independent and strong, she still wants love, warmth and the opportunity to shift all life problems to her man. Believe me, sooner or later every woman will want it, but she won’t admit it to you. There’s another question, a different one - who will she allow to see herself so vulnerable, weak and defenseless? Only to whom she completely trusts and loves.

As soon as she feels trust and love, they melt and warm her cold heart, and such woman will become different – back to the same girl she was before or maybe a bit different. She will be very generous in love, but will also be insatiable and will try to get what she has deprived herself of all the years of managing her ice castle.

The MC will take Charlotte to heaven, give her a world of pleasure, passion and love, and after a long sex session, :p he’ll lick her, coaxing a few more multiple orgasms, until she really gets too swollen and painful to continue. She lays on the pillow gasping and panting with her chest, face and neck bright red. Through a slit of loosely drawn curtains the light of an early summer morning illuminates their sweaty pressed to each other bodies, his mouth still on her nipple, tongue running in lazy circles, his fingers gently, almost teasingly, touches her cleavage, descends lower to her stomach, circling in simple patterns, and then ascends upward to her tangled strands of hair that have fallen on her face, removes them, and kisses her slightly swollen lips from endless kisses... :love:

I hope you change your mind about Charlie and give her some love.;)

P.S.: the MC really needs to start getting in shape - the sex marathon is coming! :whistle:
Very well-spoken, Pristis! In fact, I might need a cigarette now.
I'm glad to see there are some, like yourself, that can see deeper into the story and characters and understand the real meaning of why Charlotte behaves the way she does. Winning her trust and love will be a monumental task, but oh so worth it.


May 12, 2020
Honest question, why do so many people like Charlotte so much? She is a cold fish, an ice queen. I don't see the appeal. She's attractive, but that isn't enough to counteract her personality. Sure, she is thawing out at a snail's pace, but I don't think she's worth the interminable wait.

Let's just say that she eventially warms up to the MC. Based on her personality, the first time she disagrees with anything he does, she will turn on the freeze again. See what happened when the MC saved her daughter.

Plus, she is no fun. End of story.

Any of the other LIs are much better, in my opinion.
This is definitely one of my favorite VN's but as much as I love Charlotte and as adorable she is, I tend to agree with you and sadly, I get the same feeling regarding Charlotte ice queen and irrational behavior towards the MC (like when he killed the dirty cop to protect & save her daughter life which is why she hired him in the first place). If anyone should understand the need and the value in permanently removing a dirty sack of shite from society, you would think it would be her but no, she just goes on another irrational tantrum. Now that he's protecting her, what will happen in the future if he kills the prick that almost beat her to death (which I hope eventually happens and also involves torturing the prick)? Is she going to go on yet another tantrum?

Anyway, I just hope to see more positive development and rational behavior out of her instead of just going through this VN wondering when she'll be having her next braifart. I guess we'll just have to see how DarkBlue develops and in what direction he planned on driving the story over the next few updates.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
I don't have a poor opinion of Chari but I am not as interested in her romance path as I am to see if she becomes unbearable in the paths where MC chooses her sister or one of her daughters as a romantic partner. I think I would actually be a little disappointed if she was okay with it. I think the Lucy's path could get a little rocky especially since she trusts Lucy so implicitly and yet she hid the relationship even as she was encouraging Charli to get closer to MC. I can see that leading to an interesting blowout. I can also imagine her being infuriated at MC for seducing Emma or bewildered to learn that he was dating Suzy of all fucking people.
4.20 star(s) 265 Votes