After having played more:
-game still crashes at totally random points, as people pointed out probably a very bad memory leak, very easy to lose progress
-combat is way too easy and there is too much of it, the goblins arent a threat, neither are the bats when you are allowed in the cave, or the slimes, or the orcs, the spider was a normal difficulty fight for rpgmaker. Paired with the absolute shit xp these give to actually level and the incredibly high encounter trigger rate made slogging through the cave actually painful, its a giant waste of time and not fun to have the same 2 enemies jump you after literally 2 seconds of holding down right. Adding to that, you use the timer model for combat but generally the enemies timer should stop when you get your turn, why does going through the wheel to choose your action not pause the enemies timer? All this does is encourage spamming
-the quest system seems to be held together with duct tape and pieces of string, to test it I made another save, the same quests broke in totally different stages. Idk what you did here but its very much not working as intended. Half of the time I cannot tell if I am in the wrong place or if the quest just decided to stop working on that save, if I didnt run several saves to test I literally wouldnt be able to tell and just give up as many here have. I dont even know what content im missing. I did the cave for apparently no reason, I cannot catch the mayor, I cannot steal the watch, the bartender wants a barrel, I found the bar secret but I cannot trigger it since I cannot add the bartender to my party cause barrelquest is stuck. Or at least thats what I assume I need to finish.
-Mapdesign. Just what. Some of the maps are barebones as hell and literally just a few cubes places that still manage to have clipping walls while others are highly detailed and thought out, mostly the houses. Yet at some places you added no collision so for example in the mayors house at night I am just allowed to climb into the wall behind his desk and move out of bounds.
-Why is there a minimap if you didnt bother to actually load in a minimap, me being able to see where my character is in an empty green square adds nothing.
You asked for criticism so there you go. THIS ALL BEING SAID, I have seen working rpgmaker prototypes that had a worse setting and less content. This is not unsalvageable, far from it, you clearly know where you want things to go. But as far as I can see you really need to learn how to use rpgmaker, the main things holding it back right now is that the technical issues of the gameplay itself make it nearly unplayable. Your porn can be the best on this site, if no one can reach it in the game, no one will play. Keep fixing things and godspeed.