
Apr 2, 2021
This game is nuts, the more I test it for my guide, the more I'm impressed by it. I can't believe how much depth you can have in character customization in a freaking RPGMaker game lol. This has to be one of the greatest diamonds in the rough I've ever played. It keeps growing on me.

Whoever thinks the combat is normal for an RPGMaker game hasn't looked much under the hood. There are a lot of tips in town that explain some of the extra mechanics, but some stuff you'll only notice if you test it. This game makes buffers/debuffers legitimate. There is a well balanced enemy threat system that can allow tanking and avoiding damage even without skills. There's a crazy amount of non obvious synergy possible with all the various skills, magic, equipment that grants skills.

Support and hybrid builds are much more exciting/viable due to the way MDF works in this game and that certain equipment is locked to only raise certain stats. For example, DEF raises magic defense more than MDF per point, but MDF also raises healing. So you can make a Paladin build that gives up some of their own direct survivability for more healing/support by using a Light Shield instead of a Heavy Shield. There are valid reasons to choose a straight tank and a hybrid. This also affects magic + physical damage dealers.

Also A+ to the dev for making most damage calculations based on flat stats first, the game is automatically balanced better because of that. It might make the start of the game seem too easy and give a bad impression when the difficulty ramps up, but it makes mid and late game much better. Rather than the game becoming more grindy, you eventually hit a point where you need to actually understand how shit works and properly gear/skill/balance your party to continue. You can kind of steam roll your way to around level 15 without thinking much about anything, but after that you're forced to make some dedicated tanks and healers and learn how to synergize damage and buff types and shit. Many buffs/debuffs stacking even from different sources and spells/abilities is also a thing way more games need to do.

I started making my guide as a way to help keep track of shit the game should be better at displaying, ended up testing various shit to make sure my info is correct, and found out the gameplay is way more complex than it seems, lmao. Glad I stuck with it, I almost quit it and now it's one of my favorite RPGMaker games. Could maybe use a bit of help with the writing though. It is above average in world building just from conversations, but it would have been nice if more shit was actually shown/demonstrated.
this post made me buy the game on steam but does anyone know where i can get an uncensored patch for it? i can't find anything on google. except a link that doesn't exist anymore


New Member
Aug 23, 2018
So I think I skipped a dungeon or two, because I'm at the final postgame dungeon and haven't found the trees that give aria/luna/tree of worthy dead wood. Does anyone know the specific way to unlock these dungeons?

Crow Lotus

Oct 18, 2018
Question: How can I get to Bandit Campsite and Luntwood? It shows up on the map but says it's not connected to the areas you know or you haven't cleared MDs on the way to it. What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
So I think I skipped a dungeon or two, because I'm at the final postgame dungeon and haven't found the trees that give aria/luna/tree of worthy dead wood. Does anyone know the specific way to unlock these dungeons?
Aria and Luna are a bitch. Aria (Singing Grasslands) looks like Torwe wood trees, you can only tell its special because it "sings", make sure you have your sound on. I think Luna (Lake Haier) glows at night and is only available then. So make sure you haven't just been skipping those.

Edit: You made me realize that Luna is only available at night, I thought the glow was just a way to help you determine which Torwe looking trees it was, but I'm not getting any during the day. Understandable to miss it.

Question: How can I get to Bandit Campsite and Luntwood? It shows up on the map but says it's not connected to the areas you know or you haven't cleared MDs on the way to it. What am I missing?
You have to fully clear the MD before it to unlock the ability to enter the further areas. I think those areas require River Hyume?

this post made me buy the game on steam but does anyone know where i can get an uncensored patch for it? i can't find anything on google. except a link that doesn't exist anymore

Edit: Multiquote just bugged out, lol.
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Apr 2, 2021
I need an uncensored patch for the steam version. i can't find one anywhere on the internet. can i just copy the www folder from this version over the steam version?

edit: or should i just refund the steam version since it's useless without Eroge CGs?
Jun 18, 2022
Even I didn't know rain drained stamina, and I always use the item that makes it rain, because who doesn't like getting wet? But I always have the stamina window open and never noticed. As you say, now I'm wondering what other little things I've missed.

I'm actually surprised you didn't notice that sooner, about the Luna wood, FruitSmoothie. One of the grasses only available at night mentions that sort of thing, too. "During the day, it looks just like normal grass." or something.

