Jan 19, 2020
Kind of an odd question, but are there any mods/cards out there that put Nessa (from pokemon) into the game? I saw some pictures on pixiv of custom characters that they've made that look like her, but I can't find any that are available for download in the format of a card or mod, aside from one that doesn't look too good, in my opinion.


Aug 2, 2019
Hello Guys, one question: What's the fastest or at least an easy way to get all of a woman's stats (Love, Horny, Slave, Hate) to 100 or at least very high to have nearly all possible positions on her?
I also take mods as an answer^^


Sep 30, 2016

Technical Informations:
Uncompressed: ~91GB
Compressed (download): ~21,2GB
Recommended Specs: 3GB of free RAM, a atleast semi decent CPU + a decent GPU or you will have a hard time. SSD highly recommended

Generic Text:
They are still a few messed up items & duplicates in, I'm just tired of even reading this game title anymore, so this where I'll stop.
Base game / Studio / StudioNEO / BattleArena are working from what the around 100 people that are already playing told me.
Do you need to install anything else?...Well that depends. This should pretty much cover everything you can find, like mentioned before, some cards may need manual adjustment, some items may don't appear correctly, but so far every card was fixable in 1-2 minutes.
Also pretty much every error from FR2 should be fixed here.

The main reason why this is even here: Because of people, who asked me everyday about FR2 and when I would make FR3. I didn't want to let them down, so here you go.
There will be no FR4 or big updates anymore.

A lot of mods... look at the unpacked size.
About 500 clothing presets
460 tested pre-installed cards
A lot of clothing options, leading each tab might take a few seconds.
A lot of body customization's (4k Skins / 390 SkinTexOverlays / different bodys)
Pre-installed everything else that you need (uncensored / english / the essential stuff)
The ability to easily fix all upcoming problems with possible ID conflicts.
No more problems with Roy's cards (still need a little polish to be able to use them, but that takes about 5 sec [video tutorial included])

Things you should read:
Q:Everything will be perfect right? All of my 10000 cards will be working without any problems and I never need to install or do ANTHING else.
A: No, some card may have stuff that need manual Adjustments, some have mods specifically for them. All of that, you need to do by yourself.
Q: Why did you delay this so often?
A: Frustration, Koikatsu, RL Stuff.
Q: Game crashes what do I do?
A: Stay calm and think, a lot of people don't have problems, what could have happend that made it crash? If that doesn't fix it, ask in my discord.
Q: Does this support my 32-Bit Pentium-4 2.66ghz | 1GB RAM | Intel Graphics laptop?
A: Most likely not, 32-Bit isn't supported (You need 64-Bit). A SSD is also HIGHLY recommended. But just test it.
Q: Did you fix this whole G_battlearena stuff?
A: Yes I did, this was very careless on my part in FR2, but it's now fully gone.
Q: Why didn't you add Mod XYZ
A: I stopped at 91GB, FR2 was 39GB in comparison. You should have a lot of stuff to play around with.
Q: My HS is already working more than fine and I can use mine for everything I need. Should I download?
A: My packs are orientated to new players, lazy people who don't want to download 1000x files and people who broke their installation / lost it. If you can already do everything you want, than you should hold off on this one.
FlashBangZ Discord:

Archive Password: #=Idon'twanttotouchthisgameeveragain.LikeReally,I'm done#1

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Downloads (TORRENT ONLY)
Win: - - - -

I do not support this. This is just a copy and paste from hogfire before it went down
is this one safe to download ... ?


Sep 18, 2018
idk if im stupid or something... all im getting is a blackscreen when i start the game. might have done something to muck it up but idk what that would be. using the Fanpack.


