Thanks a lot to show I am not stupid and I can understand what I read.
Bantry seemed a little agressive, I know I'm new and english is'nt my native language but I try to deal with it.
Anyway, I love your game and then I'll wait friendly for the next update to see young Aly again.
From looking at yours and
Bantry's posts, I would say he was trying to help you.
Not really a little aggressive.
The bug report is similar to the one which
Bantry was saying had been stated about before.
Directing you to it as a possible solution.
DARKHOUND knows this game the most, being the creator, and can tell it's a different one so replied to you.
At this time, when a new update is online, numerous people post about bugs and needing help etc...
Bantry and others on this site help
DARKHOUND as much as they can, giving advise, tips and guidance so that you can get help and enjoy the game, and so
DARKHOUND is not inundated with questions and requests for help.
However... your bug is being dealt with by
DARKHOUND and will be fixed in the next version.
Enjoy playing the game.