Incidentally, the first time I heard a Crying NIght Flower (Night Weeper to the English translation) I actually freaked out a bit. Thought there was a sobbing girl who needed help or something.
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Apr 1, 2019
I need an uncensored patch for the steam version. i can't find one anywhere on the internet. can i just copy the www folder from this version over the steam version?

edit: or should i just refund the steam version since it's useless without Eroge CGs?
the patch its on otakuplans web
no need to refund.
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Crow Lotus

Oct 18, 2018
Thanks to ArtisticTomato for explaining how to upload save files on here.
Save 18: Start with weapons, armor & items
Save 19: Same as Save 18 + Residental built
Save 20: Arrival of Tayo

And YES I used a cheat engine for the items I have :)

Edit: My first save attempt didn't work so I have uploaded the corrected file.
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Crow Lotus

Oct 18, 2018
1) What is the "select" button on the game? It says to press select to fish. Well, the guy in Elven Village said it anyway. LOL!
2) Know it'll be SPOILERS but where is all nine girls located?
Jun 18, 2022
Select = Confirm. The uh...the X button? On a controller. Whatever button on your controlller is at the bottom...I don't know if that's an X, or an A. or what.

On a keyboard, then, whatever your confirm key is...z?

Also, ten. There are ten girls.
They're all pretty much in their respective towns, or enviroments you might expect to find them in. If you're looking for a certain stoned erotic high slime, for instance, look for water. I suppose spoilers don't matter that much, though...

Tanika (who came from the DLC that came with the English patch) is probably related to Misante and comes from the Gatnaz area, but I'm not sure. I don't know how to spoiler tag, though.
Jun 18, 2022
Your local google subsidiary probably thinks Otaku Plan is a hive of scum and villainy. It might be, but not for the reasons Google thinks.
It happens a lot to Japanese companies -- Google's "safe browsing" blocked the Succubus Heaven's blog for a long time back in the day.


Apr 17, 2020
Okay, after some testing, I've got the Satiety and Stamina growth system worked out (I think). Satiety's fairly simple. Stamina isn't.

Satiety: Food items do nothing. Consuming prepared meals increases your maximum satiety by the number of necessary ingredients in that recipe e.g. Honey Toast requires Honey and Wheat and would therefore be +2 to maximum Satiety even if you made it with 5 ingredients.
Stamina: Resting at >50% stamina does nothing.
Resting at >20%-50% stamina increases your stamina cap by 3.
Resting at >10%-20% stamina increases your stamina cap by 6.
Resting at 0%-10% stamina increases your stamina cap by 12.

For the record: My testing was done at 174 Satiety and 250 Stamina, so if someone else's results vary then it's possible these values might scale up with your maximums. However, the principles should hold. If anyone's got a save with much more Stamina/Satiety that can confirm either/both results still hold, that would be great.

Of note to receive the stamina cap increase you need to get a full stamina refill from rest during that rest period. If it is only a half refill than it does not give any cap increase. This means that you could get 4 stamina bonuses per day.

Of another note, I found that the stat luck does a lot more than just affect encounter rates for rare things. In battle it protects against status effects and critical hits. It also helps increase critical rates and the damage done from a critical. In the casino in improves the wining for slots. My impression is that luck also improves how often the MC gains a random AP point. It significantly improves drop rates for items as well.

Of the Ability trees, there is the Basic stats tree that looks to provide a %bonus to the associated attribute. Then there are the class trees totaling 9 classes, which Shiro has all 9 and all the other characters have 3. Each of them also provide a %bonus to their associated attributes. Finally there is the race trees, 1 for each character. Shiro has Lifeworker which provides abilities that increase the acquisition of materials. For the race trees there is no universal attribute bonus for each node. Of note the %bonus for the Basic stats tree seems to be 10% per node for standard stats and about 20% per node for hp and mp?, while the %bonus for the nodes of the class trees seems to be about 2% and 4% for the HP and MP bonuses. Unlocking the class trees also provides the associated bonus while the basic tree unlock provides nothing. This means that just from an attribute perspective it is worth it to invest the 1 point into unlocking each of the class trees. Also the bonuses definitely compound between trees, though for me I am not certain if they compound within a tree. I think that it is likely that all nodes that provide a bonus will compound to that particular attribute. Items that provide attribute increases also compound with those bonuses, such as 'Elvenwood Nostrum' from the casino.

