On Jan. 14 I wrote (among others): "That is by far too little for a sex story that claims to be. No pussy sex at all although a bunch of beautiful girls like Akane, Kyoko and Izumi are literally waiting to get fucked. Instead of it we got an endless swimming pool scene.". Then I asked for "Come on, get finally sexy. I mean REALLY SEXY !!" and got an approval by the developer.
Hm, what to say after the latest addition? He just added annother non-sex-scene with some pussy licking (Kazumi) ... and some giant ladybugs (Huuuhh???? wtf ...). No fuck at all although both characters, the boy AND the girl, wanted it. LITERALLY !! EXPRESSIS VERBIS !!! Well, what happened? Don't you like pussy sex??
And by reworking the whole story from the beginning the developer had also the unique chance to rework his old story from including the sexy (but not sex) scene where Akane "raids" the MC in his "bath tub". I checked it out ...and I could not believe that he didn't use this chance, there was NO CHANGE AT ALL !! He could fuck the hell out of super hot Akane's vagina -- and by the way both said that they want it !! -- and then this. Nothing, nada, nichts, niente, rien, нічого. What a lost chance!! Obviously you want to spare real fuck sex until the never-never-day. It may be a surprise to you (who really got drawing [but not story-telling] talent as we can see), but I still think that a sex story should have sex scenes (and ... by far! ... less endless mind-thinking verbalization). To my definition of "sex" this should be more than some pussy rubbing or licking. I can only repeat myself: Come on, get finally sexy. I mean REALLY SEXY !! And please, please, p-l-e-a-s-e, get focused with that more on the hottest girls like Kyoko and Akane and less on the nice nerdy ones (as you probably plan). багато удачі !