Sep 30, 2016
Created a keyboad layout guide for the game as i was getting tired of switching thru a couple of text files and the F-screen. Enjoy:

[Base Game]
Esc - Exit
F1 - config screen
F2 - keyboard layout screen
F3 - help screen
F11 - screenshot
Q - cam to female face (+Ctrl for second char)
W - cam to female chest (+Ctrl for second char)
E - cam to female crotch (+Ctrl for second char)
R - cam reset
Home - cam zoom in
End - cam zoom out
PgUp - cam up
PgDown - cam down
Arrow Keys - cam move
Num5 - cam reset
Num4,6,8,2 - cam rotate
V - switch female clothes sets (+Ctrl for second char)
1 - toggle female eyes look to cam (+Ctrl for second char)
2 - toggle female head turns to cam (+Ctrl for second char)
3 - toggle male char (+Ctrl for second char)
8 - toggle male monochrome view (+Ctrl for second char)
4 - toggle show penis (+Ctrl for second char)
5 - toggle male clothing (+Ctrl for second char)
6 - toggle male accessories (+Ctrl for second char)
7 - toggle male shoes (+Ctrl for second char)
9 - switch liquid simple/detailed
0 - toggle liquid show (+Ctrl for second char)
A - toggle bloom
S - toggle sun shafts
D - toggle SSAO
F - toggle SSR
G - toggle fog
H - toggle self shadow
Z - toggle crosshair
X - toggle map (level visibility)
C - toggle obstacles (stuff between cam and chars)
T - toggle show mobs
Y - toggle H gauge (bottom right)
U - toggle light panel (bottom left)
I - toggle movement panel (bottom right)
Ctrl - skip dialog during conversation scenes

[Shortcuts Plugin]
S - toggle plugin on/off ***
N - toggle plugin menu
F9 - position previous
F10 - position next
B - change position variation
L - toggle postion randomizer
Shift+L - toggle position variation randomizer ***
Shift+V - toggle position variation randomizer ***
T - toggle cinema mode ***
Shift+Y - toggle movie mode
Shift+T - natural face behavior
M - make female cum
Z - make female piss
I - anim random speed
Num+ - anim speed increase
Num- - anim speed decrease
J - toggle slowmo
Shift+U - show/hide UI
P - toggle POV
Shift+P - toggle POV female
O - toggle POV with head follow
Shift+O - toggle POV with head follow female
6 - hide male head
Shift+6 - hide female head
F5 - change eyes
F6 - change eye openness
F7 - change mouth
F8 - change mouth openness
Shift+L - location select menu ***
Shift+M - load FUTA model (FUTA dialog visible)
Shift+D - toggle female FUTA clothes
Shift+S - toggle male FUTA clothes
Shift+F - reset all FUTA settings
Shift+G - reset all settings

[LockOn plugin]
C - lock on part hotkey

[SkinTex plugin]
J - open plugin window (pink square) ***

[AdjustMod plugin]
K - open plugin window (pink square) - opens only once?!

[honeyKatsu plugin]
Y - open plugin window (works in char maker) ***

[HSUS plugin]
RCtrl - show debug window

[ShortcutsHS plugin] - does not work, disabled
Z - toggle menu ***

*** key already in use, might conflict!
...the Shortcuts Plugin are not working for me. I've attached the structure of the Plugin foder, I'm pretty sure something is wrong because none of them is working in game.


Sep 30, 2016
...the Shortcuts Plugin are not working for me. I've attached the structure of the Plugin foder, I'm pretty sure something is wrong because none of them is working in game.
EDIT: NVM i forgot to download the Shortcut Plugin file ...:LOL:


Apr 23, 2018
So, just to make sure I'm doing this correctly, what do you do when all three parts are fully downloaded? Do you combine them into one or leave them as is.

Second question, how do you download and install modded characters correctly? I know about Character Cards but they didn't work last time I played this game.


Nov 12, 2019
Can somone tell me how to edit a character that has been created and saved? i wanted to delete some of the accessoreis and make some changes but when i see the accessroy list i cant DO anyting to it. I added a back pack by mistake and did NOT want it and I wanted to delete some wings on it.

So i have to save it with a new name to be able to make ediits?

is there a list of short cuts or hot keys?

i also hit some key by mistake and the character in the editor window closed her eyes and wont open them again :)

thanks for help i looked on line but didnt see any manual or help for this issue.


Nov 12, 2019
I found out that the "n" key brings down the short cuts and the K key a skin editor.

but i would still appreciate knowing more about controls for the Editor thanks

Ecchi Akuma

New Member
Dec 22, 2019
1st off, I'm new to HS but managed to figure out several things on my own after poring through numerous posts and mod sites.