My recommendation is to ignore the HP and MP nodes for last and just purchase the 'Elvenwood Nostrum' from the casino as there is no limit. It is fairly easy to get unlimited coins from the casino as long as you purchase and equip all lucky items for all your characters. Personally I found the best route was to wait until I upgraded the casino to include jewel thief and then play until I had about 40k coins and get a full set for Shiro of lucky equipment then switch to slots. At that point I gained significantly more than loosing on slots to the point it was fairly easy to equip most of my characters with lucky equipment. Of note Luck is averaged between the characters. So if you have 3 characters with very low luck and a character with very high luck for things like the casino and possibly encounter rates for rares, I believe that it will average out your luck. I am not certain if the party's luck is taken or if it is all characters. If you are looking for high rarity items in an area then it is best to equip some luck boosting items when harvesting for them.


Oct 22, 2017
Tip: Half-rests and how to avoid triggering them.

Resting will only restore half your stamina and *will not give you any permanent stamina increases even if you are at 50% stamina and brought back to full* if you have been awake for at least 15 hours and are sleeping for 3 hours or less. If you haven't been awake that long, any rest will give you full stamina and any earned stamina cap increases. If you're sleeping for more than 3 hours, any rest will give you full stamina and any earned stamina cap increases. Both conditions need to be true for a half-rest to trigger.

Good lord this was annoying to figure out.


Apr 2, 2021
ah man, this is bs... i bought the game on steam, downloaded the uncensored patch from the official website and there's that missing ogg error happening cause of it. seems like the uncensored patch from the official website is broken. I specifically bought the game on steam to avoid having to deal with that...


Apr 2, 2021
Audio Fix mising files from JP Version You mast Extract Game in Japan Version (Ctrl +E in Win.rar) and add mising files in audio folder
someone needs to pin this or add this link to the main post. it will save a lot of people questions and reading
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Apr 2, 2021
can someone post an explanation of what all the options mean? i know what tyrant means from reading a post in this thread but what does "Log Location on Home" mean? thanks!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
can someone post an explanation of what all the options mean? i know what tyrant means from reading a post in this thread but what does "Log Location on Home" mean? thanks!
If you leave a dungeon with the "Home" shortcut from a dungeon, it will remember what dungeon you left at. When you leave your home again, your character will automatically be standing on top of the dungeon you were in previously instead of starting on top of your home.

Skip stuff: Just skips the slowdown of various events, like cooking skips the image of food slowly coming into view.

Time&State on hold/toggle: When turned on will make you have to hold down the display buttons to show the time and state info, not recommend.

Remember Commands: Remembers your last used command in battle on the next turn, for example using a spell will automatically make that the first thing targetted for that character instead of the default of starting at "Attack". If the skill is on cooldown, it will still start that character's turn in their skill menu instead of at the "Attack, Magic, Skills, etc" menu. Can save a bit of time. It becomes more useful later on once you have enough skills/MP to always use skills or magic each turn. By mid/late game there aren't many builds that still need to use the basic "Attack" or "Defense" commands. It can slow you down early game, but you'll probably want it on later on.
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Apr 2, 2021
If you leave a dungeon with the "Home" shortcut from a dungeon, it will remember what dungeon you left at. When you leave your home again, your character will automatically be standing on top of the dungeon you were in previously instead of starting on top of your home.

Skip stuff: Just skips the slowdown of various events, like cooking skips the image of food slowly coming into view.

Time&State on hold/toggle: When turned on will make you have to hold down the display buttons to show the time and state info, not recommend.

Remember Commands: Remembers your last used command in battle on the next turn, for example using a spell will automatically make that the first thing targetted for that character instead of the default of starting at "Attack". If the skill is on cooldown, it will still start that character's turn in their skill menu instead of at the "Attack, Magic, Skills, etc" menu. Can save a bit of time. It becomes more useful later on once you have enough skills/MP to always use skills or magic each turn. By mid/late game there aren't many builds that still need to use the basic "Attack" or "Defense" commands. It can slow you down early game, but you'll probably want it on later on.
thank you this is great!


Apr 2, 2021
Also, fair warning by the way. The patch I got from Otaku plan website had a trojan in it. so i wouldn't recommend downloading it. thankfully my antivirus was able to handle it properly.
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