Also, ok so I'm assuming the translated expansion has never been released on here/torrented (extended unlimited) either? Because I can't seem to find it, is the only way to play it literally to buy it right now?
Also are the 2 expansions included in the fan version FR3.5 then? Should I just go with and use that?
I'm kind of at a crossroads here, I'm like do I pay $100 for the legit game + expansion (even though the sequel is coming out in 2 weeks) or do I get more if I just use the FR version (not including mods) for a lot less.
I understand. Jumping into Honey Select properly is like Jumping into Skyrim modded.
The base game just wont due and introducing yourself to the community leaves you on the road by yourself. No "Welcome" sign and tutorial.
Well I suggest you go to theHoneySelct subreddit and check the pastebines.Assuming you already got the game (which you can literally get here, in the original post of this thread. Like, go fo rhte Fan version, Oficial version is the Vanilla game but proper. This one is not very modding friendly, everybody else uses the Fan version with everything on it. And everybody that uses HoneySelct actively and engages in the community as well. (So it would seem at least)
So, If you're a beginner into this, go for the FR3. The torrent file is 21 gb and when decompressed its 91gb. I suggest using an External Hard Drive.
That one is Fully modded and personalized. I started back in 2018 not having a clue and just trouble shooting on my own. (Felt like the old days as a kid learning how a computer works as I went by modding games like the old GTA Games)
ANYHOW. Yeah, FR3 is like a super complete version of the game inclusing mods andthe super extended library of customizations. I'm about to try it myself just now. BUT If you feel like making your own and learning as you go and discovering what is the game like and modding it as you go to get a contrast of the feeling and inner works, Get the FAN Version of the game in the original post of this thread.
Its almost 10gb I believe, but always read the instructions. These game becomes a headache to install and grow because unless you bought it, you must (For every new installation in a NEW PC or so) run some insaller programs. That's the stuff you see in steps.
Its complicated, and installing mods its a manual job al thought not as hard as one might think, but depending on the kind of mods,you can easily get lost with how many mini mods there are out there when installing, that atsome point you might just encounter a problem. This will make you a troubleshooter, and if you stop playing the game, and never fix the game or forget what it was, you might just mess your game and be like "Well shit, I don't remember what was the mod that messed my game so I can't even fix it now. What do I do?"
And that's part of the reason why FR3 was also made. (As far as I've gathered from yesterday when I first discovered it and based out of my own experience a couple of years ago)
Its a great game really. Not just for fapping, its pretty well made.
Anyhow. That's that. Get either the FAN Version of the game and try it out, with the base mods like installing the translations that already comes in the package and sliders and stuff, or go for the FR3.5 version that brings everything pretty much done for you. All you gotta do is follow the 5 steps in there. 2 of them just been "decompress and launch".
Leran the game and slowly enter the community. And yeah. Welcome.