I am currently trying to properly apply an uncensor mod to Honey Select. After a lot of trial and error I managed to sort of get HiLite's UC2 mod working. My models have holes where they are supposed to be but it doesn't look exactly the way that it does on his blog site. There is a reply that HiLite makes to a "Jack" saying that he got the models to look like that by using a custom Skin Texture based on Play Club assets and then provides a link to those assets files. But he doesn't say how he then exported those .assets into Honey Select. I at first thought it was going to be a SkinTex Mod image file, but it is instead resources.assets file. Now, I'm kind of stumped what to do after downloading that, but I did stumble accross the Unity Asset Bundle Extractor in the "How To Uncensor (Almost) Any Unity Game)" Tutorial here at f95zone.

Before I wade into the UABE, am I even on the right track? Or is there already something simpler I can apply to get my models to look the way they do on HiLite's blog? Thanks for any replies pointing me in the right direction.

TL;DR: How to get my HS uncensored models to look like they do on HiLite's blog? Play Club assets? UABE?


Apr 23, 2018
Can someone who has successfully modded this game please instruct me on how to properly do it? I have followed the guides, tutorials, and even videos and have failed every time. Obviously I am doing something wrong but I don't know what it is. I've tried moving the plugins into the Plugin folder. I've tried dragging and dropping plugins like WideSlider into IPA but then it says no DLL detected. So I've tried copying and pasting the dll into the main folder but the same error comes up. I was told to launch the WideSlider application. Tried it and an error came up. This has been the case with everything and its gotten to the point where now I'm on my fifth reinstall because I end up mucking the game. I am obviously Tech Illiterate despite having extensive knowledge on technology so if someone could give me a very simple (because that's what I am apparently) guide on how to properly install the required plugins, like WideSlider and HS_GGmod, then that would be helpful. Sorry for the rant, I know its not that big of a deal but I've become frustrated with this game and with myself.

Ecchi Akuma

New Member
Dec 22, 2019
Can someone who has successfully modded this game please instruct me on how to properly do it? I have followed the guides, tutorials, and even videos and have failed every time. Obviously I am doing something wrong but I don't know what it is. I've tried moving the plugins into the Plugin folder. I've tried dragging and dropping plugins like WideSlider into IPA but then it says no DLL detected. So I've tried copying and pasting the dll into the main folder but the same error comes up. I was told to launch the WideSlider application. Tried it and an error came up. This has been the case with everything and its gotten to the point where now I'm on my fifth reinstall because I end up mucking the game. I am obviously Tech Illiterate despite having extensive knowledge on technology so if someone could give me a very simple (because that's what I am apparently) guide on how to properly install the required plugins, like WideSlider and HS_GGmod, then that would be helpful. Sorry for the rant, I know its not that big of a deal but I've become frustrated with this game and with myself.
Using the HS_GGMod_Neo_v1.6.1 mod as an example:
1. Extract it and you should have two folders 'abdata' and 'Plugins' (There are 3 dlls in the Plugins folder)
2. Copy those 2 folders into your HS base directory, and confirm when asked to merge files with existing abdata and Plugins folder that exist already.
3. Run IPA, a window will open asking to drag .exe into it. Drag the HoneySelect_64.exe file into that window.
4. Run IPA, a window will open asking to drag .exe into it. Drag the HoneyStudio_64.exe file into that window.
5. Run IPA, a window will open asking to drag .exe into it. Drag the StudioNEO_64.exe file into that window.

Mod should be installed now.


Apr 23, 2018
Using the HS_GGMod_Neo_v1.6.1 mod as an example:
1. Extract it and you should have two folders 'abdata' and 'Plugins' (There are 3 dlls in the Plugins folder)
2. Copy those 2 folders into your HS base directory, and confirm when asked to merge files with existing abdata and Plugins folder that exist already.
3. Run IPA, a window will open asking to drag .exe into it. Drag the HoneySelect_64.exe file into that window.
4. Run IPA, a window will open asking to drag .exe into it. Drag the HoneyStudio_64.exe file into that window.
5. Run IPA, a window will open asking to drag .exe into it. Drag the StudioNEO_64.exe file into that window.

Mod should be installed now.
And this is for all required Plugins yes? I finally gotten WideSlider to work properly and that's how far I got last night.


Nov 27, 2018
I'd like to try this game out, but i have no idea what version I should use.
Whats the difference between the Fan version, and the All-in-one official version?
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